1、 [单选] 项目在采购配件的过程中,其中一个供应商给出非常优惠的价格。但是根据内部专家判断,该价格对于持续合作是不现实的。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
In the process of project procurement, one of the suppliers offers very low price. But according to internal experts, the price is unrealistic for continued cooperation. What should the project manager do next?
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
2、 [单选] 在采购规划过程中,发起人指示项目经理必须创建一个风险最小的采购计划。以下哪种合同类型对买方风险最小?
During the procurement planning process, the sponsor indicates that the project manager must create a procurement plan with the least risk. Which of the following contract types demonstrates the least risk for the buyer?
正确答案:B 你的答案:B
解析:对买方来说,总价类合同比成本补偿类合同风险小,总价类合同中固定总价风险最小。容易选错的选项 A,虽然总价加激励费合同如果成本节约买方也可以分享收益,但这里不是评估合同款高低,是说风险高低,风险即不确定性,固定总价合同可以理解为对买方没有不确定性。而总价加激励费最终可能多付可能少付,少付多付都是不确定性。
3、 [单选] 项目的一项原材料采购将与供应商签订长达10年的持续供货合同。项目发起人给项目经理提供了一份固定总价合同模板。许多供应商因为担心市场价格波动超出自己承受范围而迟迟没有响应。项目经理应该建议以下哪种合同类型?
A raw material purchase of the project will be signed with the supplier for a 10-year continuous supply contract. The project sponsor provided the project manager with a template of firm fixed price contract. Many suppliers have been slow to respond to concerns about market price volatility beyond their capacity. Which type of contract should the project manager recommend?
正确答案:B 你的答案:B
解析:总价加经济价格调整 FP-EPA 合同就是在总价基础上,增加因市场变化,材料价格波动等不确定因素而可以调整合同价的条款,平衡风险分担比例,有利于买卖双方建立长期合作关系。
4、 [单选] 在确定的合同中,清单中允许的成本供应商都可以报销。且合同规定卖方如能提前交付,每提前一天买方还额外支付1%的费用,与供应商签订的合同属于什么类型?
Under a certain contract, a list of allowable costs is established for supplier reimbursement. And the contract specifies that if the supplier can deliver in advance, the buyer will pay an extra 1% of the cost per day in advance. What type of contract does the contract with the supplier belong to?
正确答案:B 你的答案:B
解析:成本都可以报销的就是成本补偿类合同,根据提前完成的时间按约定比例额外给予 1%的费用属于激励费。激励费和奖励费主要区别是激励费的规则和计算方法是事先约定并潜在合同中的,卖方自己就可以算得出来。而奖励费是买方根据卖方表现给的,没有规则和计算公式。激励的条件不止是成本,可以是工期、质量等其它项目制约因素。
5、 [单选] 买方和卖方签订了总价加激励费合同,合同的目标成本是200万美元,目标费用是50万美元。合同规定了最高价为280万美元,分享比率为80/20。卖方完成工作的实际成本为250万美元,那么最终买方要向卖方支付多少合同款?
The buyer and seller bargain on a fixed price plus incentive fee contract, the aim cost of the contract is 2 million dollars, the aim fee is 0.5 million dollars. The contract specifies that the celling price is 2.8 million dollars, the sharing ratio is 80/30, if the seller accomplished the fact cost is 2.5 million dollars, how much should the buyer pay for the seller totally?
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:总价加激励费合同,合同款=实际成本+目标费用-(实际成本-目标成本)*卖方分担比例 =250+50-(250-200)*20%=290 万 > 最高限价 280 万,所以只需支付 280 万。
6、 [单选] 当前项目的进度绩效指数SPI为0.7。为了满足进度要求,团队经过评估决定将项目的一部分工作外包给外部制造商。在签订合同之前,项目经理需要完成以下哪些工作?
The project schedule performance index SPI is 0.7 currently. To meet the requirements of schedule, project team assessed the situation and decided to outsource part of the project to external manufacturers. What does the project manager need to do before signing a contract?
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
解析:原计划自己完成的部分工作改为外包,首先这需要走变更控制程序,在签订合同之前,投标人会议和独立估算是开标前的工作、中标后签合同前需要进行合同谈判,以明确卖方对合同要求都理解准确和完整。既然已决定了外包,自制外购分析是事先已完成了的工作;采购审计和采购绩效审查是采购控制过程中的工作,不在签合同前。因此 A 答案是正确的。
7、 [单选] 项目经理正在按照工料合同为客户做项目。团队做了挣值分析,确认该项目可以提前完工,而且少于原始的预算。不过项目经理所在的公司与技术分包公司签属的是固定总价合同。这意味着项目经理所在公司利润将会减少,根据项目利润项目经理的奖金也会比预计的少。项目经理应该怎么办?
A project manager is developing a project for a client working on a time-and-material contract. They have performed an earned value analysis and verified that the project can be completed earlier and under the original estimated budget. However, the company that the project manager is working with has a firm-fixed-price contract with the technical subcontractor. This means that the project manager's company's profits will be reduced and the project manager's bonus will be less than expected. What should the project manager do?
正确答案:C 你的答案:C