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After entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the demand for efficient management models is increasing day by day. At the same time, the advent of the Internet + era, in the major universities, has risen the use of intelligent system management of student information, a perfect campus management system, convenient for students to enter grades, grade inquiries, course inquiries and other related functions, at the same time, for the lecturer is also convenient, query the grade assignment well, comprehensive inspection also for the college evaluation also has outstanding contributions, it can be seen that the use of computer platform management of student information is very necessary and effective, the establishment of a perfect smart campus system, It is very necessary. On the basis of the existing student management system, a set of management systems with separate front and back ends has been designed and developed. The system function module has home page display, student management, teacher management, class management, grade management, management management management and personal information management and other modules. The project mainly implements the functions of each module for self-modification of information, as well as query, addition and deletion. The front end of the system uses HTML+CSS+VUE to achieve page effect display, and the back end uses SpringBoot+MybatisPlus framework to implement data storage and other services. The storage layer uses high-performance MySQL, the server uses SpringBoot’s built-in Tomcat9.x, and the project build tool uses Maven to manage jar packages and project builds.
Key words: SpringBoot、MybatisPlus、computer information management、MySQL

1 导 论 1
1.1 选题背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外文献综述 1
1.2.1国内研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 1
1.3 论文的主要内容 2
1.4 论文的结构 3
2 核心技术介绍 3
2.1VUE技术简介 3
2.2 SSM技术介绍 5
2.2.1SSM框架各层介绍 5
2.2.2SSM框架各层关系 6
2.3 MVC架构 6
2.3.1MVC框架工作流程 7
2.4 SpringBoot技术 8
2.4.1 Spring Boot的核心功能 8
2.5 MyBatisPlus技术 9
3项目需求及可行性分析 10
3.1功能需求分析 10
3.1.1总体功能需求概述 10
3.1.2数据库 11
3.1.3登录控制 14
3.1.4年级模块 15
3.1.5班级模块 16
3.1.6学生模块 16
3.1.7教师模块 16
3.1.8管理员模块 16
3.2 非功能性需求分析 17
3.2.1 界面需求 17
3.2.2 响应时间需求 17
3.2.3 可靠性需求 17
3.2.4 可扩展性需求 17
3.2.5 系统安全性需求 18
4项目环境搭建 18
4.1准备项目结构 18
4.1.1使用IDEA的SpringBoot脚手架创建一个Maven项目 18
4.1.2 创建完毕后,检查项目的Maven配置,安装Lombok插件 18
4.1.3在pom.xml中到导入相关依赖 19
4.2准备相关配置文件 20
4.2.1准备application.yml配置文件 20
4.2.2准备分页插件的配置类 21
4.2.3准备Swagger2的配置类 21
4.2.4准备util下的工具类(部分展示) 23
5部分功能实现及接口验证 24
5.1 验证码功能实现 24
5.1.1效果截图 24
5.1.2核心代码 24
5.1.3swagger2接口文档查阅 25
5.2 年级管理功能实现 25
5.2.1效果截图 25
5.2.2核心代码 26
5.2.3 swagger测试接口功能 27
5.3添加和修改学生信息 28
5.3.1效果截图 28
5.3.2核心代码 28
5.3.3swagger测试接口 29
5.4管理员管理功能实现 29
5.4.1管理员修改自己的密码 29
5.4.2效果截图 29
5.4.3核心代码 29
6系统实现中关键的问题和解决方案 31
6.1前后端分离开发,接口文档和接口测试问题 31
6.2数据安全问题 31
结语 33
参考文献 35
致谢 36

