赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 017 My Hometown

I. Reading 阅读

My hometown is not very modern, but it's beautiful. There is a big park in the center of my hometown. There is also a swimming pool there. It is next to the park. My school is across from the swimming pool. They are all near my home. In fact, there is no place like my hometown.


II. Vocabulary & Idioms 单词短语注解

  1. hometown ['homtaʊn] n.家乡,故乡
    例: My hometown is far from here.
  2. modern ['mɑdɚn] a.现代化的
    例: It is very convenient to live in a modern city.
  3. beautiful ['bjʊtəfəl] a.美丽的
    例: The sun is shining. It's a beautiful day.
  4. big [bɪɡ] a.大的
    例: There's a big elephant in the zoo.
  5. park [ park ] n.公 园
  6. center ['sɛntɚ] n.中央,中心点
    in the center of... 在······的中央位置
    例: Where is the town center?
    The train station is in the center of the city.
  7. swimming pool ['swɪmɪŋ pul ] n.游泳池
  8. across [ə'krɔs] adv.横越
    (be) across from... 在······的对面
    例: Sarah is sitting across from me.
  9. near [nɪr] prep. 接近
    例: Billy lives near our school.
  10. fact [fækt] n.事实
    in fact事实上
    例: I don't like hamburgers. In fact, I hate American food.
  11. place [ples] n. 地方
    例: The library is a very quiet place.
  12. like [laɪk] prep. 像
    例: I want to be famous like Michael Jackson.

III. Grammar Points 语法重点

本课主要介绍表示场所位置的介词用法,并介绍in fact,之用法及like作介词表示“像”的用法。

  1. 注意下列介词及短语介词的意思及用法
    a. near... 在······的附近
    b. next to... 紧邻······,在······的旁边
    例: Don't move! There is a snake next to you.(別动!你的旁边有一条蛇。)
    c. across from... 在......的对面
    d. in the center of... 在......的中央点
  1. 这些介词或短语介词加了宾语之后,形成表示场所位置的介词短语,与there is/are(有······)并用时,可置于句尾或句首。
    例: There is a swimming pool near my school.
    = Near my school there is a swimming pool.(我学校附近有一座游泳池。)
    There are several tall buildings in the center of the city.
    = In the center of the city there are several tall buildings.
  2. 若介词短语置于句首时,there可省略。
    例: Near my school there is a swimming pool.
    =Near my school is a swimming pool.
    In the center of the city there are several tall buildings.
    =In the center of the city are several tall buildings.
  1. In fact, there is no place like my hometown.
    此处in fact是作副词用的介词短语,使用时置于句首,修饰there is...整个主句。
    in fact 事实上,实际上
    =as a matter of fact
    例: I am tired. In fact, I am exhausted.
    Jim is late today. As a matter of fact,
    late every day.
  2. ...there is no place like my hometown.
    a. 作及物动词时,句子结构如下:
    主语 + like + 宾语(名词或代词)
    例: The boy likes the dog.
    Ben is selfish. We don't like him.
    b. 作介词时,之后亦须接宾语,形成介词短语。这个短语使用时,要置于:
  1. be动词之后
    例: My teacher is(be动词) like my father.
  2. 名词之后
    例: There is no place(名词) like my hometown.
  3. 主语之前
    例: Like John, I enjoy music.

IV. Substitution 替换

  1. A: What is your hometown like?
    B: My hometown is not very modern, but it's beautiful./My hometown is small, but it's pretty.
    (甲: 你的家乡是什么样子?)
    (乙: 我的家乡不很现代化/很小,但它却很美。)
  2. A: Where is your school?
    B: My school is across from the swimming pool/ behind the post office/ next to the bank.
    (甲: 你的学校在哪儿?)
    (乙: 我的学校就在游泳池对面/邮局后面/银行隔壁。)


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