



China has the largest English learning population in the world.The data shows that more than 400 million people in China are learning English,account for 1/3 of the total population in country.Nowadays, English courses are offered in Chinese primary school and even kindergartens.English learning runs through the whole student life in China because English is a subject that Chinese students must study .China is one of the most enthusiastic countries for English in the world. The persistence of English craze has also sparked fierce debate.A lot of people think that English scores should be lowered in the college entrance examination,and we should highlight the important of Chinese,let more people pay attention to their mother language.


China has the largest population in learning English globally. Statistics show that over 400 millions people are learning English, accounting for one third of the total population in China. At present, elementary schools, even kindergartens, are offering English courses. English learning runs through the entire study process of Chinese students, and English is a subject every Chinese student must learn. China is one of the most enthusiastic countries in English learning, but the continuous "English craze" also triggers fierce debate. Many people think that the score for English exam in college entrance examination should be reduced and the subject of Chinese should be emphasized, intending to draw more people's attention to their mother tongue.

占全国总人口的1/3:accounting for one third of the total population in China

开设英语课:are offering English courses

贯穿中国学生的整个学习生涯:runs through the entire study process of Chinese students

引发了激烈的争论:triggers fierce debate

应该在高考中降低英语考试的分值:the score for English exam in college entrance examination should be reduced

让更多的人关注自己的母语:draw more people's attention to their mother tongue

  • 1.在“数据显示,中国有4亿多人在学英语,约占全国总人口的1/3”中,“数据显示…”通常译为that引导的宾语从句。“中国有4亿多人在学英语”作为从句主干,“约占…”则用现在分词短语accounting for...表达,作伴随状语。
  • 2.“英语学习贯穿中国学生,英语是中国学生必须学习的一门科目”有两个主语“英语学习”和“英语”,故译为两个分句,用and连接。在后半句中,定语“中国学生必须学习的”较长,翻译时可将它放在中心词“科目 (subject)”后面作后置定语,译为从句:(that)every Chinese student must learn,这样表达更符合英文句式。
  • 3.在“中国是世界上对英语学习最狂热的国家之一,‘英语热’在中国的持续也引发了激烈的争论”中,两句话存在内在的转折关系,可以用but连接,使之更连贯。“持续”在汉语原句里是名词,翻译的时候可以用形容词,理解为“持续的‘英语热’”,continuous English craze/fever。
  • 4.最后一句中的“降低…”和“突出…”为并列结构,两句都可采用被动语态,译为be decreased和be emphasized。“让更多的人关注自己的母语”若直译为 letting more people be concerned about their mother tongue,译文会显得生硬,故参考译文增译intend to表明意图。
