
L2-U2-P3-1 Listening: Ben's

Weekly Schedule本的每周日程安排

This is Ben's weekly schedule. 这是本的每周日程安排。

On weekdays, he goes to school from 8:00 until 3:30. 在工作日,他从8:00到3:30上学。

He usually has basketball practice after school. 他通常放学后练习篮球。

On Monday, his team practices for 2 hours. 周一,他的团队练习了2个小时。

They practice from 3:45 until 5:45. 他们从3:45练到5:45。

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they practice for an hour and a

half. 星期二和星期四,他们练习一个半小时。

They finish practicing around 5:15. 他们在5:15左右完成练习。

On Wednesdays they practice until 6:00. 星期三他们练习到6点。

On Fridays, they have a short practice. 星期五,他们有一个简短的练习。

They finish at 5:00, so he can go home early. 他们五点结束,所以他可以早点回家

On Saturday, they have their games. 星期六,他们有比赛。

They play against other schools. 他们和其他学校比赛。

The games are in the afternoon. 比赛在下午进行。

This year, their team isn't doing well. 今年,他们的球队表现不好。

Their record is 3 wins and 4 losses. 他们的战绩是3胜4负。

Ben never has practice on Sundays. 本星期天从不练习。

On Sundays he does homework. 星期天他做家庭作业。

In the afternoon, he and his family spend time together.下午,他和他的家人呆在一起。

Sometimes they watch a movie. 有时他们看电影。

Sometimes they just stay at home. 有时他们只是呆在家里。

Ben likes to play chess with his father. 本喜欢和他父亲下棋。

His father is a good chess player. 他父亲是个好棋手。

L2-U2-P3-2 Listening : Ken's


Ken is a taxi driver. 肯是出租车司机。

He and his wife live in Tokyo. 他和妻子住在东京。

Ken is 40 years old. 肯今年40岁。

His wife, Seiko, is a nurse.他的妻子精子是一名护士。

She works in a hospital. 她在医院工作。

Ken owns his own taxi. 肯有自己的出租车。

His schedule varies. 他的日程安排各不相同。

It changes every day. 它每天都在变化。

On rainy days he works for 8 hours. 下雨天他工作8小时。

It's easy to get passengers on rainy days. 雨天很容易载到乘客。

On other days he works for 5 or 6 hours. 在其他的日子里,他工作5到6个小时。

He usually works 5 or 6 days a week. 他通常一周工作5到6天。

He never works on Sundays. 他星期天从不工作。

He prefers to work at night from six until midnight. 他喜欢在晚上从六点工作到午夜。

There is less traffic at night. 晚上车辆比较少。

That means there are fewer cars on the road. 这意味着路上的汽车更少了。

During the day, there is a lot of traffic. 在白天,交通很拥挤。

Too many cars on the road means heavy traffic. 路上汽车太多意味着交通拥挤。

The streets are crowded with too many cars. 街道上挤满了太多的汽车。

Ken doesn't like driving in heavy traffic. 肯不喜欢在交通拥挤的时候开车。

The traffic doesn't move. 交通不畅。

There are too many cars. 车太多了。

Ken likes being a taxi driver. 肯喜欢当出租车司机。

He likes to talk to his passengers. 他喜欢和乘客交谈。

Most passengers are very nice. 大多数乘客都很好。

Some of them are very interesting. 其中一些非常有趣。

They come from different countries. 他们来自不同的国家。

They have different kinds of jobs. 他们有不同的工作。

Unfortunately, some passengers are very rude. 不幸的是,有些乘客非常粗鲁。

They get angry and are not polite. 他们生气,不礼貌。

They never say "please" or "thank you".他们从不说“请”或“谢谢”。

They want him to driver fast even in heavy traffic. 他们要他即使在交通拥挤的时候也开快车。

It's not possible to drive fast in heavy traffic. 交通拥挤时不可能开快车。

And they don't say "thank you" when they leave. 他们离开时也不会说“谢谢”。

L2-U2-P3-3 Vocabulary

: Daily Actions & Emotions日常行为和情绪

leave离开 They are leaving home in

the morning. 他们在早晨离开家。

return返回 They are returning home in

the evening. 他们晚上回家。

arrive到达He is arriving at work in

the morning. 他早晨到达工作地点。

work: She is working at her desk in an office. 她在办公室的办公桌前工作。

talking说话 He is talking with a

friend on his phone. 他正在和一个朋友打电话。

listening听 She is listening to

music. 她正在听音乐。

a happy face一张愉快的脸 She is smiling

because she's happy. 她微笑是因为她快乐。

a sad face一张悲伤的面孔

She has a sad face because she's sad. 她因为伤心而愁眉苦脸。

an angry face愤怒的脸 This person is

angry. 这个人很生气。

afraid害怕 This man is afraid of

something. 这个人在害怕什么。


This man is tired because he doesn't get enough sleep. 这个人很累,因为他睡眠不足。

L2-U2-P3-4 Vocabulary : Measure测量

a box盒子

This box has three dimensions: length, width and height. 这个盒子有三个尺寸:长、宽和高。

Its length and width are both 1 centimeter. 它的长度和宽度都是1厘米。

Its height is 1.5 centimeters. 它的高度是1.5厘米。

a grey ball灰色的球

This ball weighs 1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds. 这个球重1公斤或2.2磅

a moving car正在行驶的车

This car's speed is 60 miles per hour, or about 97

kilometers an hour. 这辆车的速度是每小时60英里,约合每小时97公里。

two moving cars两辆正在行驶的汽车

These two cars are moving in the opposite direction. 这两辆车正朝相反的方向行驶。

The red car is going west and the green car is going east. 红色的汽车向西行驶,绿色的汽车向东行驶。

two purses两个钱包

These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite

different. 这两个钱包看起来一样,但价格却大不相同。

The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse

on the right. 左边的钱包比右边的钱包贵100美元。

L2-U2-P3-5 Dialogue : Taxi Chat出租车聊天

Driver: Good evening, where do you want to go? 晚上好,你想去哪里?

Man: I want to go to the train station. 我想去火车站。

I'm in a hurry. 我赶时间。My train

leaves in an hour.我的火车一小时后开。

Driver: Which train station? 哪个火车站?

The east station or the west station? 东站还是西站?

Man: It's the east station. 是东站。

Driver: Oh, the traffic is very bad now. 哦,现在交通很糟糕。

It's going to take time.这需要时间。

Man: How much time? 多少时间?

Driver: Maybe 40 minutes. 大概40分钟。

Man: Please hurry. 请快点。 I don't

want to miss my train.我不想错过我的火车。

Man: Driver, can you go any faster? 司机,你能再快点吗?

Driver: Sorry, sir. As you can see, the traffic isn't

moving. 对不起,先生。如你所见,交通不畅。

Sorry, but you're going to miss your train.对不起,你要赶不上火车了。

Man: OK. Let me out at that subway stop. 好的。让我在那个地铁站下车。

Maybe I can get there by subway. 也许我可以乘地铁去。

How much do I owe you? 我该付你多少钱?

Driver: Just a minute. 等一下。The fare

is 15 dollars. 车费是15美元。

Do you want a receipt? 你要收据吗?

Man: No, thanks. I don't need a receipt. 不用了,谢谢。我不需要收据。

L2-U2-P3-6 Dialogue: Steven's New


W: What do you think of Steve's new friend? 你觉得史蒂夫的新朋友怎么样?

M: She is very pretty. 她很漂亮。 But I

don't like her.但我不喜欢她。

W: Why not? 为什么不呢?

M: She just talks about herself. 她只谈论她自己。

She talks and talks, but she never listens.她说了又说,但她从来不听。

M: I don't know why Steve likes her so much. 我不知道史蒂夫为什么这么喜欢她。

W: Well, she is pretty. 嗯,她很漂亮。

M: Yes, she is pretty and boring. 是的,她漂亮又无聊。

Don't you agree? 你不同意吗?

W: Yes, I see what you mean. 是的,我明白你的意思。

She is boring.她很无聊。

W: But maybe she isn't always boring. 但也许她并不总是那么无聊。

M: What do you mean? 什么意思?

W: Maybe she just doesn't know how to be around other

people. 也许她只是不知道怎么和别人相处。

M: Maybe you are right. 也许你是对的。

Steve really likes her, so she must be nice. 史蒂夫很喜欢她,所以她人一定很好。

W: Right. We still don't know her very well. 是的。我们还不太了解她。

Let's give her more time.我们再给她点时间吧。

M: OK. At least she is nice to look at. 好的。至少她很好看。
