To Unlock the iPhone X in Bed, Hold it Farther Away from Your Face - Lifehacker

The new iPhone X.

Face ID, the new face-scanning security camera introduced in the iPhone X, works pretty flawlessly most of the time. But there’s one place where Apple’s latest tech may be giving you trouble: in bed.
作为 iPhone X 引入的全新功能,面容ID通过扫描面部来保证安全。多数情况下,该功能不出差错。不过,在这个地方使用面容ID可能会有些麻烦:床上。

A recent Reddit thread (spotted by BGR) revealed that multiple people were having trouble unlocking the new smartphone while still lying in bed. One iPhone X owner assumed the issue might be a pillow obscuring their face, but it turns out the solution is even simpler.
最近,在一个 Reddit 帖子中,许多用户表示,卧床时,使用面容ID解锁手机会有困难。一名 iPhone X 用户认为,这可能是因为枕头遮住了一部分面部。其实,解决方法非常简单。

The problem isn’t with the position of your face, it’s how you’re holding your iPhone. That’s because Face ID doesn’t work if the camera is too close to you. It needs to be between 10-20 inches away from your face to get an accurate scan, according to Apple.
问题不在于面部朝向,而在于你如何手持手机。这是因为,面部距离手机太近时,面容ID无法工作。据 Apple 介绍,若要准确扫描面部,你需要将手机保持在 10~20 英寸(约合 25.4~50.8 厘米)的位置。

Normally that isn’t an issue, since most people hold their phone out in front of them at about that distance, but using your iPhone in bed is another story. You might hold the device closer because you usually wear glasses or contacts but haven’t put them on yet, or maybe you just woke up and your vision is a little blurry. Either way, your natural instinct is probably to hold the screen right up to your face, but with Face ID that won’t work.
通常情况, 保持这个距离并不成问题,因为大多数人平常拿手机时,都保持这么远;但是卧床使用则不同。卧床时,你可能将手机拿得更近,因为没有带眼镜;或许因为睡眼惺忪而看不清。无论如何,醒来后看手机时,你的自然反应是将其贴近面部,而这个距离下,面容ID是无法工作的。

This might be a little annoying to get used to, but it’s probably for the best. Holding your smartphone too close to your face can cause eye strain and even headaches, according to one study. So in this case, maybe Apple does know best.

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