Level 1: Top-level outline
Me: Please write a high-level outline for a book. Include a list of characters and a short description of each character. Include a list of chapters and a short summary of what happens in each chapter. You can pick any title and genre you want.
Level 1: Updating outline after each chapter
Me: Please edit and update the high-level outline for the book below, taking into account what has already happened in Chapter 1.
Level 2: Scenes (bounding)
Me: Please write a detailed outline describing the first scene of each chapter. It should describe what happens in that opening scene and set up the story for the rest of the chapter. Do not summarize the entire chapter, only the first scene.
Me: Write a detailed outline describing the final, last scene of each chapter. It should describe what happens at the very end of the chapter, and set up the story for the opening scene of the next chapter, which will come immediately afterwards.
Level 2: Scenes
Me: Given the following book outline, and the following opening and final scenes for Chapter 1, write a detailed chapter outline giving all the scenes in the chapter and a short description of each. Begin the outline with the Opening Scene below, and finish the outline with the Final Scene below.
Level 3: Rough draft
Me: Given the following book outline, and following detailed chapter outline for Chapter 1, write a first draft of Chapter 1. Label each of the scenes. Stop when you reach the end of Chapter 1. It should set up the story for Chapter 2, which will come immediately afterwards. It should be written in a narrative style and should be long, detailed, and engaging.
Level 4: Paragraphs (bounding)
Me: Given the following book outline, and the following draft of Chapter 1, imagine that you have expanded this draft into a longer, more detailed chapter. For each scene, give me both the first opening paragraph, and the last, final paragraph of that longer, more detailed version. Label them as Opening Paragraph and Final Paragraph. The opening paragraph should introduce the scene. The final paragraph should set up the story for the following scene, which will come immediately afterwards. The last paragraph of the final scene should set the story up for the following chapter, which will come immediately afterwards.
Level 4: Paragraphs
Me: Given the following book outline, and the following draft of Chapter 1, write a longer, more detailed version of Scene 1. The scene must begin and end with the following paragraphs: (opening and closing paragraphs here)
Continuity Notes
Me: Please briefly note any important details or facts from the scene below that you will need to remember while writing the rest of the book, in order to ensure continuity and consistency. Label these Continuity Notes.
Me: Combine and summarize these notes with the existing previous Continuity Notes below.
实际上,重新生成响应的情况很少见,只有当我发现流程存在严重问题或者书中存在严重的逻辑问题而我无法弄清楚如何通过流程更改来解决时,我才会这样做。这种情况总共最多发生 4-5 次。至少在 95% 的情况下,书中的文字是我从 GPT-4 得到的第一反应。您可以在我的研究日志的注释中看到这一点。
没错,但这不是重点。这是一个概念证明:人工智能能否从头到尾写出一整本书,超过 100 页,同时保持连贯并遵循其最初计划的大纲?不需要人类介入并告诉它如何处理故事或角色?答案是肯定的。此外,我认为它在某些部分非常令人愉快。当然,下一个 GPT 模型只会是更好的作者。
问:ChatGPT Plus 上的 GPT-4 查询是否有速率限制?你怎么能在 10 天内写下 100 多页?
是的,我打了很多次。但是,因为我的提示和 ChatGPT 的响应都非常长,所以我能够从每个提示中挤出绝对最大的文本。此外,GPT-4 接受比 GPT-3 或 Bing 更长的提示输入,这有助于确保我可以包含尽可能多的上下文。此外,在 GPT-4 发布后的早期,该限制更高。
问:为此需要 GPT-4 吗?它与 GPT-3 相比如何?
我之前用 GPT-3 尝试过这个并遇到了问题,主要是关于在故事中写得太远和偏离轨道。边界技术可能会有所帮助,我还没有尝试过——部分原因是处理较小的输入缓冲区很痛苦。需要进一步调查。
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