
一项对鸣鸟解决问题能力的测试揭示了交通噪音是如何损害这些动物的能力的。科学家们给珍珠鸟设计了一组 “觅食任务”,分别在有噪音和无噪音的环境下进行。

Rather than studying birds in the wild, these researchers brought recordings1 of traffic noise from the nearby road into their lab and put captive zebra finches to the test.


The scientists designed tasks to mimic2 the problem-solving the birds have to do to find food – flipping3 over leaf-like lids to reveal a treat and working out how to reach a food reward that's hidden inside a cylinder4.


In a quiet laboratory, birds were twice as likely to succeed, and to find the food, than when traffic recordings were being played.


The discovery adds to mounting evidence that the sound we put into the environment has unexpected negative impacts on wildlife.


Studies have shown that noise can affect insect behaviour
