1 概述
2 运行结果
3 参考文献
4 Matlab代码
无人船(unmanned surface vehicles,USV)是一种船端无人操控的水面船舶,近年来受到了广泛关注。如何实现自主航行是USV面临的核心问题,而设计一种具有精确航迹控制能力的运动控制器是解决该问题的基础。
clear close all %Boat and simulation parameters m = 37; %Mass of the boat D = 0.7; %Distance between the motors and the center of mass I = 0.1; %Moment of inertia (arbitrary value, should be identified) k = 0.1; %Viscosity coefficient (arbitrary value, should be identified) Tfinal = 150; %Total simulation time Te = 0.1; %Sampling period %Vectors used to hold simulation data x = zeros(7, ceil(Tfinal/Te)); %State vector u = zeros(2, ceil(Tfinal/Te)); %Input vector delta_u = zeros(2, ceil(Tfinal/Te)); %Input increment vector a = zeros(3, ceil(Tfinal/Te)); %State vector i = 1; %Loop index %Ordered list of waypoints x_list = [2 4 32 40 25 10 2]'; %X coordinates of the waypoints y_list = [2 15 17 7 0 -5 2]'; %Y coordinates of the waypoints a_list = zeros(7,1); %Angle of the boat between two successive waypoints current_obj = 2; %As the boat starts in the first waypoint, the current objective is the next %ie. the second waypoint %Compute all the angles between two successive waypoints %The angles returned are between -pi and pi for j=1:7 a_list(mod(j,7)+1,1) = angle(complex(x_list(mod(j,7)+1)-x_list(j), y_list(mod(j,7)+1)-y_list(j))); if a_list(j,1) < 0 a_list(j,1) = a_list(j,1); end end %Objectives list containing X,Y and Theta coordinates r_list = [x_list y_list a_list]; nb_obj = size(r_list,1); %Number of objectives %MPC horizons nu = 2; %Control horizon (dof of the optimization problem) ny = 30; %Prediction horizon %State-space system used for the MPC a(:,i) = [0 0 1.4181]'; %Initial conditions : the boat is in the correct orientation %And has null angular speed and acceleration u(:,i) = [k/2 k/2]'; %Initial condition on the command : to maintain a speed of 1m/s delta_u(:,i) = [0 0]'; %Initial condition on the input increments %System matrices A = [1 0 0;... %State matrix Te 1 0;... 0 Te 1]; B = [D/(2*I) -D/(2*I); 0 0; 0 0]; %Input matrix %Augmented system matrices A_tilde = [A B; zeros(2,3), eye(2)]; %State matrix B_tilde = [zeros(3,2); eye(2)]; %Input matrix C_tilde = [0 0 1 0 0]; %Output matrix n_output = size(C_tilde,1); %Dimension of the output n_input = size(B,2); %Number of inputs n_state = size(B,1); %Number of state variables %State-space system used to provide an angle reference vector x(:,i) = [2 2 1.4181 0 0 1 0]'; %State initial condition : the boat is in the first waypoint %and correctly oriented Fx = [1 0 0 0 0 Te*cos(x(3,i)) 0;... %Linearized state matrix 0 1 0 0 0 Te*sin(x(3,i)) 0;... 0 0 1 Te 0 0 0;... 0 0 0 1 Te 0 0;... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0;... 0 0 0 0 0 1 Te;... 0 0 0 0 0 -k/m 1]; Fu = [0 0; 0 0; 0 0; 0 0;... %Linearized input matrix D/(2*I) -D/(2*I); 0 0; 1/m 1/m]; r = zeros(n_output*ny,1); %Angle reference vector %Matrices used for optimization gainS = computeGainS(n_output, 1); %Steady-state gain gainQ = computeGainQ(n_output, 1); %Running cost gain on the output gainR = computeGainR(2, 1); %Running cost gain on the input Qbar = computeQbar(C_tilde, gainQ, gainS, ny); Tbar = computeTbar(gainQ, C_tilde, gainS, ny); Rbar = computeRbar(gainR, nu); Cbar = computeCbar(A_tilde, B_tilde, ny, nu); Abar = computeAbar(A_tilde, ny); Hbar = computeHbar(Cbar, Qbar, Rbar); Fbar = computeFbar(Abar, Qbar, Cbar, Tbar); %Quadprog solver options %Keep the solver quiet options = optimoptions('quadprog'); options = optimoptions(options, 'Display', 'off'); for t=0:Te:(Tfinal-1) a_tilde = [a(:,i); u(:,i)]; %Build the augmented state space vector for MPC %Compute the ny next angle objectives tmp = x(:,i); %Get the current state obj = current_obj; %Get the current objective %Compute the angle of the line between the boat and the next waypoint goal_angle = angle(complex(r_list(obj,1)-tmp(1,1), r_list(obj,2)-tmp(2,1))); %If the distance between the goal angle and the current angle is %greater than pi, it means that there is a shorter path to this angle %than getting all the way around the unit circle dist = abs(goal_angle - tmp(3,1)); if dist > pi if tmp(3,1) < 0 goal_angle = tmp(3,1) - (2*pi - dist); else goal_angle = tmp(3,1) + (2*pi - dist); end end
[1]柳晨光. 基于预测控制的无人船运动控制方法研究[D]. 武汉理工大学.