anson2004110的文章 - 知乎
0. 在VioManager.cpp中初始化跟踪器
1. TrackBase
1.1 成员变量
1.2 undistort_point去畸变矫正,针孔和鱼眼模型
1.2.1 undistort_point_brown针孔模型:
1.2.2 undistort_point_fisheye鱼眼模型:
1.3 set_calibration相机参数更新,调整特征点去畸变后的2D坐标
2. TrackKLT: public TrackBase
2.1 初始化
2.2 feed_stereo双目跟踪
2.3 perform_detection_stereo特征点跟踪的补点模块
2.4 perform_matching 两帧的金字塔光流跟踪和Ransac剔除错误匹配
0. 在VioManager.cpp中初始化跟踪器
OpenVINS提供了三种跟踪器,TrackKLT光流跟踪,TrackDescriptor描述子匹配跟踪和TrackAruco二维码跟踪 。本文仅分析光流跟踪过程,描述子匹配法类似。
// Lets make a feature extractor
if(use_klt) {
trackFEATS = new TrackKLT(num_pts,state->options().max_aruco_features,fast_threshold,grid_x,grid_y,min_px_dist);
trackFEATS->set_calibration(camera_calib, camera_fisheye);
} else {
trackFEATS = new TrackDescriptor(num_pts,state->options().max_aruco_features,fast_threshold,grid_x,grid_y,knn_ratio);
trackFEATS->set_calibration(camera_calib, camera_fisheye);
// Initialize our aruco tag extractor
if(use_aruco) {
trackARUCO = new TrackAruco(state->options().max_aruco_features,do_downsizing);
trackARUCO->set_calibration(camera_calib, camera_fisheye);
1. TrackBase,基类
1.1 成员变量
/// Database with all our current features
FeatureDatabase *database;
/// If we are a fisheye model or not
/// Camera intrinsics in OpenCV format
/// Camera distortion in OpenCV format
/// Number of features we should try to track frame to frame
int num_features;
/// Mutexs for our last set of image storage (img_last, pts_last, and ids_last)
/// Last set of images (use map so all trackers render in the same order)
/// Last set of tracked points
/// Set of IDs of each current feature in the database
/// Master ID for this tracker (atomic to allow for multi-threading)
1.2 undistort_point去畸变矫正,针孔和鱼眼模型
* @brief Main function that will undistort/normalize a point.
* @param pt_in uv 2x1 point that we will undistort
* @param cam_id id of which camera this point is in
* @return undistorted 2x1 point
* Given a uv point, this will undistort it based on the camera matrices.
* This will call on the model needed, depending on what type of camera it is!
* So if we have fisheye for camera_1 is true, we will undistort with the fisheye model.
* In Kalibr's terms, the non-fisheye is `pinhole-radtan` while the fisheye is the `pinhole-equi` model.
cv::Point2f undistort_point(cv::Point2f pt_in, size_t cam_id) {
// Determine what camera parameters we should use
cv::Matx33d camK = this->;
cv::Vec4d camD = this->;
// Call on the fisheye if we should!
if (this-> {
return undistort_point_fisheye(pt_in, camK, camD);
return undistort_point_brown(pt_in, camK, camD);
1.2.1 undistort_point_brown针孔模型:
* @brief Undistort function RADTAN/BROWN.
* Given a uv point, this will undistort it based on the camera matrices.
* To equate this to Kalibr's models, this is what you would use for `pinhole-radtan`.
cv::Point2f undistort_point_brown(cv::Point2f pt_in, cv::Matx33d &camK, cv::Vec4d &camD) {
// Convert to opencv format
cv::Mat mat(1, 2, CV_32F);
mat = mat.reshape(2); // Nx1, 2-channel
// Undistort it!
cv::undistortPoints(mat, mat, camK, camD);
// Construct our return vector
cv::Point2f pt_out;
mat = mat.reshape(1); // Nx2, 1-channel
pt_out.x =
pt_out.y =
return pt_out;
1.2.2 undistort_point_fisheye鱼眼模型:
* @brief Undistort function FISHEYE/EQUIDISTANT.
* Given a uv point, this will undistort it based on the camera matrices.
* To equate this to Kalibr's models, this is what you would use for `pinhole-equi`.
cv::Point2f undistort_point_fisheye(cv::Point2f pt_in, cv::Matx33d &camK, cv::Vec4d &camD) {
// Convert point to opencv format
cv::Mat mat(1, 2, CV_32F);
mat = mat.reshape(2); // Nx1, 2-channel
// Undistort it!
cv::fisheye::undistortPoints(mat, mat, camK, camD);
// Construct our return vector
cv::Point2f pt_out;
mat = mat.reshape(1); // Nx2, 1-channel
pt_out.x =
pt_out.y =
return pt_out;
1.3 set_calibration相机参数更新,调整特征点去畸变后的2D坐标
* @brief Given a the camera intrinsic values, this will set what we should normalize points with.
* This will also update the feature database with corrected normalized values.
* Normally this would only be needed if we are optimizing our camera parameters, and thus should re-normalize.
* @param camera_calib Calibration parameters for all cameras [fx,fy,cx,cy,d1,d2,d3,d4]
* @param camera_fisheye Map of camera_id => bool if we should do radtan or fisheye distortion model
* @param correct_active If we should re-undistort active features in our database
void set_calibration(std::map
step 1 若是第一次调用,则进行构造
if(mtx_feeds.empty() || camera_k_OPENCV.empty() || camera_k_OPENCV.empty() || this->camera_fisheye.empty()) {
// Create our mutex array based on the number of cameras we have
// See
mtx_feeds.swap(list); //交换空间,这里的作用类似于初始化
// Overwrite our fisheye calibration
this->camera_fisheye = camera_fisheye;
// Convert values to the OpenCV format
for (auto const &cam : camera_calib) {
// Assert we are of size eight
// Camera matrix
cv::Matx33d tempK;
tempK(0, 0) = cam.second(0);
tempK(0, 1) = 0;
tempK(0, 2) = cam.second(2);
tempK(1, 0) = 0;
tempK(1, 1) = cam.second(1);
tempK(1, 2) = cam.second(3);
tempK(2, 0) = 0;
tempK(2, 1) = 0;
tempK(2, 2) = 1;
camera_k_OPENCV.insert({cam.first, tempK}); // 内参数
// Distortion parameters
cv::Vec4d tempD;
tempD(0) = cam.second(4);
tempD(1) = cam.second(5);
tempD(2) = cam.second(6);
tempD(3) = cam.second(7);
camera_d_OPENCV.insert({cam.first, tempD}); // 畸变系数
// Convert values to the OpenCV format
for (auto const &cam : camera_calib) {
// Lock this image feed
// Fisheye value
this-> =;
// Assert we are of size eight
// Camera matrix
cv::Matx33d tempK;
tempK(0, 0) = cam.second(0);
tempK(0, 1) = 0;
tempK(0, 2) = cam.second(2);
tempK(1, 0) = 0;
tempK(1, 1) = cam.second(1);
tempK(1, 2) = cam.second(3);
tempK(2, 0) = 0;
tempK(2, 1) = 0;
tempK(2, 2) = 1; = tempK;
// Distortion parameters
cv::Vec4d tempD;
tempD(0) = cam.second(4);
tempD(1) = cam.second(5);
tempD(2) = cam.second(6);
tempD(3) = cam.second(7); = tempD;
step 2 根据标志位correct_active =true,进行图像特征点去畸变2D坐标重新计算(仅在EKF更新之后,在线标定相机内参数调整之后调用的)
// If we are calibrating camera intrinsics our normalize coordinates will be stale
// This is because we appended them to the database with the current best guess *at that timestep*
// Thus here since we have a change in calibration, re-normalize all the features we have
if(correct_active) {
// Get all features in this database
// Loop through and correct each one
for(const auto& pair_feat : features_idlookup) {
// Get our feature
Feature *feat = pair_feat.second;
// Loop through each camera for this feature
for (auto const& meas_pair : feat->timestamps) {
size_t camid = meas_pair.first;
for(size_t m=0; m
cv::Point2f pt(feat->, feat->;
cv::Point2f pt_n = undistort_point(pt,camid);
feat-> = pt_n.x;
feat-> = pt_n.y;
2. TrackKLT: public TrackBase
跟踪点数在400 -500个
* @brief KLT tracking of features.
* This is the implementation of a KLT visual frontend for tracking sparse features.
* We can track either monocular cameras across time (temporally) along with
* stereo cameras which we also track across time (temporally) but track from left to right
* to find the stereo correspondence information also.
* This uses the [calcOpticalFlowPyrLK]( OpenCV function to do the KLT tracking.
2.1 初始化
* @brief Public constructor with configuration variables
* @param numfeats number of features we want want to track (i.e. track 200 points from frame to frame)
* @param numaruco the max id of the arucotags, so we ensure that we start our non-auroc features above this value
* @param fast_threshold FAST detection threshold
* @param gridx size of grid in the x-direction / u-direction
* @param gridy size of grid in the y-direction / v-direction
* @param minpxdist features need to be at least this number pixels away from each other
explicit TrackKLT(int numfeats, int numaruco, int fast_threshold, int gridx, int gridy, int minpxdist) : TrackBase(numfeats, numaruco), threshold(fast_threshold), grid_x(gridx), grid_y(gridy), min_px_dist(minpxdist) {}
2.2 feed_stereo双目跟踪
void TrackKLT::feed_stereo(double timestamp, cv::Mat &img_leftin, cv::Mat &img_rightin, size_t cam_id_left, size_t cam_id_right) {
step 1 直方图均衡化(图像预处理)
// Histogram equalize
cv::Mat img_left, img_right;
boost::thread t_lhe = boost::thread(cv::equalizeHist, boost::cref(img_leftin), boost::ref(img_left));
boost::thread t_rhe = boost::thread(cv::equalizeHist, boost::cref(img_rightin), boost::ref(img_right));
step 2 金字塔,层数pyr_levels=3
// Extract image pyramids (boost seems to require us to put all the arguments even if there are defaults....)
boost::thread t_lp = boost::thread(cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid, boost::cref(img_left),
boost::ref(imgpyr_left), boost::ref(win_size), boost::ref(pyr_levels), false,
boost::thread t_rp = boost::thread(cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid, boost::cref(img_right),
boost::ref(imgpyr_right), boost::ref(win_size), boost::ref(pyr_levels),
false, cv::BORDER_REFLECT_101, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, true);
step 3 首次增加左右相机检测和跟踪上的特征点然后返回,其余直接提取前后的
// If we didn't have any successful tracks last time, just extract this time
// This also handles, the tracking initalization on the first call to this extractor
if(pts_last[cam_id_left].empty() || pts_last[cam_id_right].empty()) {
// Track into the new image
perform_detection_stereo(imgpyr_left, imgpyr_right, pts_last[cam_id_left], pts_last[cam_id_right], ids_last[cam_id_left], ids_last[cam_id_right]);
// Save the current image and pyramid
img_last[cam_id_left] = img_left.clone();
img_last[cam_id_right] = img_right.clone();
img_pyramid_last[cam_id_left] = imgpyr_left;
img_pyramid_last[cam_id_right] = imgpyr_right;
step 4 左右相机分别用前后帧进行特征点光流跟踪和Ransac匹配剔除各自错误匹配
// Our return success masks, and predicted new features
// Lets track temporally
boost::thread t_ll = boost::thread(&TrackKLT::perform_matching, this, boost::cref(img_pyramid_last[cam_id_left]), boost::cref(imgpyr_left), boost::ref(pts_last[cam_id_left]), boost::ref(pts_left_new), cam_id_left, cam_id_left, boost::ref(mask_ll));
boost::thread t_rr = boost::thread(&TrackKLT::perform_matching, this, boost::cref(img_pyramid_last[cam_id_right]), boost::cref(imgpyr_right),boost::ref(pts_last[cam_id_right]), boost::ref(pts_right_new), cam_id_right, cam_id_right, boost::ref(mask_rr));
// Wait till both threads finish
step 5 再用左右相机光流和Ransac剔除错误匹配
// left to right matching
perform_matching(imgpyr_left, imgpyr_right, pts_left_new, pts_right_new, cam_id_left, cam_id_right, mask_lr);
步骤4和5 两个匹配特征点剔除的操作如下图所示:
step 6 跟踪失败则重新开始(也就是说msckf 遇到快速运动,纹理较少的时候特征点没有连续跟踪也
// If any of our masks are empty, that means we didn't have enough to do ransac, so just return
if(mask_ll.empty() || mask_rr.empty() || mask_lr.empty()) {
step 7 存储跟踪较好的点
// Loop through all left points
for(size_t i=0; i
// Ensure we do not have any bad KLT tracks (i.e., points are negative)
if(pts_left_new[i].pt.x < 0 || pts_left_new[i].pt.y < 0 || pts_right_new[i].pt.x < 0 || pts_right_new[i].pt.y < 0)
// If it is a good track, and also tracked from left to right
if(mask_ll[i] && mask_rr[i] && mask_lr[i]) {
step 8 更新相机特征点坐标,包括畸变前后的坐标,和时间戳
// Update our feature database, with theses new observations
for(size_t i=0; i
// Assert that our IDs are the same (i.e., stereo )
// Try to undistort the point
cv::Point2f npt_l = undistort_point(, cam_id_left);
cv::Point2f npt_r = undistort_point(, cam_id_right);
// Append to the database
database->update_feature(, timestamp, cam_id_left,,,
npt_l.x, npt_l.y);
database->update_feature(, timestamp, cam_id_right,,,
npt_r.x, npt_r.y);
在 FeatureDatabase.h中定义了一个features_idlookup:
/// Our lookup array that allow use to query based on ID
它存储了特征点的ID 唯一标识,和该特征点在所有跟踪帧里的坐标和时间戳信息。 它维护了所有特征点的生命周期。
update_feature 参考Feature 文件中的定义
step 9 更新最后一帧信息,用于下一帧跟踪
// Move forward in time
img_last[cam_id_left] = img_left.clone();
img_last[cam_id_right] = img_right.clone();
img_pyramid_last[cam_id_left] = imgpyr_left;
img_pyramid_last[cam_id_right] = imgpyr_right;
pts_last[cam_id_left] = good_left;
pts_last[cam_id_right] = good_right;
ids_last[cam_id_left] = good_ids_left;
ids_last[cam_id_right] = good_ids_right;
2.3 perform_detection_stereo特征点跟踪的补点模块
* @brief Detects new features in the current stereo pair
* @param img0pyr left image we will detect features on (first level of pyramid)
* @param img1pyr right image we will detect features on (first level of pyramid)
* @param pts0 left vector of currently extracted keypoints
* @param pts1 right vector of currently extracted keypoints
* @param ids0 left vector of feature ids for each currently extracted keypoint
* @param ids1 right vector of feature ids for each currently extracted keypoint
* This does the same logic as the perform_detection_monocular() function, but we also enforce stereo contraints.
* So we detect features in the left image, and then KLT track them onto the right image.
* If we have valid tracks, then we have both the keypoint on the left and its matching point in the right image.
* Will try to always have the "max_features" being tracked through KLT at each timestep.
void perform_detection_stereo(const std::vector
step 1 将图像划分成Grid,每个子grid中只有一个特征点
// Create a 2D occupancy grid for this current image
// Note that we scale this down, so that each grid point is equal to a set of pixels
// This means that we will reject points that less then grid_px_size points away then existing features
Eigen::MatrixXi grid_2d_current = Eigen::MatrixXi::Zero((int)( / min_px_dist) + 10, (int)( / min_px_dist) + 10); //min_px_dist在euroc数据集下是10个像素,640x480分辨率的整幅图一共有64x48个grid,每个子grid中只有一个特征点
while(it0 != pts0.end()) {
// Get current left keypoint
cv::KeyPoint kpt = *it0;
// Check if this keypoint is near another point
if(grid_2d_current((int)(,(int)( == 1) { // 已经被占用,则删除这个特征点
it0 = pts0.erase(it0);
it1 = pts1.erase(it1);
it2 = ids0.erase(it2);
it3 = ids1.erase(it3);
// Else we are good, move forward to the next point
grid_2d_current((int)(,(int)( = 1; // 设置grid被占用
step 2 只在金字塔的第一层图像提取FAST特征点,总数不超过num_features ,通常400-500个点
// First compute how many more features we need to extract from this image
int num_featsneeded = num_features - (int)pts0.size();
// If we don't need any features, just return
if(num_featsneeded < 1)
// Extract our features (use fast with griding)
Grider_FAST::perform_griding(, pts0_ext, num_featsneeded, grid_x, grid_y, threshold, true); // 通常fast特征点的 grid_x=10 , grid_y =8,threshold=10
step 3 在新检测出来的特征点的基础上,在原有grid的基础上增加新的未被占用的特征点
// Now, reject features that are close a current feature
for(auto& kpt : pts0_ext) {
// See if there is a point at this location
if(grid_2d((int)(,(int)( == 1)
// Else lets add it!
grid_2d((int)(,(int)( = 1;
step 4 金字塔光流跟踪
// Now do KLT tracking to get the valid projections
// Note: we have a pretty big window size here since our projection might be bad
// Note: but this might cause failure in cases of repeated textures (eg. checkerboard)
cv::TermCriteria term_crit = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 15, 0.01);
cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img0pyr, img1pyr, pts0_new, pts1_new, mask, error, win_size, pyr_levels, term_crit, cv::OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW);
//参数win_size = cv::Size(15, 15);
step 5 拷贝跟踪成功点
// Loop through and record only ones that are valid
for(size_t i=0; i
if(mask[i] == 1) {
// update the uv coordinates =; =;
// append the new uv coordinate
// move id foward and append this new point
size_t temp = ++currid; // 这个是特征点唯一的ID,不断累计
2.4 perform_matching 两帧的金字塔光流跟踪和Ransac剔除错误匹配
* @brief KLT track between two images, and do RANSAC afterwards
* @param img0pyr starting image pyramid
* @param img1pyr image pyramid we want to track too
* @param pts0 starting points
* @param pts1 points we have tracked
* @param id0 id of the first camera
* @param id1 id of the second camera
* @param mask_out what points had valid tracks
* This will track features from the first image into the second image.
* The two point vectors will be of equal size, but the mask_out variable will specify which points are good or bad.
* If the second vector is non-empty, it will be used as an initial guess of where the keypoints are in the second image.
void perform_matching(const std::vector
step 1 光流法跟踪特征点的新位置
// Now do KLT tracking to get the valid new points
cv::TermCriteria term_crit = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 15, 0.01);
cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img0pyr, img1pyr, pts0, pts1, mask_klt, error, win_size, pyr_levels, term_crit, cv::OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW);
step 2 特征点的去畸变
// Normalize these points, so we can then do ransac
// We don't want to do ransac on distorted image uvs since the mapping is nonlinear
for(size_t i=0; i
step 3 用Ransac的基本矩阵方法剔除错误跟踪的点集
// Do RANSAC outlier rejection (note since we normalized the max pixel error is now in the normalized cords)
double max_focallength_img0 = std::max(,0),,1));
double max_focallength_img1 = std::max(,0),,1));
double max_focallength = std::max(max_focallength_img0,max_focallength_img1);
cv::findFundamentalMat(pts0_n, pts1_n, cv::FM_RANSAC, 1/max_focallength, 0.999, mask_rsc);
step 4 用光流和Ransac的方法剔除错误跟踪的点,成功的设置mask=1
// Loop through and record only ones that are valid
for(size_t i=0; i
auto mask = (uchar)((i < mask_klt.size() && mask_klt[i] && i < mask_rsc.size() && mask_rsc[i])? 1 : 0);
step 5 更新光流法得到当前帧特征点位置
// Copy back the updated positions
for(size_t i=0; i =; =;
注意这里并没有返回畸变矫正的那组特征点坐标pts0_n,pts1_n,而仍然用带有畸变的,经过光流和Ransac验证通过的特征点坐标pts0,pts1。 而不带畸变的特征点坐标会在最后一步的2.2节step 8操作中加入。