
0 需求描述


  1 问题分析





with data as
             select 7 user_id, 2004 room_num, '2021-03-05' in_time, '2021-03-07' out_time
             union all
             select 23 user_id, 2010 room_num, '2021-03-05' in_time, '2021-03-06' out_time
             union all
             select 7 user_id, 1003 room_num, '2021-03-07' in_time, '2021-03-08' out_time
             union all
             select 8 user_id, 2014 room_num, '2021-03-07' in_time, '2021-03-08' out_time
             union all
             select 14 user_id, 3001 room_num, '2021-03-07' in_time, '2021-03-10' out_time
             union all
             select 18 user_id, 3002 room_num, '2021-03-08' in_time, '2021-03-10' out_time
             union all
             select 23 user_id, 3020 room_num, '2021-03-08' in_time, '2021-03-09' out_time
             union all
             select 25 user_id, 2006 room_num, '2021-03-09' in_time, '2021-03-12' out_time

select *
from (select time as start_time, lead(time) over (order by time) as end_time, acc_cnt
      from (select time, sum(num) over (order by time) as acc_cnt
            from (
                     select in_time as time, 1 as num
                     from data
                     union all
                     select out_time as time, -1 as num
                     from data
                 ) t
           ) t
      group by time, acc_cnt
     ) t
where end_time is not null





union all
select 100 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time


with data as
select 7 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-07' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,2010 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-06' out_time
union all
select 7 user_id,1003 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 8 user_id,2014 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 14 user_id,3001 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 18 user_id,3002 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,3020 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-09' out_time
union all
select 25 user_id,2006 room_num,'2021-03-09' in_time,'2021-03-12' out_time
union all
select 100 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
select time
                            , room_num
                            , sum(user_cnt) over (partition by room_num ORDER BY TIME) user_cnt
                       from (
                            select in_time as time, room_num, count(user_id) user_cnt
                             from data
                             group by in_time, room_num
                             union all
                             select out_time as time, room_num, -1 * count(user_id) user_cnt
                             from data
                             group by out_time, room_num
                            ) t



方法1:case when 判断当user_cnt > 0时标记1,否则标记-1

case when user_cnt > 0 then 1 else -1 end num1

方法2:判断每个房间截止当前人数的最小值,如果大于0 标记为1,否则标记为-1

case when min(user_cnt) over (partition by room_num order by time) > 0 then 1 else -1 end


with data as
select 7 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-07' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,2010 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-06' out_time
union all
select 7 user_id,1003 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 8 user_id,2014 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 14 user_id,3001 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 18 user_id,3002 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,3020 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-09' out_time
union all
select 25 user_id,2006 room_num,'2021-03-09' in_time,'2021-03-12' out_time
union all
select 100 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time

select time
          , room_num
          , user_cnt
          , case when user_cnt > 0 then 1 else -1 end num1
          , case when min(user_cnt) over (partition by room_num order by time) > 0 then 1 else -1 end  num2
     from (select time
                , room_num
                , sum(user_cnt) over (partition by room_num ORDER BY TIME) user_cnt
           from (select in_time as time, room_num, count(user_id) user_cnt
                 from data
                 group by in_time, room_num
                 union all
                 select out_time as time, room_num, -1 * count(user_id) user_cnt
                 from data
                 group by out_time, room_num
                ) t
          ) t



基于上述结果,累计num值(其实本质就是通过构造辅助条件对辅助标记值进行变换,累加值变了),反应截止当前时间点 有人入住的房间数量,最终SQL如下:

with data as
select 7 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-07' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,2010 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-06' out_time
union all
select 7 user_id,1003 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 8 user_id,2014 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 14 user_id,3001 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 18 user_id,3002 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,3020 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-09' out_time
union all
select 25 user_id,2006 room_num,'2021-03-09' in_time,'2021-03-12' out_time
-- union all
-- select 100 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time

select *
    (select time as start_time, lead(time) over (order by time) as end_time, acc_cnt
     from (select time
          , sum(case when user_cnt > 0 then 1 else -1 end) over (order by time) acc_cnt
                 from (select time
                            , room_num
                            , sum(user_cnt) over (partition by room_num ORDER BY TIME) user_cnt
                       from (select in_time as time, room_num, count(user_id) user_cnt
                             from data
                             group by in_time, room_num
                             union all
                             select out_time as time, room_num, -1 * count(user_id) user_cnt
                             from data
                             group by out_time, room_num
                            ) t
                      ) t
          ) t
     group by time, acc_cnt
    ) t
where end_time is not null




with data as
select 7 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-07' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,2010 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-06' out_time
union all
select 7 user_id,1003 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 8 user_id,2014 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time
union all
select 14 user_id,3001 room_num,'2021-03-07' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 18 user_id,3002 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-10' out_time
union all
select 23 user_id,3020 room_num,'2021-03-08' in_time,'2021-03-09' out_time
union all
select 25 user_id,2006 room_num,'2021-03-09' in_time,'2021-03-12' out_time
union all
select 100 user_id,2004 room_num,'2021-03-05' in_time,'2021-03-08' out_time

select *
    (select time as start_time, lead(time) over (order by time) as end_time, acc_cnt
     from (select time, sum(case when user_cnt > 0 then 1 else -1 end) over (order by time) acc_cnt
                 from (select time
                            , room_num
                            , sum(user_cnt) over (partition by room_num ORDER BY TIME) user_cnt
                       from (select in_time as time, room_num, count(user_id) user_cnt
                             from data
                             group by in_time, room_num
                             union all
                             select out_time as time, room_num, -1 * count(user_id) user_cnt
                             from data
                             group by out_time, room_num
                            ) t
                      ) t
          ) t
     group by time, acc_cnt
    ) t
where end_time is not null


 2 小结

