

英文 中文
I'm not letting you Neanderthals in to rape my company. 我不会让你们这些穴居人们掠夺我的公司
Daddy's boy. 小屁孩
How can we salvage this? Do we need to sweeten the offer? 我们该怎么补救 我们要给个更诱人的出价吗
- Do you want to call your dad? - Do you want to call your dad? -要给你爸打电话吗-你要给你爸打一个吗
Everybody, this is cousin Craig. 各位 这位是克雷格表弟
- It's Greg. - I'll... I'll answer to both. -是格雷格吧-所以叫哪个我都应
I changed my mind. 我改主意了
I'm staying on as head of the company. 我要继续做公司老板
You fucked me. 你阴了我一道
On the family trust, 家族信托
I'm gonna add Marcy to myself and you four. 我要让玛西取代我 和你们四个一道
I'm gonna have to talk to my lawyers. 我要跟我的律师谈谈
What're you thinking, son? She's very smart. 儿子 你什么想法 她很聪明
- Family first. - Um, sure. -家人优先-当然
But I want to run the damn show. 我想做那节目的制片
And until it opens up, chief operating officer. 运行起来以后 我要做首席运营官
We stick to the plan, I takeover. 得按原计划来 我上位
-And you two, under me... -Under you? -你俩 在我之下...-在你之下
Can we think about it? 我们能想下吗
- Yeah, of course. - I thought about it. Fuck you! -当然-我想完了 滚你丫的
Sorry the other offer fell through. 真可惜那个提案失败了
But we fattened the goose nice... 不过待宰的羊已经养肥了
I'm gonna eat you all. One by fucking one. 我会把你们所有人吃干抹净 一个接着一个
What do you say, kids? 你们怎么想
Our position is, this doesn't quite work for us. 我们认为这对我们没什么用
Dad? Dad?! 爸 爸
Kendall. Dad is in the hospital. 肯德尔 爸进医院了
Rava. Hey. 拉瓦 听着
Uh, my dad's... 我爸...
My dad's in the hospital. 我爸进医院了
Yeah, he had, I don't know, 对 他... 我也不清楚
I don't know what. 我也不知道什么病
But, uh... 但是...
yeah, I don't know if he's gonna be OK. 我不知道他还会不会好起来
It's... Yeah. 这... 对
So... I don't know. I'm here with Jess. 就... 我也不知道 我跟杰西在一起
We're just trying to get there... 我们正在往那儿赶
What the...? 搞什么...
Can we just find a way around the traffic, man? 我们可以绕过这片堵车吗 哥们
Just... Just... Just figure it out. Please! 你... 就想想办法吧 拜托
Where's the ICU? 重症监护室在哪
... blood pressure... ... 血压...
... tests... ... 化验...
What's the situation? Can somebody... 情况怎样了 有人能...
Excuse me. 打扰
They're working on him. 他们在抢救呢
What is this part of the hospital? 这里是医院的什么部分
I mean, is this the best section? 这是最好的科室吗
Excuse me? Doctor, 打扰一下 医生
is this the best part of the hospital? 这是医院里最好的地方吗
Sorry. You know, we just-- we need to know. 抱歉 我们只想知道
The ICU is the ICU. This is the best place for him. 重症监护室就是重症监护室 这里对他来说最好
Is this where you would take your father? 你爸也会来这里治疗吗
I'm sorry. Can the team have some space? Please? 抱歉 请给医疗小组一点空间 好吗
Hey, here's an idea. Why don't you worry about the medicine, 这样吧 你还是多担心担心用药
not the fucking feng shui? 而不是他娘的风水
Let's let the gentleman do his job. 让医生好好抢救
Thank you. 谢谢
- Let's do this for Dad. - Thank you. -为了爸安静点-谢谢
Sorry. 抱歉
Do they know who we are? 他们知道我们是谁吗
- I don't know. - Are they sandbagging us? -我不知道-他们是在搪塞我们吗
- Do they know who he is? - I don't know. -他们知道他是谁吗-我不知道
- Shall we call Mom? - What? -我们要给妈打电话吗-什么
No. There's like a million people to call. 不行 有那么多人的电话你不打
She's probably just make it about herself, anyway. 她总归会把注意引回自己身上
Come on. Your mom's a maniac, she's not a monster. 拜托 你妈是个疯子 又不是怪物
Folks, we need you to wait through there, please. 伙计们 请你们在那里等待
Hi. I'm sorry. 你好 打扰了
We're getting mixed messages here. 我们听说了杂七杂八的消息
We have no clue what's going on. 完全搞不清到底什么情况
We will be with you 出结果以后
as soon as we have an assessment. 我们会马上通知你们
OK, well, that's not good enough. 好吧 这样还不够
We need to know what's happening. Now. 我们要知道到底什么情况 马上
The socio-economic health of multiple continents 几大洲的社会经济状况
is dependent on his well-being. 都取决于他的健康
The socio-economic health of multiple continents? 几大洲的社会经济状况
Kendall. Everyone. 肯德尔 各位
We have an area we can go to. 我们可以去一个地方等
They'll keep us posted. 他们会随时通知我们
So, look, take me through what happened exactly. 听着 跟我说一遍到底发生了什么
Uh, I don't know, exactly. 我也不清楚
It was weird. Um, it happened fast, 很奇怪 发生得很突然
- we were just sitting there... - We were just talking. -我们就坐在那里...-聊着天
We were talking, Shiv kind of started 我们在聊天 小西开始
- hard-balling Dad a little bit. - I wasn't hard-balling him. -跟爸爸硬杠-我才没有硬杠
A brain hemorrhage doesn't come from some chit-chat, asshole. 闲聊才不会引起脑出血 傻逼
So it's definitely a brain hemorrhage? Is that what they said? 确定是脑出血吗 医生是这么说的
Somebody said that, right? 总有人说了 对吧
- Somebody said hemorrhage? - Or stroke? I... -有人说是脑出血了吗-还是中风 我...
- The ambulance... - A stroke is a hemorrhage. -救护车...-中风就是脑出血
- It is? - Yes. -是吗-是的
Did someone say "Hemorrhage," 是别人说了"脑出血"
or is it just us who said it? 还是我们自己人瞎说的
It could be an aneurism. 可能是动脉瘤
Why aren't we chasing this? 为什么不搞清楚点
I'll chase. 交给我吧
Hey, uh, is there any... 那啥 有人...
Did Dad ever talk to any of you guys about cryogenics? 爸有跟你们说起过冷冻法吗
You're insane. 你已经疯了
Look, I don't want to be given the runaround 听着 我不想跟这里的
by Doctor-fucking-SUNY Purchase Medical School here. 纽约州立大学医学院高材生兜圈子
We need to know who the top players are, OK? 我们要去问谁是这家医院最好的医生
Who's the top dog in this hospital? 最顶尖的医生是哪个
Have you talked to Dad's neurologist? 你跟爸的神经科医师谈过没有
Kendall, stop acting like the king of the hospital. 肯德尔 别像医院的国王一样指手画脚
We're all trying to do our best, so just fuck off. 我们都尽力了 你他妈一边凉快去吧
I'm on it. OK? 我在问了 好吗
According to this, it sounds like a stroke, 据这上面说 很像中风
but it could be an acute subdural hematoma. 但也有可能是急性硬脑膜下血肿
Great. Get in there and operate, Doctor Google. "真棒" 快上手术台吧 谷歌医生
He once talked to me about cryogenics. 他跟我说过一次冷冻法
What? Wouldn't that just be typical? 怎么了 这不是很正常吗
All the other billionaires are strolling around in new bodies, 其他亿万富翁都换了新的器官到处溜达
but not Dad, because we were 除了老爸 因为我们觉得
too embarrassed to actually discuss it. 讨论这事太尴尬了
He didn't talk to you about cryogenics. 不是他跟你谈过冷冻法
You talked to him about cryogenics 而你跟他提起过
because you're obsessed with cryogenics. 因为你对这个念念不忘
- I'm not really, Kendall. - And what he didn't tell you, -我没有 肯德尔-他没有告诉过你
and what I'm telling you now, 而我正要告诉你的是
is that you are an idiot. 你就是个白痴
Sticks and stones, Kenny. 半斤八两 肯尼
Yeah, I know. 对 我知道
And on his birthday, too? It's so shitty. 还在他生日当天 太倒霉了
So what's happening now? 那现在怎么办
Are you staying at the hospital? 你要陪在医院吗
I guess. 大概吧
I mean, I think I've got a job, 我应该找到工作了
but I don't know. 但我也不知道
Logan said I did, 洛根说我拿下了
but Marcia was the only one to hear it, 但只有玛西娅听到了
so... and then he tragically, 所以... 然后他就不幸地
you know, like, whatever. 算了 随便吧
Well, what sort of job? Is it a good job? 哪种工作 是份好工作吗
I don't know. Like, 说不好
could be anything. 什么都可能
And I have, like, 20 bucks left. 我身上只剩120块了
The world is so fucked up. 这个世界真是一团糟
I am not sending you any more money, Greg. 我不会再给你寄钱了 格雷格
Step up. 自己想办法
I'm not asking you to send me... 我没想问你要钱...
Look, 听着
just make sure about the job. 一定要拿到那份工作
- All right?- Yeah, I know. -行吗-好的 知道了
Hey, do you have cash? 你有现金吗
Yeah. Uh... 等一下...
no, just my last twenty. 没了 我只有这点了
That's fine. Thanks. 够了 谢谢
I just got mugged by Shiv. 我刚刚被小西打劫了
Born in humble circumstances in Dundee, Scotland, 出生于正值二战爆发前夕
shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War, 苏格兰邓迪市内谦逊的文化环境中
Logan Roy grew up in poverty, 洛根·罗伊出生自贫穷
but died one of the richest 离世时却成为美国
and most powerful men in America. 最具权势和家财的人之一
His widowed mother took the decision... 他的单亲母亲决定...
It's an ATN obituary. 这是泛美网络科技公司拟的讣告
They want us to OK it in case they have to run it. 他们想要咱们的授权 以防万一

