1 . Category 底层结构
Objc4 查找相应源码
// Category分类的底层结构
struct _category_t {
const char *name;// 类名
struct _class_t *cls;
const struct _method_list_t *instance_methods; // 对象方法列表
const struct _method_list_t *class_methods; // 类方法列表
const struct _protocol_list_t *protocols;// 协议列表
const struct _prop_list_t *properties; // 属性列表
// 这个分类转换成下面的结构体
@implementation Person (Test)
NSLog(@"category test" );
static struct _category_t _OBJC_$_CATEGORY_Person_$_Test __attribute__ ((used, section ("__DATA,__objc_const"))) =
"Person", // 类名
0, // &OBJC_CLASS_$_Person, // cls
(const struct _method_list_t *)&_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_Person_$_Test, // 添加的实例方法
0,// 类方法
0, // 协议
0,// 属性
2 .Category 加载过程
编译时Category 的属性、方法都转化成一个 _category_t 的结构体
通过runtime 加载到内存并进行合并(对象方法加载到类对象,类方法加载到元类对象)
通过 obj4 查阅部分源码::
//编译转化 结构体 objc-runtime-new.h
struct category_t {
const char *name;
classref_t cls;
struct method_list_t *instanceMethods;
struct method_list_t *classMethods;
struct protocol_list_t *protocols;
struct property_list_t *instanceProperties;
// Fields below this point are not always present on disk.
struct property_list_t *_classProperties;
method_list_t *methodsForMeta(bool isMeta) {
if (isMeta) return classMethods;
else return instanceMethods;
property_list_t *propertiesForMeta(bool isMeta, struct header_info *hi);
/*打开程序,程序的唯一入口 init方法
运行时加载 objc-os.mm
* _objc_init
* Bootstrap initialization. Registers our image notifier with dyld.
* Called by libSystem BEFORE library initialization time
void _objc_init(void)
static bool initialized = false;
if (initialized) return;
initialized = true;
// fixme defer initialization until an objc-using image is found?
/* 这里开始镜像加载 images到内存
* map_images
* Process the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
* Calls ABI-agnostic code after taking ABI-specific locks.
* Locking: write-locks runtimeLock
_dyld_objc_notify_register(&map_images, load_images, unmap_image);
/*处理映射镜像 images :加载所有的类 ,并执行 +load 方法
* map_images_nolock
* Process the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
* All class registration and fixups are performed (or deferred pending
* discovery of missing superclasses etc), and +load methods are called.
* info[] is in bottom-up order i.e. libobjc will be earlier in the
* array than any library that links to libobjc.
* Locking: loadMethodLock(old) or runtimeLock(new) acquired by map_images.
void map_images(unsigned count, const char * const paths[],
const struct mach_header * const mhdrs[])
rwlock_writer_t lock(runtimeLock);
return map_images_nolock(count, paths, mhdrs);
* _read_images
* Perform initial processing of the headers in the linked
* list beginning with headerList.
* Called by: map_images_nolock
* Locking: runtimeLock acquired by map_images
void map_images_nolock(unsigned mhCount, const char * const mhPaths[],
const struct mach_header * const mhdrs[])
static bool firstTime = YES;
header_info *hList[mhCount];
uint32_t hCount;
size_t selrefCount = 0;
// Perform first-time initialization if necessary.
// This function is called before ordinary library initializers.
// fixme defer initialization until an objc-using image is found?
if (firstTime) {
if (PrintImages) {
_objc_inform("IMAGES: processing %u newly-mapped images...\n", mhCount);
// Find all images with Objective-C metadata.
hCount = 0;
// Count classes. Size various table based on the total.
int totalClasses = 0;
int unoptimizedTotalClasses = 0;
uint32_t i = mhCount;
while (i--) {
const headerType *mhdr = (const headerType *)mhdrs[i];
auto hi = addHeader(mhdr, mhPaths[i], totalClasses, unoptimizedTotalClasses);
if (!hi) {
// no objc data in this entry
if (mhdr->filetype == MH_EXECUTE) {
// Size some data structures based on main executable's size
#if __OBJC2__
size_t count;
_getObjc2SelectorRefs(hi, &count);
selrefCount += count;
_getObjc2MessageRefs(hi, &count);
selrefCount += count;
_getObjcSelectorRefs(hi, &selrefCount);
// Halt if this is a GC app.
if (shouldRejectGCApp(hi)) {
"Objective-C garbage collection "
"is no longer supported.");
hList[hCount++] = hi;
if (PrintImages) {
_objc_inform("IMAGES: loading image for %s%s%s%s%s\n",
mhdr->filetype == MH_BUNDLE ? " (bundle)" : "",
hi->info()->isReplacement() ? " (replacement)" : "",
hi->info()->hasCategoryClassProperties() ? " (has class properties)" : "",
hi->info()->optimizedByDyld()?" (preoptimized)":"");
// Perform one-time runtime initialization that must be deferred until
// the executable itself is found. This needs to be done before
// further initialization.
// (The executable may not be present in this infoList if the
// executable does not contain Objective-C code but Objective-C
// is dynamically loaded later.
if (firstTime) {
// Reject any GC images linked to the main executable.
// We already rejected the app itself above.
// Images loaded after launch will be rejected by dyld.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
auto hi = hList[i];
auto mh = hi->mhdr();
if (mh->filetype != MH_EXECUTE && shouldRejectGCImage(mh)) {
"%s requires Objective-C garbage collection "
"which is no longer supported.", hi->fname());
// Disable +initialize fork safety if the app is too old (< 10.13).
// Disable +initialize fork safety if the app has a
// __DATA,__objc_fork_ok section.
if (dyld_get_program_sdk_version() < DYLD_MACOSX_VERSION_10_13) {
DisableInitializeForkSafety = true;
if (PrintInitializing) {
_objc_inform("INITIALIZE: disabling +initialize fork "
"safety enforcement because the app is "
"too old (SDK version " SDK_FORMAT ")",
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
auto hi = hList[i];
auto mh = hi->mhdr();
if (mh->filetype != MH_EXECUTE) continue;
unsigned long size;
if (getsectiondata(hi->mhdr(), "__DATA", "__objc_fork_ok", &size)) {
DisableInitializeForkSafety = true;
if (PrintInitializing) {
_objc_inform("INITIALIZE: disabling +initialize fork "
"safety enforcement because the app has "
"a __DATA,__objc_fork_ok section");
break; // assume only one MH_EXECUTE image
if (hCount > 0) {
_read_images(hList, hCount, totalClasses, unoptimizedTotalClasses);
firstTime = NO;
void _read_images(header_info **hList, uint32_t hCount, int totalClasses, int unoptimizedTotalClasses)
header_info *hi;
uint32_t hIndex;
size_t count;
size_t i;
Class *resolvedFutureClasses = nil;
size_t resolvedFutureClassCount = 0;
static bool doneOnce;
TimeLogger ts(PrintImageTimes);
#define EACH_HEADER \
hIndex = 0; \
hIndex < hCount && (hi = hList[hIndex]); \
if (!doneOnce) {
doneOnce = YES;
// Disable non-pointer isa under some conditions.
// Disable nonpointer isa if any image contains old Swift code
if (hi->info()->containsSwift() &&
hi->info()->swiftVersion() < objc_image_info::SwiftVersion3)
DisableNonpointerIsa = true;
if (PrintRawIsa) {
_objc_inform("RAW ISA: disabling non-pointer isa because "
"the app or a framework contains Swift code "
"older than Swift 3.0");
# endif
// Disable non-pointer isa if the app is too old
// (linked before OS X 10.11)
if (dyld_get_program_sdk_version() < DYLD_MACOSX_VERSION_10_11) {
DisableNonpointerIsa = true;
if (PrintRawIsa) {
_objc_inform("RAW ISA: disabling non-pointer isa because "
"the app is too old (SDK version " SDK_FORMAT ")",
// Disable non-pointer isa if the app has a __DATA,__objc_rawisa section
// New apps that load old extensions may need this.
if (hi->mhdr()->filetype != MH_EXECUTE) continue;
unsigned long size;
if (getsectiondata(hi->mhdr(), "__DATA", "__objc_rawisa", &size)) {
DisableNonpointerIsa = true;
if (PrintRawIsa) {
_objc_inform("RAW ISA: disabling non-pointer isa because "
"the app has a __DATA,__objc_rawisa section");
break; // assume only one MH_EXECUTE image
# endif
if (DisableTaggedPointers) {
if (PrintConnecting) {
_objc_inform("CLASS: found %d classes during launch", totalClasses);
// namedClasses
// Preoptimized classes don't go in this table.
// 4/3 is NXMapTable's load factor
int namedClassesSize =
(isPreoptimized() ? unoptimizedTotalClasses : totalClasses) * 4 / 3;
gdb_objc_realized_classes =
NXCreateMapTable(NXStrValueMapPrototype, namedClassesSize);
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: first time tasks");
// Discover classes. Fix up unresolved future classes. Mark bundle classes.
if (! mustReadClasses(hi)) {
// Image is sufficiently optimized that we need not call readClass()
bool headerIsBundle = hi->isBundle();
bool headerIsPreoptimized = hi->isPreoptimized();
classref_t *classlist = _getObjc2ClassList(hi, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Class cls = (Class)classlist[i];
Class newCls = readClass(cls, headerIsBundle, headerIsPreoptimized);
if (newCls != cls && newCls) {
// Class was moved but not deleted. Currently this occurs
// only when the new class resolved a future class.
// Non-lazily realize the class below.
resolvedFutureClasses = (Class *)
(resolvedFutureClassCount+1) * sizeof(Class));
resolvedFutureClasses[resolvedFutureClassCount++] = newCls;
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: discover classes");
// Fix up remapped classes
// Class list and nonlazy class list remain unremapped.
// Class refs and super refs are remapped for message dispatching.
if (!noClassesRemapped()) {
Class *classrefs = _getObjc2ClassRefs(hi, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// fixme why doesn't test future1 catch the absence of this?
classrefs = _getObjc2SuperRefs(hi, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: remap classes");
// Fix up @selector references
static size_t UnfixedSelectors;
if (hi->isPreoptimized()) continue;
bool isBundle = hi->isBundle();
SEL *sels = _getObjc2SelectorRefs(hi, &count);
UnfixedSelectors += count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const char *name = sel_cname(sels[i]);
sels[i] = sel_registerNameNoLock(name, isBundle);
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: fix up selector references");
// Fix up old objc_msgSend_fixup call sites
message_ref_t *refs = _getObjc2MessageRefs(hi, &count);
if (count == 0) continue;
if (PrintVtables) {
_objc_inform("VTABLES: repairing %zu unsupported vtable dispatch "
"call sites in %s", count, hi->fname());
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: fix up objc_msgSend_fixup");
// Discover protocols. Fix up protocol refs.
extern objc_class OBJC_CLASS_$_Protocol;
Class cls = (Class)&OBJC_CLASS_$_Protocol;
NXMapTable *protocol_map = protocols();
bool isPreoptimized = hi->isPreoptimized();
bool isBundle = hi->isBundle();
protocol_t **protolist = _getObjc2ProtocolList(hi, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
readProtocol(protolist[i], cls, protocol_map,
isPreoptimized, isBundle);
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: discover protocols");
// Fix up @protocol references
// Preoptimized images may have the right
// answer already but we don't know for sure.
protocol_t **protolist = _getObjc2ProtocolRefs(hi, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: fix up @protocol references");
// Realize non-lazy classes (for +load methods and static instances)
classref_t *classlist =
_getObjc2NonlazyClassList(hi, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Class cls = remapClass(classlist[i]);
if (!cls) continue;
// hack for class __ARCLite__, which didn't get this above
if (cls->cache._buckets == (void*)&_objc_empty_cache &&
(cls->cache._mask || cls->cache._occupied))
cls->cache._mask = 0;
cls->cache._occupied = 0;
if (cls->ISA()->cache._buckets == (void*)&_objc_empty_cache &&
(cls->ISA()->cache._mask || cls->ISA()->cache._occupied))
cls->ISA()->cache._mask = 0;
cls->ISA()->cache._occupied = 0;
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: realize non-lazy classes");
// Realize newly-resolved future classes, in case CF manipulates them
if (resolvedFutureClasses) {
for (i = 0; i < resolvedFutureClassCount; i++) {
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: realize future classes");
// Discover categories. //这里是重点:: 查找文件中的分类
category_t **catlist =
_getObjc2CategoryList(hi, &count);
bool hasClassProperties = hi->info()->hasCategoryClassProperties();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
category_t *cat = catlist[i];
Class cls = remapClass(cat->cls);
if (!cls) {
// Category's target class is missing (probably weak-linked).
// Disavow any knowledge of this category.
catlist[i] = nil;
if (PrintConnecting) {
_objc_inform("CLASS: IGNORING category \?\?\?(%s) %p with "
"missing weak-linked target class",
cat->name, cat);
// Process this category.
// First, register the category with its target class.
// Then, rebuild the class's method lists (etc) if
// the class is realized.
bool classExists = NO;
if (cat->instanceMethods || cat->protocols
|| cat->instanceProperties)
addUnattachedCategoryForClass(cat, cls, hi);
if (cls->isRealized()) {
remethodizeClass(cls);// 这里重新定义类对象方法列表
classExists = YES;
if (PrintConnecting) {
_objc_inform("CLASS: found category -%s(%s) %s",
cls->nameForLogging(), cat->name,
classExists ? "on existing class" : "");
if (cat->classMethods || cat->protocols
|| (hasClassProperties && cat->_classProperties))
addUnattachedCategoryForClass(cat, cls->ISA(), hi);
if (cls->ISA()->isRealized()) {
remethodizeClass(cls->ISA());// 这里重新定义元类对象方法列表
if (PrintConnecting) {
_objc_inform("CLASS: found category +%s(%s)",
cls->nameForLogging(), cat->name);
ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: discover categories");
// Category discovery MUST BE LAST to avoid potential races
// when other threads call the new category code before
// this thread finishes its fixups.
// +load handled by prepare_load_methods()
if (DebugNonFragileIvars) {
// Print preoptimization statistics
if (PrintPreopt) {
static unsigned int PreoptTotalMethodLists;
static unsigned int PreoptOptimizedMethodLists;
static unsigned int PreoptTotalClasses;
static unsigned int PreoptOptimizedClasses;
if (hi->isPreoptimized()) {
_objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized selectors "
"in %s", hi->fname());
else if (hi->info()->optimizedByDyld()) {
_objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: IGNORING preoptimized selectors "
"in %s", hi->fname());
classref_t *classlist = _getObjc2ClassList(hi, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Class cls = remapClass(classlist[i]);
if (!cls) continue;
if (hi->isPreoptimized()) {
const method_list_t *mlist;
if ((mlist = ((class_ro_t *)cls->data())->baseMethods())) {
if (mlist->isFixedUp()) {
if ((mlist=((class_ro_t *)cls->ISA()->data())->baseMethods())) {
if (mlist->isFixedUp()) {
_objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %zu selector references not "
"pre-optimized", UnfixedSelectors);
_objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %u/%u (%.3g%%) method lists pre-sorted",
PreoptOptimizedMethodLists, PreoptTotalMethodLists,
? 100.0*PreoptOptimizedMethodLists/PreoptTotalMethodLists
: 0.0);
_objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %u/%u (%.3g%%) classes pre-registered",
PreoptOptimizedClasses, PreoptTotalClasses,
? 100.0*PreoptOptimizedClasses/PreoptTotalClasses
: 0.0);
_objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %zu protocol references not "
"pre-optimized", UnfixedProtocolReferences);
* remethodizeClass
* Attach outstanding categories to an existing class.
* Fixes up cls's method list, protocol list, and property list.
* Updates method caches for cls and its subclasses.
* Locking: runtimeLock must be held by the caller
static void remethodizeClass(Class cls)
category_list *cats;
bool isMeta;
isMeta = cls->isMetaClass();
// Re-methodizing: check for more categories
if ((cats = unattachedCategoriesForClass(cls, false/*not realizing*/))) {
if (PrintConnecting) {
_objc_inform("CLASS: attaching categories to class '%s' %s",
cls->nameForLogging(), isMeta ? "(meta)" : "");
attachCategories(cls, cats, true /*flush caches*/);
// Attach method lists and properties and protocols from categories to a class.
// Assumes the categories in cats are all loaded and sorted by load order,
// oldest categories first.
static void
attachCategories(Class cls, category_list *cats, bool flush_caches)
if (!cats) return;
if (PrintReplacedMethods) printReplacements(cls, cats);
bool isMeta = cls->isMetaClass();
// fixme rearrange to remove these intermediate allocations
method_list_t **mlists = (method_list_t **)
malloc(cats->count * sizeof(*mlists));
property_list_t **proplists = (property_list_t **)
malloc(cats->count * sizeof(*proplists));
protocol_list_t **protolists = (protocol_list_t **)
malloc(cats->count * sizeof(*protolists));
// Count backwards through cats to get newest categories first
int mcount = 0;
int propcount = 0;
int protocount = 0;
int i = cats->count;
bool fromBundle = NO;
while (i--) {
auto& entry = cats->list[i];
method_list_t *mlist = entry.cat->methodsForMeta(isMeta);
if (mlist) {
mlists[mcount++] = mlist;
fromBundle |= entry.hi->isBundle();
property_list_t *proplist =
entry.cat->propertiesForMeta(isMeta, entry.hi);
if (proplist) {
proplists[propcount++] = proplist;
protocol_list_t *protolist = entry.cat->protocols;
if (protolist) {
protolists[protocount++] = protolist;
auto rw = cls->data();
prepareMethodLists(cls, mlists, mcount, NO, fromBundle);
rw->methods.attachLists(mlists, mcount);
if (flush_caches && mcount > 0) flushCaches(cls);
rw->properties.attachLists(proplists, propcount);
rw->protocols.attachLists(protolists, protocount);
void attachLists(List* const * addedLists, uint32_t addedCount) {
if (addedCount == 0) return;
if (hasArray()) {
// many lists -> many lists
uint32_t oldCount = array()->count;
uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;
setArray((array_t *)realloc(array(), array_t::byteSize(newCount)));
array()->count = newCount;
memmove(array()->lists + addedCount, array()->lists,
oldCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));
memcpy(array()->lists, addedLists,
addedCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));
else if (!list && addedCount == 1) {
// 0 lists -> 1 list
list = addedLists[0];
else {
// 1 list -> many lists
List* oldList = list;
uint32_t oldCount = oldList ? 1 : 0;
uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;
setArray((array_t *)malloc(array_t::byteSize(newCount)));
array()->count = newCount;
if (oldList) array()->lists[addedCount] = oldList;
memcpy(array()->lists, addedLists,
addedCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));
类的方法向后 移动 addedCount 位
array()->lists + addedCount,
oldCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]
category 方法填入内存
addedCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]
3 . Category 和class Extension的区别
4 .Category添加成员变量
1 .category 是不能直接添加成员变量属性的,
但是可以通过运行时关联对象的方式变相添加属性;2 .category 添加成员变量时,属性声明和实现是分开的;
(@property只负责声明,set get 方法需要自己单独实现)3 .代码实例
// 创建类
@interface Person : NSObject
@implementation Person
// 创建类扩展
@interface Person (Test)
//分类声明变量 : 只会完成属性声明,不会完成具体set,get方法
@property (nonatomic,copy)NSString * parent ;
@implementation Person (Test)
- (void)setParent:(NSString *)parent{
objc_setAssociatedObject(<#id _Nonnull object#>, <#const void * _Nonnull key#>, <#id _Nullable value#>, <#objc_AssociationPolicy policy#>)
id _Nonnull object : 关联对象,不能为空(一般设置为当前对象self)
const void * _Nonnull key : key值 ,不能为空
id _Nullable value : value值
objc_AssociationPolicy policy :关联策略
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, @selector(parent), parent, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC);
- (NSString *)parent{
objc_getAssociatedObject(<#id _Nonnull object#>, <#const void * _Nonnull key#>)
id _Nonnull object : 关联对象
const void * _Nonnull key :
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self,_cmd);
// 关键字 :_nullable表示对象可以是NULL或nil,而_nonnull表示对象不应该为空
////@selector() 是获取方法的编号, 这个编号在内存中是唯一的
/* 关联策略:
typedef OBJC_ENUM(uintptr_t, objc_AssociationPolicy) {
OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC = 1, // retain/strong ,nonatomic
OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN = 01401, // retain/strong ,atomic
OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY = 01403 // copy ,atomic
- 4 . 添加关联对象的原理
a. AssociationsManager
class AssociationsManager {
// associative references: object pointer -> PtrPtrHashMap.
static AssociationsHashMap *_map;
b. AssociationsHashMap
class AssociationsHashMap : public unordered_map {
c . ObjectAssociationMap
class ObjectAssociationMap : public std::map {
d . ObjcAssociation
class ObjcAssociation {
uintptr_t _policy;
id _value;
通过查阅 objc4 的部分源码对比以上的关系图可以得到下面的结论:
- 分类添加的属性并不会存储到对象本身内存中,
而是存储在一个全局的AssociationsManager 内存中;
2.设置关联对象 nil 时,会移除这个属性的关联;
void objc_setAssociatedObject(id object, const void *key, id value, objc_AssociationPolicy policy) {
_object_set_associative_reference(object, (void *)key, value, policy);
void _object_set_associative_reference(id object, void *key, id value, uintptr_t policy) {
// retain the new value (if any) outside the lock.
ObjcAssociation old_association(0, nil);
id new_value = value ? acquireValue(value, policy) : nil;
AssociationsManager manager;
AssociationsHashMap &associations(manager.associations());
disguised_ptr_t disguised_object = DISGUISE(object);
//这里判断 新传入的newValue 是否有值 ;有值直接赋新值,nil 择删除这个Association关联
if (new_value) {
// break any existing association.
AssociationsHashMap::iterator i = associations.find(disguised_object);
if (i != associations.end()) {
// secondary table exists
ObjectAssociationMap *refs = i->second;
ObjectAssociationMap::iterator j = refs->find(key);
if (j != refs->end()) {
old_association = j->second;
j->second = ObjcAssociation(policy, new_value);
} else {
(*refs)[key] = ObjcAssociation(policy, new_value);
} else {
// create the new association (first time).
ObjectAssociationMap *refs = new ObjectAssociationMap;
associations[disguised_object] = refs;
(*refs)[key] = ObjcAssociation(policy, new_value);
} else {
// setting the association to nil breaks the association.
AssociationsHashMap::iterator i = associations.find(disguised_object);
if (i != associations.end()) {
ObjectAssociationMap *refs = i->second;
ObjectAssociationMap::iterator j = refs->find(key);
if (j != refs->end()) {
old_association = j->second;
// release the old value (outside of the lock).
if (old_association.hasValue()) ReleaseValue()(old_association);
// 获取关联
id objc_getAssociatedObject(id object, const void *key) {
return _object_get_associative_reference(object, (void *)key);
id _object_get_associative_reference(id object, void *key) {
id value = nil;
uintptr_t policy = OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN;
AssociationsManager manager;
AssociationsHashMap &associations(manager.associations());
disguised_ptr_t disguised_object = DISGUISE(object);
AssociationsHashMap::iterator i = associations.find(disguised_object);
if (i != associations.end()) {
ObjectAssociationMap *refs = i->second;
ObjectAssociationMap::iterator j = refs->find(key);
if (j != refs->end()) {
ObjcAssociation &entry = j->second;
value = entry.value();
policy = entry.policy();
return value;
可不可以关联的是同一个object ? 会有什么后果?
// 创建类
@interface Person : NSObject
@implementation Person
@interface Person (Test)
@property (nonatomic,copy)NSString * parent ;
//定义一个全局变量 然后进行属性关联
static NSString *obj = @"123";
@implementation Person (Test)
- (void)setParent:(NSString *)parent{
objc_setAssociatedObject(obj, @selector(parent), parent, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC);
- (NSString *)parent{
return objc_getAssociatedObject(obj,_cmd);
// 在vc 中调用 代码执行
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
Person *person = [Person new];
person.parent = @"person.parent";
Person * newPerson = [Person new];
newPerson.parent = @"newPerson.parent";
NSLog(@"%@ :: %@",person.parent,newPerson.parent);
newPerson.parent :: newPerson.parent
关联设置 是Manager 通过object 查找对应的hashMap ,当object 设置的是同一对象的时候,找到 的hashMap 是唯一的,找到的 关联属性也就是唯一的。
当第一次set 的时候,设置了关联,并赋值,第二次set 只是修改了属性值。
5 .+ load 方法 、+ initialize 方法
- 1 .load 方法介绍:
在main 函数执行之前就完成加载项目中所有类、分类的load 方法,不论这个类在项目中是否有被使用;
load 方法调用顺序:
1>先调用类的load 方法
b.先调用父类的load 方法,在调用子类的load方法
2>再调用分类的load 方法
void call_load_methods(void)
static bool loading = NO;
bool more_categories;
// Re-entrant calls do nothing; the outermost call will finish the job.
if (loading) return;
loading = YES;
void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
// 先加载类的laod 方法
do {
// 1. Repeatedly call class +loads until there aren't any more
while (loadable_classes_used > 0) {
// 2. Call category +loads ONCE // 再加载分类的laod 方法
more_categories = call_category_loads();
// 3. Run more +loads if there are classes OR more untried categories
} while (loadable_classes_used > 0 || more_categories);
loading = NO;
// 类 load
static void call_class_loads(void)
int i;
// Detach current loadable list.
struct loadable_class *classes = loadable_classes;
int used = loadable_classes_used;
loadable_classes = nil;
loadable_classes_allocated = 0;
loadable_classes_used = 0;
// Call all +loads for the detached list.
for (i = 0; i < used; i++) {
Class cls = classes[i].cls;
load_method_t load_method = (load_method_t)classes[i].method;
if (!cls) continue;
if (PrintLoading) {
_objc_inform("LOAD: +[%s load]\n", cls->nameForLogging());
(*load_method)(cls, SEL_load);// 通过获取方法指针地址调用
// Destroy the detached list.
if (classes) free(classes);
// 分类load
static bool call_category_loads(void)
int i, shift;
bool new_categories_added = NO;
// Detach current loadable list.
struct loadable_category *cats = loadable_categories;
int used = loadable_categories_used;
int allocated = loadable_categories_allocated;
loadable_categories = nil;
loadable_categories_allocated = 0;
loadable_categories_used = 0;
// Call all +loads for the detached list.
for (i = 0; i < used; i++) {
Category cat = cats[i].cat;
load_method_t load_method = (load_method_t)cats[i].method;
Class cls;
if (!cat) continue;
cls = _category_getClass(cat);
if (cls && cls->isLoadable()) {
if (PrintLoading) {
_objc_inform("LOAD: +[%s(%s) load]\n",
(*load_method)(cls, SEL_load);
cats[i].cat = nil;
// Compact detached list (order-preserving)
shift = 0;
for (i = 0; i < used; i++) {
if (cats[i].cat) {
cats[i-shift] = cats[i];
} else {
used -= shift;
// Copy any new +load candidates from the new list to the detached list.
new_categories_added = (loadable_categories_used > 0);
for (i = 0; i < loadable_categories_used; i++) {
if (used == allocated) {
allocated = allocated*2 + 16;
cats = (struct loadable_category *)
realloc(cats, allocated *
sizeof(struct loadable_category));
cats[used++] = loadable_categories[i];
// Destroy the new list.
if (loadable_categories) free(loadable_categories);
// Reattach the (now augmented) detached list.
// But if there's nothing left to load, destroy the list.
if (used) {
loadable_categories = cats;
loadable_categories_used = used;
loadable_categories_allocated = allocated;
} else {
if (cats) free(cats);
loadable_categories = nil;
loadable_categories_used = 0;
loadable_categories_allocated = 0;
if (PrintLoading) {
if (loadable_categories_used != 0) {
_objc_inform("LOAD: %d categories still waiting for +load\n",
return new_categories_added;
- 2 .initialize方法介绍:
先调用父类的 initialize 再调用子类的initialize;
(oc 的消息机制传递)
1>如果分类实现了 + initialize,会覆盖类的+ initialize
2>如果子类没有实现+ initialize,会调用父类 + initialize(所以父类的+ initialize 可能会被多次调用)
- 3 . + load + initialize 的区别:
1>调用方式 :
load 函数地址 ;initialize 消息机制
2>调用时间 :
load 运行时加载类的时候调用(只调用一次);
initialize 类第一次接受到消息时调用,每个类只调用一次(子类可以调用父类的initialize方法)
load 先调用类,在调用分类;先编译的类优先调用;先调用父类的load,再调用子类的load;
initialize 先初始化父类,再初始化子类(可以调用父类的initialize 方法)