
1. Situation and Priming 环境和影射



It can be done in the conscious and subconscious level. It means planting a seed, planting a belief, planting a word, or a picture in our mind, consciously or subconsciously and how that actually influence our behaviour.


Soccer hooligan, secretary, professor



1) Have pictures of people you love or places you love

Even if you do not see them, you see them. So on the subconscious level it’s still there. 


2) Have pleasant object, whether it’s memorabilia, favourite art


Create the environment where you feel warm, where it’s fun for you to be there.


3) Quotes


4) Favourite book, listen to music carefully, film that inspires you.


2. The limitation of belief 信念的局限性 

It draws on the real truth and then blows it out of proportion.

There are some truth in fact that our mind creates reality, but that’s only part of the truth.

We create reality or rather we co-create reality. There has to be something out there or in there.


For example, when it comes to The Secret, if you believe that you are likely to succeed, you are much more likely to be succeed, but that has to come with a lot of hard work and persistence, it has to come with a lot of failure, and learning from that failure.


So it’s half of the equation and what these self-help books and messages do is over promise and under-deliver, which at times can be destructive.

It’s in the long term for frustration, for guilt and for unhappiness, and also for unsuccess.


3. Two mechanisms 两种机制

1) Motivation: I believe I can do it well 动机:我可以做好

2) Consistency / Congruence 一致性/相合性

Mental schema of the world - What’s inside and what’s outside


The mind doesn’t like it when there is discrepancy between what is inside and what is outside. We do everything we can to get the two on par again. Either changing the external reality or by changing our mind to match the external reality. We don’t like it when there is inconsistency.


a. Update schema 更新基模(调整自己的想法)

b. Ignore or discard external information 忽视外部信息(无视真实情况)

c. Actively seek confirmation 寻找证据支持自己的想法


d. Creating a new reality 创造一个新的现实

Roger Bannister - 打破了4分钟的跑步记录以后,创造了新的现实,后来者突破了这个心理壁垒,从此不断创造新的记录。

4. Two Interpretations 两种解读

1) Objective 客观解读

2) Subjective interpretation based on my belief 根据自己的信念进行主观解读

5000 failed experiment, Edison – another stepping stone towards success

爱迪生失败了5000次 —— 我找到了5000种行不通的方法,这些都是通向成功的垫脚石。

The most successful people in history are also very often the people who had failed the most times.


Pessimism: when it comes to goal setting, pessimists are realistic in terms of their short term goals, as well as in terms of their long term goals. 


Low expectations – low levels of beliefs, they don’t think they would do well, low levels of motivation, their mind looks for consistency and their performance is usually according to their beliefs and expectations. And the interpretation is, I told you so. 

Success – it was lucky, won’t happen again.


Optimist: unrealistic when it comes to their short term goals, but are realistic when it comes to their long term goals. If there is low level of performance, their subjective interpretation is: What if I learn from it? This is an opportunity, I actually got better this time. What if I learn?


It’s about how we interpret events. For example, how do I interpret my failure? As the end of the story, catastrophe, give it up? Or as an opportunity for success?


A lot of research in this area showing how learning to interpret events subjectively as optimists lead to much higher success. Also, it is associated with social and physical mental health. Our immune system, psychological and physical immune system is actually stronger as a result of being optimists.


People who are taught optimistic interpretation style become happier, those who learn it are eight times less likely to experience depression if you simply learn a different interpretation style. People who learn to interpret things more positively actually live longer.


5. Survivors traits 幸存者特质

1) Beliefs 信念

2) Realistic beliefs and evaluation of the situation 现实得信念和对实际情况的实际评估

Know that you have to deal with reality and that it’s tough.



Realistic optimism 现实的乐观主义

6. Secret to success 成功的秘密

Optimism, passion and hard work


Does luck play a role? Absolutely.


Jefferson, “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the luckier I get.”


7. 期待值


People believe that high expectations lead to disappointment.



8. To raise self-esteem 提高自尊水平

To cope as opposed to avoid. 


To cope meaning to put yourself along the line, to take risk not when you are in your panic zone but when you are in your stretch zone.


To risk failure, to handle things, to deal with things, to confront things that are important to you.


There are still ups and downs, like human, but the base level increases.


Self perception theory 自我知觉理论

We derive conclusion about ourselves in the same way we derive conclusion about others.


When we fail after coping we realize that the actual pain that comes with failure is far less than the pain we imagine and that we associate with failure.


Oh, I just got over it. Okay, so I didn’t do well in here. I become more confident. I can handle it. I am actually more resilient than I thought I was. And my self-esteem increases. My happiness as a result increases too.


Learn to fail or fail to learn.


