vcs Options

Compile-Time Options

Specifies the partition files used in mixed signal simulation.

Enables the use of Verilog-AMS code in VCS 2-step mode.

Specifies the default discrete discipline in VerilogAMS in VCS 2-step mode.

Provides the auto-inserted connect modules (AICMs) information in VCS 2-step mode.

Specifies an alternative assembler. Only applicable in incremental
compile mode, which is the default. Not supported on IBM RS/6000 AIX.

Passes options to assembler. Not supported on IBM RS/6000 AIX.

The keyword arguments and what they do are as follows:

Disables coverage for SVA cover statements.

Disables the dumping of SVA information in the VPD file.

Enables SystemVerilog assertions tracing in the VPD file
that you load into DVE. This tracing enables you to see
assertion attempts.

Enables further control of SystemVerilog assertions result
reporting with runtime options.

Ignores SystemVerilog assertion subsequences containing past
operators that have not yet eclipsed the history threshold.

Enables you to see the simulation time that a SystemVerilog
assertion sequence starts when using Verdi.

Enables you to see the simulation time that a SystemVerilog
assertion sequence does not match when using Verdi.

Stops after generating the intermediate C or assembly code.

Specifies an alternative C compiler.

Works the same as -CFLAGS.

Pass options to C compiler. Multiple -CFLAGS are allowed. Allows
passing of C compiler optimization levels.

-cm line|cond|fsm|tgl|branch|assert
Specifies compiling for the specified type or types of coverage.
The arguments specifies the types of coverage:
line Compile for line or statement coverage.
cond Compile for condition coverage.
fsm Compile for FSM coverage.
tgl Compile for toggle coverage.
branch Compile for branch coverage
assert Compile for SystemVerilog assertion coverage.

If you want VCS to compile for more than one type of coverage,
use the plus (+) character as a delimiter between arguments,
for example:
-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl

Limits SystemVerilog assertions coverage to the module instances
listed in the specified file.

Modifies condition coverage as specified by the argument or
basic Only logical conditions and no multiple conditions.
std The default: only logical, multiple, sensitized conditions.
full Logical and non-logical, multiple conditions, no sensitized
allops Logical and non-logical conditions.
event Signals in event controls in the sensitivity list position
are conditions.
anywidth Enables conditions that need more than 32 bits.
for Enables conditions if for loops.
tf Enables conditions in user-defined tasks and functions.
sop Condition SOP coverage instead of sensitized conditions.
also tells VCS that when it reads conditional expressions
that contain the ^ bitwise XOR and ~^ bitwise XNOR
operators, it reduces the expression to negation and
logical AND or OR.
You can specify more than one argument. If you do use the + plus
delimiter between arguments, for example:
-cm_cond basic+allops

Specifies a file listing signals and 0 or 1 values. VCS compiles for
line and condition coverage as if these signals were permanently at
the specified values and you included the -cm_noconst option.

Enables accounting of the following:
In toggle coverage, not just whether a signal toggled from 0 to 1 and
1 to 0, but also the number of times it so toggled.
In FSM coverage, not just whether an FSM reached a state, had such a
transition, but also the number of times it did.
In condition coverage, not just whether a condition was met or not,
but also the number of times the condition was met.
In Line Coverage, not just whether a line was executed, but also the
number of times.

Specifies a glitch period during which VCS does not monitor for
coverage caused by value changes. The period is an interval of
simulation time specified with a non-negative integer.

Specifies an alternative name and location for the coverage
database directory.
Specifies an FSM coverage configuration file.

The keyword arguments are as follows:

Allows FSM extraction when there is indirect assignment to the
variable that holds the current state.

Disables extraction of FSMs automatically and through FSM pragmas.
FSMs will be prepared only on the basis of the entries in FSM
config file specified through the -cm_fsmcfg option.

By default VCS does not extract two state FSMs. This keyword
tells VCS to extract them.

Specifies reporting the value transitions of the reg that holds
the current state of a One Hot or Hot Bit FSM where there are
parameters for the bit numbers of the signals that hold the
current and next state.

Enables VCS to monitor transitions when the signal holding the
current state is assigned the same state value.

Enables the extraction of FSMs in which a state contains the X
(unknown) value.

Enables compilation and monitoring of sequence coverage. Along
with states and transitions, sequences covered during simulation
will also be recorded.

Ignores FSMs in which concatenation is used in the
case expression.

Ignores FSMs in which select is applied on multi dimensional packed

Restricts extraction of FSMs in which the width of the FSM variable
does not exceed 64 bits.

Filters out the transitions in FSM coverage which occurs in
assignments controlled by if statements where the conditional
expression (following the if keyword) is a signal specified
in the file. This filtering out can be on the specified signal
in any module or the module specified in the file. The FSM
and whether the signal is true or false can also be specified.

When compiling for line, condition, FSM or toggle coverage, specifies
a configuration file that specifies module definitions, source files,
or module instances and their subhierarchies, that you want VCS to
exclude from coverage or be the only parts of the design compiled for

Tells VCS to ignore pragmas for coverage metrics.

The arguments are as follows:

compile time options to enable monitoring coverage for encrypted

compile-time option to disable the the monitoring of the contents
of initial blocks for line, condition, branch, and path metrics

-cm_libs yv|celldefine
Specifies compiling for coverage source files in Verilog libraries
when you include the yv argument. Specifies compiling for coverage
module definitions that are under the `celldefine compiler directive
when you include the celldefine argument. You can specify both
arguments using the plus (+) delimiter.

Modifies line coverage as specified by the argument or
contassign Enables line coverage for continuous assignments
svtb Enables line coverage for programs and class function/tasks
You can specify more than one argument. If you do use the + plus
delimiter between arguments, for example:
-cm_line contassign+svtb

Tells VCS not to monitor for conditions that can never be met or
lines that can never execute because a signal is permanently at
a 1 or 0 value.

Enables a more sophisticated constant analysis compared to
-cm_noconst. This includes analysis of non-blocking
assignments and continuous assignments with delays, as well as
handling multiple assignments to the same bits of a signal. As
with -cm_noconst, coverable objects that VCS detects can
never be hit are marked “unreachable” in coverage reports and
removed from the computation of the coverage score.

Specifies displaying at runtime a total toggle count for one or
more subhierarchies specified by the top-level module instance
entered in the file.

-cm_tgl mda
Enables toggle coverage for Verilog 2001 and SystemVerilog unpacked
multidimensional arrays.

Specifies a C++ compiler.

Enables dumping to FSDB/VPD, and limited read/callback capability.
Use’-debug_access+class’ for testbench debug, and ‘-debug_access+all’
for all debug capabilities. Refer the VCS user guide for more granular
options for debug control under the switch ‘-debug_access’ and refer to
‘-debug_region’ for region control."

Enables dumping to FSDB/VPD, and use of UCLI, VERDI and DVE.

Same as -debug_pp, but also including ‘force’ capability

Enables all debug and dumping capability.

You can use the argument called -dve_opt to pass DVE arguments from
simv to DVE. Each DVE argument must be preceded by -dve_opt argument.
In cases where the argument requires an additional option, the = sign
needs to be used.(E.g. -dve_opt -session=file.tcl)

Specifies the name of your main() routine in your PLI application.

Specifies a file that contains a list of pathnames to source files
and compile-time options.

Same as the -f option but allows you to specify a path to the file
and the source files listed in the file do not have to be absolute

-file filename
This option is for problems you might encounter with entries in
files specified with the -f or -F options. This file can contain
more compile-time options and different kinds of files. It can
contain options for controlling compilation and PLI options and
object files. You can also use escape characters and meta-
characters in this file, like $, `, and ! and they will expand,
for example:

-CFLAGS '-I V C S H O M E / i n c l u d e ′ / m y / p l i / c o d e / VCS_HOME/include' /my/pli/code/ VCSHOME/include/my/pli/code/PROJECT/treewalker.o
-P /my/pli/code/$PROJECT/

You can comment out entries in this file with the Verilog //
and /* */ comment characters.

Compiles the design in 64 bit mode and creates a 64 bit executable
for simulating in 64 bit mode.

Specifies generating intermediate assembly code. Not supported on
IBM RS/6000 AIX.

Specifies generating intermediate C code. This is the default in
IBM RS/6000 AIX.

Generate object code; default on Linux, Solaris, and HP platforms.
Not supported on IBM RS/6000 AIX.

-h or -help
Lists descriptions of the most commonly used compile-time and runtime

Displays the hostid or dongle ID for your machine.

The keyword arguments are as follows:

Suppresses warning messages about SystemVerilog unique if and unique case

Suppresses warning messages about SystemVerilog priority if and priority
case statements.
Suppresses warning messages about SystemVerilog unique if, unique case,
priority if and priority case statements.

Specifies the number of processes to use for parallel compilation.
There is no space between the j character and the number.

Enables generating Verdi KDB database. The sub-options are as follows:

Generate Verdi KDB database only.

(lower case L) Specifies a log file where VCS records compilation messages and runtime messages if you include the -R, -RI, or -RIG options.
Specifies an alternative linker.

Pass options to the linker.
Only applicable in incremental compile mode.

Enables the LMC SWIFT interface.

Generates a Verilog template for a SWIFT Model.

Links the library to the resulting executable.

-load :
Specifies the registration routine in a shared library for a VPI

Tells the linker to create temporary object files that contain the
specified number of module definitions. Use this option if there
is a command line buffer overflow caused by too many object files
on the linker command line.

Use this option for the rare occurrence when the chmod -x simv
command in the make file can’t change the permissions on an old
simv executable. This option replaces this command with the
rm -f simv command in the make file.

Enables VCS MX - Mixed HDL simulation.

Specifies the directory where VCS looks for descriptor information
to see if a module needs to be recompiled. Also specifies a central
place for object files. You use this option for shared incremental

Program used to make object (default is make).

By default VCS overwrites the Makefile between compilations. If you
wish to preserve the Makefile between compilations, enter this
option with the 0 argument.
Entering this argument without the 0 argument, specifies the
the default condition, incremental compilation and updating the

Enables the use of negative values in IOPATH and INTERCONNECT
entries in SDF files.

Disables incremental compilation.

Enables verbose diagnostic messages.

Enables the use of the OpenVera Testbench language constructs described
in the OpenVera Language Reference Manual: Native TestBench.

Compiles and generates the testbench shell (file.vshell) and shared
object files. Use this option when compiling the .vr file separately
from the design files.

Specifies any OpenVera macro name on the command line. You can specify
multiple macro names using the + delimiter.

-ntb_filext <.ext>
Specifies an OpenVera file extension. You can specify multiple filename
extensions using the + delimiter.

Specifies the include directory path for OpenVera files. You can specify
multiple include directories using the + delimiter.

Tells VCS not to generate the shell file.Use this option when you
recompile a testbench.

The keyword arguments are as follows:

Reports error, during compilation or simulation, when there is an
out-of-bound or illegal array access.

Enables dependency analysis and incremental compilation. Detects
files with circular dependencies and issues an error message when
VCS cannot determine which file to compile first.

By default, VCS does file by file preprocessing on each input file,
feeding the concatenated result to the parser. This argument disables
this behavior.

Enter this argument with the dep_check argument. This argument tells
VCS to display the dependencies for the source files on the screen or
in the file that you specify.

Specifies an overriding timescale for the testbench. The timescale
is in the Verilog format (for example, 10ns/10ns).

Enables the signal property access functions. (for example,

Specifies the following:
The Vera shell module name is named vera_shell.
The interface ports are named ifc_signal.
Bind signals are named, for example, as: \if_signal[3:0].

You can enter more than one keyword argument, using the + delimiter,
for example:

-ntb_opts use_sigprop+vera_portname

Generates only a .vshell file. Use this option when compiling a
testbench separately from the design file.

Specifies the filename of the testbench shell.

Specifies the name and directory where VCS writes the testbench shell

Specifies the directory where VCS writes the testbench shell and shared
object files. The default is the compilation directory.

-ntb_vipext <.ext>
Specifies an OpenVera encrypted-mode file extension to mark files for
processing in OpenVera encrypted IP mode. Unlike the -ntb_filext option,
the default encrypted-mode extensions .vrp, .vrhp are not overridden,
and will always be in effect. You can pass multiple file extensions at
the same time using the + delimiter.

Specifies the compilation of all Verilog files, including the design,
the testbench shell file and the top-level Verilog module.

Specifies the name of the executable file that is the product of
compilation. The default name is simv.

Starts the OVA compiler to check the syntax of OVA files on the
vcs command line.

-ova_debug or -ova_debug_vpd
Enables OVA attempt dumping into VPD.

Specifies an OpenVera Assertions file. Not required if the filename
has an .ova extension.

For assertions that are defined with the past operator, ignore these
assertions where the past history buffer is empty. For instance, at
the very beginning of the simulation the past history buffer is empty.
So, a check/forbid at the first sampling point and subsequent sampling
points should be igorned until the past buffer has been filled with
respect to the sampling point.

Ignores assertion subsequences containing past operators that have not
yet eclipsed the history threshold.

Enables runtime options for controlling functional coverage reports.

Enables compiling OVA code that is written in Verilog source files.

Enables general rules for the OVA linter

Enables Magellan rules for the OVA linter.

Tells VCS not to pass its default options to the C compiler.

Overridesthe time unit and precision unit of all the timescale compiler directives in the source code and, like the -timescale option, privides a timescale for all module definitions that preced the first timescale compiler directive.

Specifies a PLI table file.

Changes parameters specified in the file to values specified in the
file. The syntax for a line in the file is as follows:


The path to the parameter is similar to a hierarchical name except
that you use slash characters (/) instead of periods as delimiters.

Returns the name of the platform directory in your VCS installation

Changes the specified parameter to the specified value.

Suppresses VCS compiler messages.

Run the executable file immediately after VCS links together the
executable file. You can add any runtime option to the vcs command

Defines simulation resolution. It also defines timescales for
modules which don’t have timescales after analysis.

Tells VCS to compile the SystemVerilog assertions code that follows
the sv_pragma keyword in a single line or multi-line comment.

Tells VCS to look in the ./csrc directory for the subdirectories
containing the wrapper and interface files needed by the VCS/SystemC
cosimulation interface to connect the Verilog and SystemC parts
of a mixed Verilog and SystemC design.

Specifies system libraries to be linked with the runtime executable.

If only some source files contain the `timescale compiler directive
and the ones that don’t appear first on the vcs command line, use
this option to specify the time scale for these source files.

Changes all characters in identifiers to uppercase.

Specifies UCLI mode at runtime.

Enables the verbose mode.

Specifies a Verilog library file to search for module definitions.

Specifies the standard VERA PLI table file and object library.

Specifies the VERA PLI table file and object library for dynamic

-vhdlelab “
Specifies elaboration and compilation options for scs, the
VHDL compiler.

Enables warning messages and displays the time used by each command.

Specifies a Verilog library directory to search for module

Allows you to specify at runtime which values in min:typ:max delay
value triplets in compiled SDF files using the +mindelays, +maxdelays,
or +typdelays runtime options.

Compiles your design to enable only the ACC capabilities that you
needed for the debugging operations you did during a previous
simulation of the design.
The +vcs+learn+pli runtime option records where you used ACC
capabilities in a file named If you do not change
the file’s name or location, you can omit + from this

Creates a protected source file; all modules are encrypted.

Create a protected source file that does not encrypt the port
connection list in the module header; all modules are encrypted.

Creates a protected source file that does not encrypt the port
connection list in the module header or any parameter declarations
that precede the first port declaration; all modules are encrypted.

Tells VCS to finish compilation when it finds a bidirectional
registered mixed-signal net.

Enables charge decay in trireg nets. Charge decay will not work
if you connect the trireg to a transistor (bidirectional pass)
switch such as tran, rtran, tranif1, or rtranif0.

Precompiles your SDF file into a format that is for VCS to parse
when it is compiling your Verilog code.

Specifies the directory path where you want VCS to write the
precompiled SDF file.

Specifies an alternative to the “_c” character string addition to
the filename extension of the precompiled SDF file.

Defines a text macro. Test for this definition in your Verilog
source code using the `ifdef compiler directive.

Specifies ignoring the module path delays and use only the delay
specifications on all gates, switches, and continuous assignments.

For modules with specify blocks, specifies ignoring the delay
specifications on all gates and switches and use only the module
path delays and the delay specifications on continuous assignments.

Specifies ignoring the module path delays and change all the delay
specifications on all gates, switches, and continuous assignments
to the shortest time precision argument of all the `timescale compiler
directives in the source code.

Change all the delay specifications on all gates, switches, and
continuous assignments to zero and change all module path delays
to zero.

Allows overwriting of existing files when doing source protection.

Enables you to increase the maximum number of NTB errors at compile-
time to .

Specifies the directories that contain the files you specified with
the `include compiler directive. You can specify more that one
directory, separating each path name with the + character.

Specifies that VCS only search the source files in a Verilog library
directory with the specified extension. You can specify more than one
extension, separating each extension with the + character.
For example, +libext++.v specifies searches library files with no
extension and library files with the .v extension.
Enter this option when you enter the -y option.

Specifies searching for module definitions in the libraries that
follow, on the vcs command line, a library that contains an
unresolved instance before searching the libraries that precede
the library with the unresolved instance.

Specifies always starting the search for unresolved module
definitions with the first library specified on the vcs command line.

Tells VCS to display a message when it finds a module definition in
a source file in a Verilog library directory that resolves a module
instantiation statement that VCS read in your source files, a
library file, or in another file in a library directory.

Enables or disables Lint messages about your Verilog code.

Use maximum value when min:typ:max values are encountered in delay
specifications SDF files.

Enables callbacks for memories and multidimensional arrays (MDAs).
Use this option if your design has memories or MDAs and you are doing
any of the following:
o Writing a VCD or VPD file during simulation. For VCD files, at
runtime, you must also enter the +vcs+dumparrays runtime option.
For VPD files you must enter the $vcdplusmemon system task. VCD
and VPD files are used for post-processing with DVE or debugging
using SmartDebug.

o Using the VCS/SystemC Interface

o Interactive debugging with DVE

o Writing an FSDB file for Verdi

o Using any debugging interface application - VCSD/PLI (acc/pli)
that needs to use value change callbacks on memories or MDAs.
APIs like acc_add_callback, vcsd_add_callback, and vpi_register_cb
need this option if these APIs are used on memories or MDAs.

Use minimum value when min:typ:max values are encountered in delay
specifications and SDF files.

Enables multisource interconnect delays.

Removes the intra-assignment delays from all the nonblocking
assignment statements in your design.

Enables negative values in timing checks.

For specifying what VCS records in the VPD file about nets and
registers defined under the celldefine compiler directive. 0 enables recording the transition times and values of nets and registers in all modules defined under the celldefine compiler
directive or defined in a library that you specify with the -v
or -y compile-time options.
1 disables recording the transition times and values of nets and
registers in all modules defined under the celldefine compiler directive. 2 disables recording the transition times and values of nets and registers in all modules defined under the celldefine compiler
directive or defined in a library that you specify with the -v
or -y compile-time options whether the modules in these libraries
are defined under the `celldefine compiler directive or not.

Changes the error condition, when a signal is wider or narrower
than the inout port to which it is connected, to a warning
condition, thus allowing VCS to create the simv executable after
displaying the warning message.

Specifies not defining modules in libraries as cells unless they
are under the `celldefine compiler directive.

Suppresses module path delays and timing checks in specify blocks.

Suppresses timing checks in specify blocks.

Suppress the “Too few module port connections” warning messages
during Verilog Compilation.

Disables the toggling of the notifier register that you specify in
some timing check system tasks.

Disables the display of timing check warning messages but does not
disable the toggling of notifier registers in timing checks. This
is also a runtime option.

Specifies the VCS configuration file.

Enables accurate simulation of multiple non-overlapping violation
windows for the same signals specified with negative delay values
in timing checks.
See the section on “Using Multiple Non-Overlapping Windows” in the
VCS/VCSi User Guide.

Enables the search for the PATHPULSE$ specparam in specify blocks.

Enables PLI and UCLI access to the modules in the protected source
file being created (PLI and UCLI access is normally disabled for
protected modules).

Enter this option in the file that you specify with the -f option so
that VCS passes to the simv executable the options beginning with a
plus + character that follow in the file.

Also enter this option in the file that you specify with the -f option
so that VCS does not pass to the simv executable the options that
follow in the file. Use this option with the +plusarg_save option to
specify that other options should not be passed.

Tells VCS to display a list of bidirectional registered mixed-signal

Creates a protected source file; only encrypting protect/endprotect

Specifies flagging as error and drive X for any path pulse whose
width is less than or equal to the percentage of the module path
delay specified by the number argument.

Same as the +pulse_e option but only applies to interconnect delays.

Same as the +pulse_r option but only applies to interconnect delays.

Specifies that when VCS encounters a pulse shorter than the module
path delay, VCS waits until the module path delay elapses and then
drives an X value on the module output port and displays an error

Specifies that when VCS encounters a pulse shorter than the module
path delay, VCS immediately drives an X value on the module output
port, and displays an error message. It does not wait until the
module path delay elapses.

Reject any pulse whose width is less than number percent of module
path delay.

Specifies the target directory for protected files.

Specifies that VCS generate a report, during simulation, of all the
race conditions in the design and write this report in the race.out

Analyzes the source code during compilation to look for coding
styles that cause race conditions.

Specifies that VCS generate a report, during simulation, of the race
conditions in the design between the race and endrace compiler
directives and write this report in the race.out file.

Specifies the largest vector signal for which the dynamic race
detection tool looks for race conditions.

Performs Radiant Technology optimizations on your design.

Creates a protected SDF file.

Tells VCs not to check to make sure that the CELLTYPE entry in the
SDF file does not match the module identifier for a module instance
before back annotating delay values from the SDF file to the module

Enables the display of more than ten warning and more than ten error
messages about SDF back annotation.

Tells VCS to treat output ports as inout ports in order to facilitate
more accurate multi-driver contention analysis across module
boundaries. This option can have an adverse impact on runtime

Specifies a filename extension for source files containing
SystemVerilog source code.

Enter this option when simulating TetraMAX’s testbench in zero delay

TetraMAX can run the simv executable file. This option tell VCS
to prepare the simv executable for use by TetraMAX.

Enables Timing Check Optimizations, the + argument
specifies the clock period of the fastest clock in the design.
Please refer to the VCS/VCSi User Guide for more information on this

Starts the Timopt timing optimizer. the + argument
specifies the clock period of the fastest clock in the design.
Timopt applies timing optimizations to your design. Timopt also
writes a timopt.cfg file in the current directory. This file
contains clock signals and module definitions of sequential devices
it’s not sure of. You edit this file and recompile without the
+ argument to obtain more Timopt optimizations.

Enables transport delays with full pulse control for single source

Turns on the transport behavior for I/O paths.

Use typical value when min:typ:max values are encountered in delay
specifications and SDF files.

Enables the use of new Verilog constructs in the 1364-2001 standard.

Enables the direct call of C/C++ functions in your Verilog code
using the DirectC interface. The optional suffixes specify the following:

Specifies that you are using abstract access trough vc_handles to the
data structures for the Verilog arguments.

Writes the vc_hdrs.h file that contains external function declarations
that you can use in your Verilog code.

Displays on the screen all the functions that you called in your
Verilog source code.

A substitute for entering $dumpvars, without arguments, in your Verilog

Increases the frequency of flushing both the compilation and
simulation log file buffers.

Shortcut option for entering all three of the +vcs+flush+log,
+vcs+flush+dump, and +vcs+flush+fopen options.

Initializes all bits of all memories in the design.

Initializes all bits of all regs in the design.

Checks out three VCSi licenses to run VCS.

Checks out a VCS license to run VCSi when all VCSi licenses are in

Tells VCS to wait for a network license if none is available.

Tells VCSi to wait for a network license if none is available.

A compile-time substitute for $fsdbDumpvars option. The +vcs+fsdbon
switch enables dumping for the entire design. If you do not add a
corresponding -debug* switch, then -debug_access is automatically
added. Note that you must also set VERDI_HOME.

A compile-time substitute for $vcdpluson option. The +vcs+vcdpluson
switch enables dumping for the entire design. If you do not add a
corresponding -debug* switch, then -debug_access is automatically

Intended to use with +oldsdf. When back annotating SDF delay values
from an ASCII text SDF file at run-time, if the SDF file contains
PORT entries for the individual bits of a port, using this compile-
time option enables VCS to backannotate these PORT entry delay values.
Similarly, using this compile-time option enables a PLI application
to pass delay values to individual bits of a port.

Specifies a filename extension for source files containing Verilog
1995 source code.

Specifies a filename extension for source files containing Verilog
2001 source code.

This option specifies the VHDL logical library to use for VHDL
design entity instances that you instantiate in your Verilog design.

Enables the use of VPI PLI access routines.

Enables or disables warning messages.

Runtime Options

Specifies appending all messages from simulation to the bottom of
the text in the specified file as well as displaying these messages
to the standard output.

The keyword arguments and what they do are as follows:

Disables the dumping of SVA information in the VPD file during

Blocks reporting of trivial SystemVerilog assertion implication
successes. These happen when an implication construct registers a
success only because the precondition (antecedent) portion is false
(and so the consequence portion is not checked). With this option,
reporting only shows successes in which the whole expression

Terminates the simulation if the number of SystemVerilog assertion
failures for any assertion reaches N. N must be supplied, otherwise
no limit is set.

Stops the simulation when the total number of failures, from all
SystemVerilog Assertions, reaches N.

Disables the collection of coverage information for cover statements
after the cover statements are covered N number of times. must
be a positive integer, it can’t be 0.

Limits the number of SystemVerilog assertion failures for each
assertion to N. When the limit is reached, the assertion is
disabled. N must be supplied, otherwise no limit is set.

Limits the total number of reported SystemVerilog assertion
successes to N. N must be supplied, otherwise no limit is set.
The monitoring of assertions continues, even after the limit is

Tells VCS not to write the .db file for assertion

Disables the display of the SVA coverage summary at the end of

quiet Disables messages, in standard output, about assertion failures.
quiet1 Disables messages, in standard output, about assertion failures,
but displays the summary of them at the end of simulation.
The never triggered assertions are also reported.

Generates a SystemVerilog assertion report file in addition to
displaying results on your screen. By default the file’s name and
location is ./simv.vdb/report/, but you can change this
by entering the filename pathname argument.

Enables reporting of successful SystemVerilog assertion matches in
addition to failures. The default is to report only failures.

Adds more information to the report specified by the
report= keyword, including assertions that never
triggered and attempts that did not finish, and a summary with
the number of assertions present, attempted, and failed.

You can enter more than one keyword, using the plus + separator, for

  -assert maxfail=10+maxsuccess=20+success+filter

-cm line|cond|fsm|tgl|branch|assert
Specifies monitoring for the specified type or types of coverage.
The arguments specifies the types of coverage:
line Monitor for line or statement coverage.
cond Monitor for condition coverage.
fsm Monitor for FSM coverage.
tgl Monitor for toggle coverage.
branch Monitor for branch coverage.
assert Monitor for SystemVerilog assertions coverage.

If you want VCS to monitor for more than one type of coverage, use
the plus + character as a delimiter between arguments, for example:
-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl

Specifies an alternative name and location for the coverage
database directory.

Specifies a glitch period during which VCS does not monitor for
coverage caused by value changes. The period is an interval of
simulation time specified with a non-negative integer.This runtime
option only works for toggle coverage.

Specifies a log file for monitoring for coverage during simulation.

Specifies unique name of that test during simulation.

Specifies displaying at runtime a total toggle count for one or
more subhierarchies specified by the top-level module instance
entered in the file.

Starts the program that displays the compile-time options that were
on the vcs command line when you created the simv (or simv.exe or
some other name specified with the -o option) executable file.

Sets the name of the $gr_waves output file to the specified file.
The default filename is grw.dump.

Starts user specified graphical user interface. If no argument is given, VCS will start Verdi when a valid VC_HOME environment variable is detected. Otherwise DVE will be started by default.

Specifies a file containing UCLI commands that VCS executes when simulation starts.

-k | off
Specifies an alternative name or location for the vcs.key file
into which VCS writes the UCLI interactive commands that you enter
during simulation. The off argument tells VCS not to write this file.

Specifies writing all messages from simulation to the specified file as well as displaying these messages in the standard output.
This option begins with the letter “l” (lowercase “L”) for log file.

Blocks reporting of trivial if-then successes. These happen when an
if-then construct registers a success only because the if portion is
false (and so the then portion is not checked). With this option,
reporting only shows successes in which the whole expression matched.
This option is enabled by the -ova_enable_diag compile-time option.

Limits the number of reported failures for each assertion to N. The
monitoring of assertions continues, even after this limit is reached.
This option is enabled by the -ova_ebable_diag compile-time option.

Limits the number of successes for each assertion to N. The monitoring of
assertions continues, even after the limit is reached. This option is enabled
by the -ova_enable_diag compile-time option.

-ova_name Specifies an alternative name or location and name for the ./simv.vdb/
scov/results.db and ./simv.vdb/reports/ files. You use this
option if you want data and reports from a series of simulation runs.
It’s a way of keeping VCS from overwriting these files from a prvious
If you just specify a name the alternatively named files will be in the
default directories. If you specify a pathname, with an argument
containing the slash character /, you specify a different location and
name for these files, for example:

-ova_name /net/design1/ova/run2

This example tells VCS to write run2.db and in the
/net/design1/ova directory.

-ova_report []
Specifies writing an OpenVera Assertions report file. The default file
name and location is simv.vdb/report/ but you can specify
a different name and location as an argument to this option.

Terminates the simulation if the number of failures for any assertion
is reached. This option is enabled by the -ova_enable_diag compile-time

Enables the reporting of successful matches. This option is enabled by
the -ova_enable_diag compile-time option.

-ova_quiet [1]
Disables displaying functional coverage results on the screen. The
optional 1 argument specifies displaying a summary of these results.

Adds more information to the end of the report including assertions
that never triggered and attempts that did not finish, and a summary
with the number of assertions present, attempted, and failed.

Quiet mode. Suppress printing of VCS header and summary information,
the proprietary message at the beginning of simulation, and the VCS
Simulation Report at the end of simulation (time, CPU time, data
structure size, and date)

Enables the use of the Verilog language extensions in the Accellera
SystemVerilog specification.

Enables the use of UCLI commands.

Verbose mode. Print VCS version and extended summary information.
Prints VCS compile and run-time version numbers, and copyright
information, at start of simulation.

Sets the output VCD file name to the specified file.
The default filename is verilog.dump.
A $dumpfile system task in the Verilog source code will override
this option.

Starts the Verdi graphical user interface.

Pass runtime options to verdi gui.

Specifies the VCD file you want to use for post-processing.

-vhdlrun “”
VCS-MX option to pass scsim command line options for the VHDL part of
a mixed HDL design.

-xzcheck [nofalseneg]
Checks all the conditional expressions in the design and displays
a warning message every time VCS evaluates a conditional expression
to have an X or Z value.

Suppresses the warning message when the value of a conditional
expression transitions to X or Z and then to 0 or 1 in the same
simulation time step.

Species using the compiled SDF file for maximum delays generated
by the +allmtm compile-time option.
Also specifies using maximum delays for SWIFT VMC or SmartModels
or Synopsys hardware models if you also enter the
+override_model_delays runtime option.

Specifies using the compiled SDF file for minimum delays generated
by the +allmtm compile-time option.
Also specifies using minimum delays for SWIFT VMC or SmartModels
or Synopsys hardware models if you also enter the
+override_model_delays runtime option.

Suppresses the toggling of notifier registers that are optional
arguments of timing check system tasks.

Suppresses pulse error messages, but not the generation of StX
values at module path outputs when a pulse error condition occurs.

Disables the display of timing check warning messages but does not
disable the toggling of notifier registers in timing checks. This
is also a compile-time option.

Suppress timing checks.

Specifies the directory location of the cache that VCS maintains as an
internal disk cache for randomization.

Causes the simulation to stop immediately when a simulation error is
encountered. In addition to normal verification errors, This option halts
the simulation in case of runtime errors as well.

Enables a debug mode that displays diagnostics when VCS executes a
randomize() method call. Allowed values are:
0 - Do not display (default).
1 - Displays the constraints VCS is solving.
2 - Displays the entire constraint set.

Enables a mode that displays trace information only when the VCS
constraint solver fails to compute a solution, usually due to
inconsistent constraints. When the value of the option is 2, the
analysis narrows down to the smallest set of inconsistent constraints,
thus aiding the debugging process. Allowed values are 0, 1, 2. The
default value is 2.

Causes VCS to exit when value is less than 0. The value can be:
0: continue
1: exit on first error (default value)
N: exit on nth error.
When value = 0, the simulation finishes regardless of the number of errors.
Specifies loading the testbench shared object file

Sets the seed value used by the top level random number generator at the
start of simulation. The random(seed) system function call overrides this
setting. The value can be any integer number.

Allows choosing between one of two constraint solver modes. When set to 1,
the solver spends more pre-processing time in analyzing the constraints,
during the first call to randomize() on each class. When set to 2, the
solver does minimal pre-processing, and analyzes the constraint in each
call to randomize(). Default value is 2.

Causes the simulation to stop immediately when a simulation error is
encountered, turning it into a cli debugging environment. In addition
to normal verification errors, ntb_stop_on_error halts the simulation
in case of run time errors. The default setting is to execute the
remaining code within the present simulation time.

Enables you to use the +mindelays, +typdelays, or +maxdelays runtime
options to specify timing for SWIFT SmartModels or Synopsys hardware

Enables the display of more than ten warning and ten error messages
about SDF back annotation.

Specifies using the compiled SDF file for typical delays generated
by the +allmtm compile-time option.
Also specifies using typical delays for SWIFT VMC or SmartModels
or Synopsys hardware models if you also enter the
+override_model_delays runtime option.

Enables dumping memory and multi-dimensional array values in the
VCD file. You must also have use the +memcbk compile-time option.

Turn off value change dumping ($dumpvars system task) at time .
is the high 32 bits of a time value greater than 32 bits.

Suppress $dumpvars system task until time .
is the high 32 bits of a time value greater than 32 bits.

Suppress $dumpvars system tasks.

Finish simulation at time .
is the high 32 bits of a time value greater than 32 bits.

Suppress $gr_waves system tasks.

Tells VCS to ignore the $stop system tasks in your source code.

Increases the frequency of flushing both the compilation and
simulation log file buffers.

Increases the frequency of flushing all the buffers for VCD files.

Increases the frequency of flushing all the buffers for files opened
by the $fopen system function.

Shortcut option for entering all three of the +vcs+flush+log,
+vcs+flush+dump, and +vcs+flush+fopen options.

Keeps track of where you use ACC capabilities for debugging
operations so that you can recompile your design and in the
next simulation enable them only where you need them.
With this option VCS writes the secondary PLI
table file. You input this file when you recompile your design
with the +applylearn compile-time option.

Checks out three VCSi licenses to run VCS.

Checks out a VCS license to run VCSi when all VCSi licenses are in

Wait for network license if none is available when the job starts.

Tells VCSi to wait for a network license if none is available.

If during a simulation run, acc_handle_simulated_net is called
before MIPD annotation happens, a warning message is issued.
When this happens you can use this option to disable such aliasing
for all ports whenever mip, mipb capabilities have been specified.
This option works for regular sdf annotation and not for compiled

Disables all text output from VCS including messages and text
from $monitor and $display and other system tasks. VCS still
writes this output to the log file if you include the -l option.

Stop simulation at time . is the high 32 bits of a time
value greater than 32 bits (optional).
See the section on “Specifying A Long Time Before Stopping Simulation”
in the VCS/VCSi User Guide.

Specifies the VERA object file.

Specifies a text file that contains a list of VERA object files.

Options for Specifying How VCS Writes the VPD File

At runtime, defines an alternative name of the VPD file that VCS
writes instead of the default name vcdplus.vpd.

Specifies a size for the VPD file. When the VPD file reaches this
size, VCS closes the VPD file and opens a new one with the same
design hierarchy as the previous VPD file. There is a number suffix
added to the VPD file name to differentiate them.

VCS uses an internal buffer to store value changes before it writes
them to the VPD file on disk. VCS makes this buffer size either 5
MB or large enough to record 15 value changes for all nets and
registers in your design, whichever is larger.
You can use this option to override the buffer size that VCS
calculates for the buffer size. You specify a buffer size in

Specifies the maximum size of the VPD file. When VCS reaches this
limit, VCS overwrites the oldest simulation history data in the file
with the newest.

Turn file locking off when writing the VPD file. By default file locking is
enabled allowing DVE to read the VPD file while the simulation is still

-vpd_compression low|medium|high
Use different algorithms to compress the data in VPD files.

Disables the compression of data in VPD files.

Tells VCS to ignore $vcdplus system tasks so VCS does not write a
VPD file.

Options For Calling The vcd2vpd and vpd2vcd Utilities

vcd vpd


   Tells VCS to find and run the vcd2vpd utility that converts a VCD
   file to a VPD file. VCS inputs to the utility the specified VCD
   file and the utility outputs the specified VPD file.

   Tells VCS to find and run the vpd2vcd utility that converts a VPD
   file to a VCD file. VCS inputs to the utility the specified VPD
   file and the utility outputs the specified VCD file.

Environment Variables


   Enables the display at compile time if the path to the directory 
   specifies with the VCS_HOME environment.

   The complete path of the VCS license file or port@host.

   On UNIX add $VCS_HOME/bin to this environment variable. 

   Specifies the default graphical user interface. This environment
   variable overrides option -gui without "=".

   Specifies the directory where you installed Verification Compiler.

   Specifies the directory where you installed VCS.

   Specifies the directory where you installed VCSi.

   Specifies the directory for temporary compilation files.

   Specifies the C compiler.

   Specifies the path to the VCS compiler executable named vcs1 
   (or vcs1.exe).

   Specifies the runtime log file name.

   Specifies which runtime library named libvcs.a VCS uses.

   Enables the printf PCL command.

   Specifies the number of signals in a Verilog-2001 implicit sensitivity
   list that must be exceeded before VCS displays a warning. The default
   limit is 100 signals.
