

1 概述

2 运行结果

3 参考文献

‍4 Matlab代码

1 概述


因而,如何合理的考虑扩散的微观机制,如何将网络结构与宏观扩散模型结合起来,是提高创新扩散模型预测准确性的关键。 基于此,本文通过分析目前各类技术创新扩散模型的优缺点,以及各类复杂网络对现实扩散环境的模拟效果,建立了基于BA无标度网络的技术创新扩散模型,并利用实际数据对模型进行了验证。

2 运行结果




%% B-A Scale-Free Network Generation and Visualization% *By Mathew Neil George*%% Description and Cautions% The *SFNG* m-file is used to simulate the B-A algorithm and returns scale-free% networks of given node sizes. Understanding the B-A algorithm is key % to using this code to its fullest. Due to Matlab resource limitations, it may not be% possible to generate networks much larger than 15000 nodes, and increasing the% *mlinks* variable increases processing time severely. This code was% developed so that one could generate a network of small size, and then% use that network as a seed to build a greater sized network, continuing% this process until the actual desired network size is reached. This is for% processor and time management purposes. However, realize that the initial% seed does not have to have scale-free properties, while the later seeds% may happen to have these properties. Therefore, it is prudent not to make the% initial seed size much larger than a few nodes (most commonly 5% interconnected nodes). In addition, the *mlinks* should be kept constant% throughout the creation of the scale-free network.%% The *PLplot* m-file takes a scale-free network in adjacency matrix format% and draws a best fit line to the frequency of degrees distribution of the% nodes. Degree is the number of links that connect to and from a single node% For scale-free networks, the frequency of degrees distribution forms a % power-law curve, with an exponent usually between -2 and -3. This code is% designed to allow only non-zero frequencies to be graphed in log-log format.% The function returns the equation of the power-law fit in a cfit variable.%% The *CNet* m-file function creats a network graph using the *gplot*% function with circular coordinates. It allows for a simple, yet% intuitive, visualization of a given network.%% Parameters% *SFNG*%% * *Nodes* is the desired network size, including the seed network size%   (i.e. Nodes minus seed network size equals the number of nodes to be%   added).%% * *mlinks* controls the number of links a new node can make to the existing%   network nodes.%% * *seed* is the original network to which the B-A algorithm links%   additional nodes with a specific preferential attachment procedure.%   This undirected adjacency matrix can be created manually, or one could%   use the *Adjacency Matrix GUI*. Each node must have at least one link.%   The *seed* variable can be replaced with a developed scale-free network%   to generate a larger one. Make sure the new *Nodes* variable is greater%   than the size of the *seed* network.% % *PLplot*%% * *Net* is the input network which is to be graphed.%% *CNet*%% * *Net* is the input network which is to be graphed.%% Note that variables *Nodes*, *mlinks*, and *size* must be whole numbers and % variables *seed* and *Net* must be undirected adjacency matrices. The % diagonol elements of any adjacency matrix used with these functions must% all be zero.

3 参考文献

[1] Albert­László, Barabási. Scale­free networks: a decade and beyond.[J]. Science (New York,N.Y.), 2009, 325(5939): 412-­413.


