
1 不定式与介词的搭配

1-1 不定式作表示地点、场所的关系代词时,要注意加上与地点、场所相符的介词。

We are looking for a big room to live in. 我们正在寻找一间大房子居住。

This is the right place for you to put the thingsat. 这是放这些东西的合适地方。

1-2 不定式是含有介词的固定短语,介词不能更换。

That's the man for you to take care of. 那是你要照顾的人。

He has a math problem to work on. 他有一道数学题要演算。

1-3 有时不定式作为修饰语与被修饰时,在意思和结构上不完整,要加上介词才完整。

He needs someone to goto China with. 他需要和某人一起去台中。

I can't find a box to putthe books in. 我找不到放这些书的盒子。


2 "for+宾格+不定式" 的用法

"for sb. to do sth." 在句中可做:主语、宾语、关系代词、形容词、副词。

这种for sb. to do sth.复合结构中的宾语是不定式动作的发出者,这种结构可以在句中担任:

2-1 作主语

It's dangerous for them to play in the street.



It is hard for her to say good-bye.


2-2 作宾语

They gave this work for Kevin to do.


2-3 作关系代词

This is the only way for them to choose.


2-4 作形容词

This kind of music is for children to listen to.


2-5 作副词

She opened the windows for the sunshine to come in.



3 容易犯错的句子

3-1 你最好不要去那里。

You'd better not to go there. ×

You had not better go there. ×

You'd better not go there. √

had better 是一个固定短语,后接原形动词,had better do sth.的意思是“最好做某事”,其否定句式是had better not do sth.,not应放better后,不可以说:had not better do sth.或had better not to do sth.

3-2 让我们停下来休息一下吧。

Let's stop having a rest. ×

Let's stop to have a rest. √

stop having a rest是“停止休息”的意思,而stop to do sth."停下正在做的事而去做另一件事".所以表示“停下来休息一会”应说:stop to have a rest.试着比较:

Stop talking, please. 请不要说话了。

He stopped to talk to her. 他停下来跟她谈话。

3-3 玛丽正忙于做作业。

Mary is busy to do her homework. ×

Mary is busy (in) doing her homework. √

Mary is busy with her homework. √

在英语中表示“忙于做某事”应说:be busy (in) doing sth 。 busy后不接动词不定式,跟名词或代词时,应说:be busy with sth.

3-4 老师叫他上学不要再迟到。

The teacher told him don't be late for school again. ×

The teacher told him not to be late for school again. √

“叫某人做某事”应说:tell sb to do sth,其否定形式是tell sb not to do sth.。不定式短语在句子中作宾语补语。

3-5 格林先生喜欢住在台湾。

Mr. Green enjoys to live in Taiwan. ×

Mr. Green enjoys living in Taiwan. √


3-6 汤姆在看他们打篮球。

Tom is watching them to play basketball. ×

Tom is watching them play basketball. √

在动词watch, see, hear, let, make等后面跟不定式作宾语补语时,不定式不带to。

3-7 我希望你能来。

I hope you to come. ×

I hope that you will come. √


3-8 他让我等了一周。

He kept me to wait for a week. ×

He kept me waiting for a week. √


Don't keep your mother waiting. 不要让你妈妈等了。

3-9 我花了一个小时作功课。

It took me one hour doing my homework. ×

It took me one hour to do my homework. √

“花费某人多长时间做某事”,应用句型it takes (过去时took,将来时wil take)sb. something to do sth.,其中的不定式不可换为动名词。


3-10 我不知道是否要去那儿。

I don't know if to go there or not. ×

I don't know whether to go there or not. √

带know的动词不定式,可用在whether后与whether一起作谓语动词的宾语,但不可直接跟在 if后面。

3-11 你想买什么?

What do you want buy? ×

What do you want buying? ×

What do you want to buy? √

表示“想要做什么?”应说:want to do sth., want后跟不定式(宾语)

3-12 这男孩看起来做得很好。

The boy looks to do it quite well. ×

The boy seems to do it quite well. √

look和seem都可跟动词不定式,表示“看起来”的意思,但是look后只能和to be连用。例如:

She looks to be very young. 她看起来很年轻。

3-13 我不知道应该怎么办。

I don't know how to do. ×

I don't know what to do. √

中文中“怎么办”实际上是“做什么”,本句中what作to do的宾语,不能用how,比较:

I don’t know what to do.

我不知道该怎么办。(what作 to do 宾语)

I don’t know how to do it。

我不知道如何做这件事。(how作to do的副词)

3-14 请给我一张纸写些东西。

Please give me a piece of paper to write. ×

Please give me a piece of paper to write on. √

动词不定式作关系代词时,与其前面所修饰的名词在逻辑上有主从关系,所以不定式应是及物动词。如果说不定式是不及物动词,应在后面加上合适的介词。又如:He had only a small room to live in.他只有一个小房间居住。

3-15 记得帮我寄信。

Remember mailing the letter for me. ×

Remember to mail the letter for me. √


I remember seeing this film before. 我记得以前看过这部电影。

3-16 你出去时不要忘了关灯。

Don't forget turning off the light when you go out. ×

Don't forget to turn off the light when you go out. √


I forgot to meet her there. 我忘记到那儿去跟她见面。(没见面)

I forgot meeting her there.我忘记曾在那儿跟她见过面。(不确定是否见过面)

3-17 你的信写完了吗?

Have you finished to write the letter? ×

Have you finished writing the letter? √


3-18 你想要喝一杯茶吗?

Would you like having a cup of tea? ×

Would you like to have a cup of tea? √

Would you like a cup of tea? √

would like后可跟名词、代词或动词不定式,但不能跟动名词。

3-19 请你不要这样做好吗?

Will you please not to do this? ×

Will you please not do this? √

will you please后应跟不带to的动词不定式,其否定是在不定式前加not

3-20 为什么不出去散散步呢?

Why not to go for a walk? ×

Why not going for a walk? ×

Why not go for a walk? √

“why not + 原形动词” 通常用来表示建议。注意后面不能跟动名词或带to的动词不定式。

3-21 你需要搭5号公车。

You need take the No. 5 bus. ×

You need to take the No. 5 bus. √


3-22 see sb. doing sth.和see sb. do sth. 在意思上有什么区别?

see sb. doing sth.的意思是“看见某人正在做某事”着重动作的部分过程,表示动作当时正在进行; see sb. do sth.的意思“看见某人做过某事”着重于动作的全过程,表示动作已经完成或结束。比较:

I saw him playing basketball on the playground。(着重打篮球动作正在进行)


I saw him play basketball on the playground. (着重打篮球的全过程及完成)


3-23 过来喝一杯牛奶好吗?

Come having a glass of milk, will you? ×

Come and have a glass of milk , will you? √

祈使句中come, go, run, stay, hurry up等动词或动词短语后习惯上用and来代替表示目的的不定式。如:

Come and meet my family.见见我的家人

Go and see.(你) 去看看、

3-24 莉莉病了,不想吃饭。

Lily is ill; she doesn't feel like to eat. ×

Lily is ill; she doesn't feel like eating. √

feel like后可跟名词或代词,跟动词时要用动名词,不能跟不定式。

3-25 我只想闭上眼睛尽快入睡。

I just want to close my eyes and to go to sleep as quickly as possible. ×

I just want to close my eyes and go to sleep as quickly as possible. √


3-26 你和我一起去玩好吗?好吧,我乐意去。

-Will you go and play with me? -Yes, I'm glad. ×

-Will you go and play with me? -Yes, I'm glad to. √

当to单独使用时,表示句中省略了一个不定式。这种省略适用于对话中或上下文已提到过或使用过的动词,但to 不能省略。该句答句中“be glad to” 后省略了“go and play with you”但to不能省略。

3-27 他什么也不说,只是哭。

He said nothing but to cry. ×

He said nothing but cry. √

含有nothing but 的句子含有实义动词 do (does, did)时,后其后面的不定式不带to,比如:

He did nothing but laugh.他什么也不做,只是在大笑。

3-28 听到这件事我很难过。

I'm sorry hearing that. ×

I'm sorry to hear that. √

动词不定式常用在某些形容词后面作副词,说明产生这种情绪的原因等。这种结构中常用的形容词有:happy, glad, sorry, angry, kind, pleased等,注意:这类形容词后一般不跟动名词作副词。



