一 小菜一碟
I made 5,127 prototypes of my vacuum before I got it right. There were 5,126 failures. But I learned from each one. That's how I came up with a solution. So I don't mind failure.
He who opens a school door,closes a prison.
O,Wind. If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?
You've got the gimmies,haven't you?
The picture's a fake-you've been had.
二 结构剖析
【原文】I want to talk about another interesting herb that's commonly known to a lot of people and oftentimes misused. And that's Ren Shen or what we more commonly know as ginseng.
There are actually two main types of ginseng. There's Chinese ginseng,which this is,and also American ginseng. Those are the two main types and they're slightly different energetically.
The Chinese ginseng also the Korean ginseng,are known to be very hot. And the American ginseng,which is a little bit more cooling,is better for things like diabetes and menopause.
For some people,it's very useful. We think of it as a longevity herb. We also think of it for impotence. And a lot of times for people as they're starting to age,it really helps to minimize some of those effects.
.【说明】介绍一种自然植物,中药:人参。主要有两大类:高丽参和西洋参!功效呢,注意是对某些人,有用的(For Some people,It’s very useful)。
三 经典翻译
Smiling without speaking is a type of growth. Suffering without swearing is a type of experience.
为什么中国人结婚,都非要选个好日子呢? 因为结完婚,就没好日子过了。
Why do Chinese always have to pick up an auspicious date for wedding? Well,that's because there won't be any better day ever since.
四 执着解决问题
In a way,problem solving is a disease. You want to do it and although each one is a headache ,it's there to be solved. It's a mountain to climb , mountaineers have that disease and we have that.
We were a group of engineers,starting to want to make a different type of product,with better technology and we've carried on like that. Things are too heavy,things are too polluting,things don't perform as well as they should,things don't last as long as they should.
There are just hundreds of problems in every product. What we're doing is trying to do something different and better. If you always do what you know is going to work,then OK,you'll have less failure,but you'll never make a substantive change or breakthrough.
What we're trying to do every day,is to make better technology and design,develop better performing products. And I think we've gathered around us a group of people who want to do that.
五 人际关系有如蜘蛛网
I always think of relationships(关系)like a spiderweb(蜘蛛网). There's got to be,like,hundreds of them to make that thing strong ,and every one you can do makes the relationship better(每一个人都要去强化它).
There are what I call gaps (隔阂),so there's usually,like,an academic gap between a parent and a teacher very often(在父母和老师之间,常常有学术上的隔阂). There might be a social gap,just in terms of their social circles(社交圈). There might be an economic gap(经济差异). There might be a racial gap(种族隔阂),a gender gap(性别隔阂).
And be aware of the fact that a parent might think of themselves as,like,down here(家长认为自己更低些),and teacher might think of themselves as up here(老师认为自己更高些).How can you bring those two things together?
Leave your clipboard(笔记夹子);leave your computer;leave your papers. Just chat(聊天),and develop a relationship. And that kind of breaks the ice. And it's through conversation(通过交谈);it's through chatting(通过聊天);it's through humor(借助幽默);it's through stories(通过故事). All of those little things are like those little strands of that spiderweb that makes it strong(所有的这一切,有如蜘蛛丝,让关系网络更加强大)。