Migrating to v1.4


Create a back up of your project to a new folder before migrating to the Maps SDK for Unity v1.4 or higher. You will need this backup project to make the migration process smoothly.

Upgrade the Maps SDK for Unity

If you did not change any source files from the previous version, you can skip ahead to the Map setup section of this guide.

  1. Import the latest version of the Maps SDK for Unity to a newly created project named NewSDK1.4.
  2. Next, delete all the old Mapbox folders from your existing project (let’s call it OldSDK1.3). Tip: compare your project folders with the NewSDK1.4 project to see which files and folders to delete.
  3. Finally, copy the new folders from the NewSDK1.4 project to your existing project.
  4. Do a diff of all the files that changed. Use a file comparison/diff tool like Sourcetree or TortoiseGit to make this process easier. Pay close attention to any files from the Maps SDK for Unity that you changed earlier.
  5. If you changed any files, carefully make a manual merge rather than relying on a version control tool to do an automatic merge for you.

Map setup

  1. Once you have resolved any compiler errors in Unity, the next step is to resolve the missing script reference on the map game object. AbstractMap has a lot more functionality in v1.4.0 and later versions. You no longer need to add explicit Map types (Basic Map, MapAtSpecificLocation etc.).
  2. AbstractMap can be set up to function the same way as any of the v1.3 Maps. To do so, drag and drop the AbstractMap script to replace the missing script field. Refer to the table below to select the correct option for your map.
v1.3 Map name v1.4 Abstract Map Placement Type v1.4 Abstract Map Scaling Type
Basic Map At Tile Center Custom
Quad Tree Basic Map At Location Center Custom
Map At Specific Location At Location Center Custom
Map At World Scale At Location Center World Scale

Tile provider setup

  1. You are no longer required to add TileProviders explicitly, because in v1.4+ they are added to the map using the ExtentOptions. If you still want to add a custom TileProvider, you can do this by selecting the Custom option from the Extent Options menu. Refer the table below to select the correct setting for your TileProvider.
v1.3 Tile Provider v1.4.0 Extent Option Remove v1.3 Component
CameraBoundsTileProvider CameraBounds Yes
QuadTreeTileProvider CameraBounds Yes
RangeTileProvider RangeAroundCenter Yes
RangeAroundTransformTileProvider RangeAroundTransform Yes
Any Custom Tile Provider Custom No

MapVisualizer setup

Starting with v1.4.0, MapVisualizer will be set up automatically using the settings under the IMAGETERRAIN and VECTOR sections. To migrate v1.3 MapVisualizers to v1.4, follow the steps below.

  1. Open two separate instances of Unity. One instance will be your existing project, and the other will be the new project with the updated version of the Maps SDK for Unity.
  2. Next, open the Map Editor on your existing project by navigating to Mapbox > Map Editor from the top menu. Carefully go through every node of in your existing project and populate the fields on the AbstractMap script in the new project. You can find information on how the AbstractMap script can configured on the Introduction to the Maps SDK page.
  • Map Image Factory → IMAGEMapImageFactory in v1.3 can now be set up using the options available under IMAGEsection of AbstractMap.
  • Terrain Factory → TERRAINTerrainFactory in v1.3 can now be set up using the options available under TERRAINsection of AbstractMap.
v1.3 Terrain Factory name v1.4 Elevation Layer Type
FlatTerrainFactory FlatTerrain
LowPolyTerrainFactory LowPolygonTerrain
TerrainFactory TerrainWithElevation ( Add SideWalls option unchecked)
TerrainWithSideWallsFactory TerrainWithElevation ( Add SideWalls option checked)
FlatSphereTerrainFactory GlobeTerrain
  • Vector Tile Factory → VECTORVectorTileFactory in v1.3 can now be set up using the options available under VECTOR section of AbstractMap.
    • The new AbstractMap automatically applies default modifiers when choosing PointLinePolygon in the Primitive Type settings. See the table below for the conversions:
Primitive Type Default Mesh Modifiers Default Game Object Modifiers
Polygon PolygonMeshModifier, UVModifier, HeightModifier MaterialModifier
Line LineMeshModifier, HeightModifier MaterialModifier
  • SnapTerrainModifier in v1.3 is now configured by the Snap To Terrain checkbox.
  • If you are using a MergedModifierStack in 1.3, you will need to use the Group Features checkbox.
  • ColliderModifier in v1.3 is now set by the Collider Type menu which allows you to choose the type of collider you want to add to the extruded geometry.
  • Select Custom for the Primitive Type if you don’t want any default modifiers to be attached.
  1. Compare your new project to your old project, going through every game object one by one. Make sure all the scripts have the same values and have been serialized properly.

API changes

  • If you are using Initialize() to load a new location after you have already initialized the map, replace it with the new UpdateMap() method which takes in the same arguments. The AbstractMap class has the Initialize()UpdateMap() and ResetMap() methods.
  • If you are using InitializeMapWithLocationProvider, make sure that the Initialize On Start checkbox on the AbstractMap script is unchecked.
  • The new LocationProviderFactory script has a serialized Map Manager reference. Make sure you have serialized it with the corresponding AbstractMap reference.
