
Do you have a hard time discriminating between response generalization and stimulus generalization?


Response Generalization 反应泛化

Occurs when topographically different yet functionally similar responses occur in the presence of similar stimuli. We are altering the function here, not the topography.


Many responses, one stimulus 许多反应,一个刺激

Example:Ike's dog is named Zack. When his mom asks him what kind of animal he is, Ike replies "dog", sometimes he says " pupper", and occasionally he says "canine". (There is one stimulus (Zack), and many responses (labels for dog).

例如: 艾克的狗叫扎克。当他妈妈问他是什么动物时,艾克回答“狗”,有时他说“pupper”,有时他说“狗”。(有一个刺激(扎克) ,和许多反应(标签为狗)。

Stimulus Generalization: 刺激归纳:

Occurs when stimuli that share similar physical characteristics with the controlling stimulus evoke the same behavior as the controlling stimuli. We are altering the topography here, not the function.


•Many stimuli, one response •许多刺激,一个反应

Example:Ike is presented with pictures of a variety of dogs. When his mom asks him what kind of animals they are he says"dogs". (There are many stimuli (breeds of dogs), and one response ("dogs").

例如: 给艾克展示各种狗的图片。当他妈妈问他们是什么动物时,他说“狗”。(有许多刺激(狗的品种) ,和一个反应(“狗”)。

Here's how to remember the difference:


When you are presented with a scenario question, plug them into this chart (whiteboard tip!)


                  "Many Rs= R-Gen"    "Many Ss= S-Gen"“ Many Rs = R-Gen”“ Many Ss = S-Gen”
