VTM采用了跨分量线性模型的色度预测模式,即色度值可根据已重建亮度像素线性变换得到,变换函数为pred_C (i,j)=α•rec_L'(i,j)+β
通过相邻CU的亮度和色度计算得到,计算公式为 α = Y a − Y b X a − X b α = \frac{Y_a - Y_b}{X_a - X_b} α=Xa−XbYa−Yb, β = Y b − α × X b β = Y_b - α \times X_b β=Yb−α×Xb。其中, Y a Y_a Ya 是相邻亮度像素下采样后最大亮度像素的亮度值, X a 是 Y a X_a 是Y_a Xa是Ya对应的色度值。 Y b Y_b Yb 是相邻亮度像素下采样后最小亮度像素的亮度值, X b 是 Y b X_b 是Y_b Xb是Yb对应的色度值。下图给出一个CCLM预测的例子
VTM中计算α的除法操作通过查表获得,以降低计算复杂度。为了减少表的存储空间,最大最小的差值 diff 和 α 以指数形式存储和计算。例如,diff近似为4位有效位和一个指数量级。因此,1/diff 的表格元素可减少为16 个,如下
D i v T a b l e [ ] = 0 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 3 , 3 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 DivTable [ ] = { 0, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 } DivTable[]=0,7,6,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,0
void IntraPrediction::xGetLumaRecPixels(const PredictionUnit &pu, CompArea chromaArea)
int iDstStride = 0;
Pel* pDst0 = 0; // 目标亮度重建信号首地址
int curChromaMode = pu.intraDir[1];
if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
{ //LM_L和LM_A使用一侧参考像素,长度W+H
iDstStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
pDst0 = m_pMdlmTemp + iDstStride + 1;
{ //CCLM使用两侧参考像素
iDstStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
pDst0 = m_piTemp + iDstStride + 1; //MMLM_SAMPLE_NEIGHBOR_LINES;
//assert 420 chroma subsampling
//获取亮度cu区域,如果chroma区域对应多luma区域,取中心点出的luma cu
CompArea lumaArea = CompArea( COMPONENT_Y, pu.chromaFormat, chromaArea.lumaPos(), recalcSize( pu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, chromaArea.size() ) );//needed for correct pos/size (4x4 Tus)
CHECK( lumaArea.width == chromaArea.width, "" );
CHECK( lumaArea.height == chromaArea.height, "" );
const SizeType uiCWidth = chromaArea.width;
const SizeType uiCHeight = chromaArea.height;
const CPelBuf Src = pu.cs->picture->getRecoBuf( lumaArea ); //亮度重建缓存
Pel const* pRecSrc0 = Src.bufAt( 0, 0 ); //亮度重建首地址
int iRecStride = Src.stride;
int iRecStride2 = iRecStride << 1;
const CodingUnit& lumaCU = isChroma( pu.chType ) ? *pu.cs->picture->cs->getCU( lumaArea.pos(), CH_L ) : *pu.cu; //luma CU
const CodingUnit& cu = *pu.cu; //chroma pu所属cu
const CompArea& area = isChroma( pu.chType ) ? chromaArea : lumaArea;
const uint32_t uiTuWidth = area.width; //chroma size
const uint32_t uiTuHeight = area.height;
int iBaseUnitSize = ( 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2 ); //4
const int iUnitWidth = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX( area.compID, area.chromaFormat ); //2
const int iUnitHeight = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX( area.compID, area.chromaFormat ); //2
const int iTUWidthInUnits = uiTuWidth / iUnitWidth;
const int iTUHeightInUnits = uiTuHeight / iUnitHeight;
const int iAboveUnits = iTUWidthInUnits;
const int iLeftUnits = iTUHeightInUnits;
const int chromaUnitWidth = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, area.chromaFormat); //2
const int chromaUnitHeight = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, area.chromaFormat); //2
const int topTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCWidth; // for MDLM, the number of template samples is 2W or 2H.
const int leftTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCHeight;
assert(m_topRefLength >= topTemplateSampNum);
assert(m_leftRefLength >= leftTemplateSampNum);
const int totalAboveUnits = (topTemplateSampNum + (chromaUnitWidth - 1)) / chromaUnitWidth;
const int totalLeftUnits = (leftTemplateSampNum + (chromaUnitHeight - 1)) / chromaUnitHeight;
const int totalUnits = totalLeftUnits + totalAboveUnits + 1;
const int aboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - iAboveUnits;
const int leftBelowUnits = totalLeftUnits - iLeftUnits;
/*********** 有效unit及对应flag设置 ***************/
int avaiAboveRightUnits = 0;
int avaiLeftBelowUnits = 0;
bool bNeighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
memset(bNeighborFlags, 0, totalUnits);
bool bAboveAvaillable, bLeftAvaillable;
int availlableUnit = isLeftAvailable( isChroma( pu.chType ) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType( area.compID ), area.pos(), iLeftUnits, iUnitHeight,
( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits - 1 ) );
bLeftAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUHeightInUnits;
availlableUnit = isAboveAvailable( isChroma( pu.chType ) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType( area.compID ), area.pos(), iAboveUnits, iUnitWidth,
( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + 1 ) );
bAboveAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUWidthInUnits;
if (bLeftAvaillable) // if left is not available, then the below left is not available
avaiLeftBelowUnits = isBelowLeftAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.bottomLeftComp(area.compID), leftBelowUnits, iUnitHeight, (bNeighborFlags + leftBelowUnits - 1));
if (bAboveAvaillable) // if above is not available, then the above right is not available.
avaiAboveRightUnits = isAboveRightAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.topRightComp(area.compID), aboveRightUnits, iUnitWidth, (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + iAboveUnits + 1));
Pel* pDst = nullptr;
Pel const* piSrc = nullptr;
bool isFirstRowOfCtu = ((pu.block(COMPONENT_Cb).y)&(((pu.cs->sps)->getMaxCUWidth() >> 1) - 1)) == 0; //pu是否在ctu第一行
if( bAboveAvaillable ) // 上方参考像素下采样
pDst = pDst0 - iDstStride; //重建上一行第一个像素
int addedAboveRight = 0; //右上有效像素个数
if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
addedAboveRight = avaiAboveRightUnits*chromaUnitWidth;
for (int i = 0; i < uiCWidth + addedAboveRight; i++)
if (isFirstRowOfCtu) // 第一行pu,亮度参考进行[1,2,1]系数2倍下采样
piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride;
if (i == 0 && !bLeftAvaillable)
pDst[i] = piSrc[2 * i];
pDst[i] = ( piSrc[2 * i] * 2 + piSrc[2 * i - 1] + piSrc[2 * i + 1] + 2 ) >> 2;
else if( pu.cs->sps->getCclmCollocatedChromaFlag() )
{ // 公式1.2 下采样
piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride2;
if( i == 0 && !bLeftAvaillable )
pDst[i] = ( piSrc[2 * i] * 2 + piSrc[2 * i - iRecStride] + piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride] + 2 ) >> 2;
pDst[i] = ( piSrc[2 * i - iRecStride]
+ piSrc[2 * i ] * 4 + piSrc[2 * i - 1] + piSrc[2 * i + 1]
+ piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride]
+ 4 ) >> 3;
{ // 公式1.1下采样
piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride2;
if (i == 0 && !bLeftAvaillable)
pDst[i] = ( piSrc[2 * i] + piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride] + 1 ) >> 1;
pDst[i] = ( ( ( piSrc[2 * i ] * 2 ) + piSrc[2 * i - 1 ] + piSrc[2 * i + 1 ] )
+ ( ( piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride] * 2 ) + piSrc[2 * i - 1 + iRecStride] + piSrc[2 * i + 1 + iRecStride] )
+ 4 ) >> 3;
if( bLeftAvaillable ) // 左侧参考像素下采样
pDst = pDst0 - 1;
piSrc = pRecSrc0 - 3;
int addedLeftBelow = 0;
if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
addedLeftBelow = avaiLeftBelowUnits*chromaUnitHeight;
for (int j = 0; j < uiCHeight + addedLeftBelow; j++)
if( pu.cs->sps->getCclmCollocatedChromaFlag() )
if( j == 0 && !bAboveAvaillable )
pDst[0] = ( piSrc[1] * 2 + piSrc[0] + piSrc[2] + 2 ) >> 2;
else // 公式1.2
pDst[0] = ( piSrc[1 - iRecStride]
+ piSrc[1 ] * 4 + piSrc[0] + piSrc[2]
+ piSrc[1 + iRecStride]
+ 4 ) >> 3;
{ // 公式1.1
pDst[0] = ( ( piSrc[1 ] * 2 + piSrc[0 ] + piSrc[2 ] )
+ ( piSrc[1 + iRecStride] * 2 + piSrc[iRecStride] + piSrc[2 + iRecStride] )
+ 4 ) >> 3;
piSrc += iRecStride2;
pDst += iDstStride;
// inner part from reconstructed picture buffer
for( int j = 0; j < uiCHeight; j++ ) // 亮度下采样内部采样值
for( int i = 0; i < uiCWidth; i++ )
if( pu.cs->sps->getCclmCollocatedChromaFlag() )
if( i == 0 && !bLeftAvaillable )
if( j == 0 && !bAboveAvaillable )
pDst0[i] = pRecSrc0[2 * i];
pDst0[i] = ( pRecSrc0[2 * i] * 2 + pRecSrc0[2 * i - iRecStride] + pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride] + 2 ) >> 2;
else if( j == 0 && !bAboveAvaillable )
pDst0[i] = ( pRecSrc0[2 * i] * 2 + pRecSrc0[2 * i - 1] + pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1] + 2 ) >> 2;
pDst0[i] = ( pRecSrc0[2 * i - iRecStride]
+ pRecSrc0[2 * i ] * 4 + pRecSrc0[2 * i - 1] + pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1]
+ pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride]
+ 4 ) >> 3;
if( i == 0 && !bLeftAvaillable )
pDst0[i] = ( pRecSrc0[2 * i] + pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride] + 1 ) >> 1;
pDst0[i] = ( pRecSrc0[2 * i ] * 2 + pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1 ] + pRecSrc0[2 * i - 1 ]
+ pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride] * 2 + pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1 + iRecStride] + pRecSrc0[2 * i - 1 + iRecStride]
+ 4 ) >> 3;
pDst0 += iDstStride;
pRecSrc0 += iRecStride2;
计算预测值。 代码及注释如下:
void IntraPrediction::predIntraChromaLM(const ComponentID compID, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu, const CompArea& chromaArea, int intraDir)
int iLumaStride = 0;
PelBuf Temp; // 亮度重建buffer(下采样之后)
if ((intraDir == MDLM_L_IDX) || (intraDir == MDLM_T_IDX))
iLumaStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
Temp = PelBuf(m_pMdlmTemp + iLumaStride + 1, iLumaStride, Size(chromaArea));
iLumaStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
Temp = PelBuf(m_piTemp + iLumaStride + 1, iLumaStride, Size(chromaArea));
int a, b, iShift;
xGetLMParameters(pu, compID, chromaArea, a, b, iShift); // 计算线性模型尺度因子和偏移
// final prediction
piPred.copyFrom(Temp); // 预测buffer初始化
piPred.linearTransform(a, iShift, b, true, pu.cs->slice->clpRng(compID)); // 计算预测值
主要功能是找到亮度重建像素中最大的亮度、最小亮度及其各自对应的色度值,然后根据查表计算出pred_C (i,j)=α•rec_L'(i,j)+β
void IntraPrediction::xGetLMParameters(const PredictionUnit &pu, const ComponentID compID,
const CompArea &chromaArea,
int &a, int &b, int &iShift)
const SizeType cWidth = chromaArea.width;
const SizeType cHeight = chromaArea.height;
const Position posLT = chromaArea;
CodingStructure & cs = *(pu.cs);
const CodingUnit &cu = *(pu.cu);
const SPS & sps = *cs.sps;
const uint32_t tuWidth = chromaArea.width;
const uint32_t tuHeight = chromaArea.height;
const ChromaFormat nChromaFormat = sps.getChromaFormatIdc();
const int baseUnitSize = 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2;
const int unitWidth = baseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat);
const int unitHeight = baseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat);
const int tuWidthInUnits = tuWidth / unitWidth;
const int tuHeightInUnits = tuHeight / unitHeight;
const int aboveUnits = tuWidthInUnits;
const int leftUnits = tuHeightInUnits;
int topTemplateSampNum = 2 * cWidth; // for MDLM, the template sample number is 2W or 2H;
int leftTemplateSampNum = 2 * cHeight;
assert(m_topRefLength >= topTemplateSampNum);
assert(m_leftRefLength >= leftTemplateSampNum);
int totalAboveUnits = (topTemplateSampNum + (unitWidth - 1)) / unitWidth;
int totalLeftUnits = (leftTemplateSampNum + (unitHeight - 1)) / unitHeight;
int totalUnits = totalLeftUnits + totalAboveUnits + 1;
int aboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - aboveUnits;
int leftBelowUnits = totalLeftUnits - leftUnits;
int avaiAboveRightUnits = 0;
int avaiLeftBelowUnits = 0;
int avaiAboveUnits = 0;
int avaiLeftUnits = 0;
int curChromaMode = pu.intraDir[1];
bool neighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
memset(neighborFlags, 0, totalUnits);
bool aboveAvailable, leftAvailable;
int availableUnit =
isAboveAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, aboveUnits, unitWidth,
(neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits + 1));
aboveAvailable = availableUnit == tuWidthInUnits;
availableUnit =
isLeftAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, leftUnits, unitHeight,
(neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits - 1));
leftAvailable = availableUnit == tuHeightInUnits;
if (leftAvailable) // if left is not available, then the below left is not available
avaiLeftUnits = tuHeightInUnits;
avaiLeftBelowUnits = isBelowLeftAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.bottomLeftComp(chromaArea.compID), leftBelowUnits, unitHeight, (neighborFlags + leftBelowUnits - 1));
if (aboveAvailable) // if above is not available, then the above right is not available.
avaiAboveUnits = tuWidthInUnits;
avaiAboveRightUnits = isAboveRightAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.topRightComp(chromaArea.compID), aboveRightUnits, unitWidth, (neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits + aboveUnits + 1));
Pel *srcColor0, *curChroma0;
int srcStride, curStride;
PelBuf temp;
if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
srcStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
temp = PelBuf(m_pMdlmTemp + srcStride + 1, srcStride, Size(chromaArea));
srcStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
temp = PelBuf(m_piTemp + srcStride + 1, srcStride, Size(chromaArea));
srcColor0 = temp.bufAt(0, 0);
curChroma0 = getPredictorPtr(compID);
curStride = m_topRefLength + 1;
curChroma0 += curStride + 1;
unsigned internalBitDepth = sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA);
int minLuma[2] = { MAX_INT, 0 }; // 最小亮度及对应色度
int maxLuma[2] = { -MAX_INT, 0 }; // 最大亮度及对应色度
Pel *src = srcColor0 - srcStride; // Luma正上左一地址
Pel *cur = curChroma0 - curStride; // chroma正上左一地址
int minDim = 1;
int actualTopTemplateSampNum = 0;
int actualLeftTemplateSampNum = 0;
if (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX)
leftAvailable = 0;
actualTopTemplateSampNum = unitWidth*(avaiAboveUnits + avaiAboveRightUnits);
minDim = actualTopTemplateSampNum;
else if (curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX)
aboveAvailable = 0;
actualLeftTemplateSampNum = unitHeight*(avaiLeftUnits + avaiLeftBelowUnits);
minDim = actualLeftTemplateSampNum;
else if (curChromaMode == LM_CHROMA_IDX)
actualTopTemplateSampNum = cWidth;
actualLeftTemplateSampNum = cHeight;
minDim = leftAvailable && aboveAvailable ? 1 << g_aucPrevLog2[std::min(actualLeftTemplateSampNum, actualTopTemplateSampNum)]
: 1 << g_aucPrevLog2[leftAvailable ? actualLeftTemplateSampNum : actualTopTemplateSampNum];
int numSteps = minDim;
/*************** 遍历上方像素 **************/
if (aboveAvailable)
for (int j = 0; j < numSteps; j++)
int idx = (j * actualTopTemplateSampNum) / minDim;
if (minLuma[0] > src[idx])
minLuma[0] = src[idx];
minLuma[1] = cur[idx];
if (maxLuma[0] < src[idx])
maxLuma[0] = src[idx];
maxLuma[1] = cur[idx];
/*************** 遍历左侧像素 **************/
if (leftAvailable)
src = srcColor0 - 1;
cur = curChroma0 - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++)
int idx = (i * actualLeftTemplateSampNum) / minDim;
if (minLuma[0] > src[srcStride * idx])
minLuma[0] = src[srcStride * idx];
minLuma[1] = cur[curStride * idx];
if (maxLuma[0] < src[srcStride * idx])
maxLuma[0] = src[srcStride * idx];
maxLuma[1] = cur[curStride * idx];
// 除法查表(整数运算),计算a,b
if (leftAvailable || aboveAvailable)
int diff = maxLuma[0] - minLuma[0]; // (Ya - Yb)
if (diff > 0)
int diffC = maxLuma[1] - minLuma[1]; // (Xa-Xb)
int x = floorLog2( diff );
static const uint8_t DivSigTable[1 << 4] = {
// 4bit significands - 8 ( MSB is omitted )
0, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
int normDiff = (diff << 4 >> x) & 15;
int v = DivSigTable[normDiff] | 8;
x += normDiff != 0;
int y = floorLog2( abs( diffC ) ) + 1;
int add = 1 << y >> 1;
a = (diffC * v + add) >> y;
iShift = 3 + x - y;
if ( iShift < 1 ) {
iShift = 1;
a = ( (a == 0)? 0: (a < 0)? -15 : 15 ); // a=Sign(a)*15
b = minLuma[1] - ((a * minLuma[0]) >> iShift);
a = 0;
b = minLuma[1];
iShift = 0;
#else // original
a = 0;
iShift = 16;
int shift = (internalBitDepth > 8) ? internalBitDepth - 9 : 0;
int add = shift ? 1 << (shift - 1) : 0;
int diff = (maxLuma[0] - minLuma[0] + add) >> shift;
if (diff > 0)
int div = ((maxLuma[1] - minLuma[1]) * g_aiLMDivTableLow[diff - 1] + 32768) >> 16;
a = (((maxLuma[1] - minLuma[1]) * g_aiLMDivTableHigh[diff - 1] + div + add) >> shift);
b = minLuma[1] - ((a * minLuma[0]) >> iShift);
else // 左上都没有有效参考,默认a = 0; b = 2^(bitDepth-1)
a = 0;
b = 1 << (internalBitDepth - 1);
iShift = 0;
void AreaBuf<Pel>::linearTransform( const int scale, const int shift, const int offset, bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng )
const Pel* src = buf;
Pel* dst = buf;
if( width == 1 )
THROW( "Blocks of width = 1 not supported" );
else if( ( width & 7 ) == 0 )
g_pelBufOP.linTf8( src, stride, dst, stride, width, height, scale, shift, offset, clpRng, bClip );
else if( ( width & 3 ) == 0 )
g_pelBufOP.linTf4( src, stride, dst, stride, width, height, scale, shift, offset, clpRng, bClip );
#define LINTF_OP( ADDR ) dst[ADDR] = ( Pel ) bClip ? ClipPel( rightShift( scale * src[ADDR], shift ) + offset, clpRng ) : ( rightShift( scale * src[ADDR], shift ) + offset )
#define LINTF_INC \
src += stride; \
dst += stride; \
#undef RECO_OP
#undef RECO_INC