每年的考级分业余和专业级别两种,业余级别考级从Ps~Grade8共计11个级别,专业级别考级Intermediate foundation~advance2共有5个级别。建议从PP或者PS级别开始参加考级,因为这两个级别的考试类型为考察类,考官不对考生进行评分,只有对孩子的评语。并且苏菲的老师可以进考场帮助考生们适应考级环境。特别的在考试前10天左右的时间里,苏菲将会给孩子进行考前的集中训练,帮助孩子们在芭蕾舞的技能、表演方面得到提升,让考生取得更好的成绩。
RAD exam are any benefits for ballet kids?
Every summer there is a improtant event for Sufei's children, and that is RAD ballet exam.
I think distinction for children are learning to the ballet system is very important, emperor exam outline step-by-step, set level according to the different age, ability, focuses on cultivating students' creativity and the ability of music appreciation, and let the child ability to flexibly in the process of body movement.
Every student who passed the exam will receive a certificate and a medal from the royal ballet school.(the RAD certificate is recognized in 83 countries around the world and can be awarded extra points when entering a foreign high school or university)
At what level should a child begin taking the test?
Each year, The exam is divided into amateur and professional groups. There are 11 grades of amateur grades from Ps~Grade8, and five grades of professional Intermediate foundation~advance2.
It is recommended to start from PP or PS level, because these two levels of examinations are inspection type, examiners do not rate candidates, only children's comments.And Sufei teacher can go into the exam room to help students adapt to the test environment.
In particular, about 10 days before the exam period, Sufei will give the child to carry on the test of intensive training, skills, to help the children in the ballet performance has improved, let students get better grades.
I believe every to Sufei ballet children are very love ballet, and every lecture teacher want professor to give children more knowledge, ability, Therefore, the entrance examination and intensive training are a valuable promotion opportunity for children.
In the upcoming 2018 RAD exam, I also wish all the kids a good luck!