1. 全能版 (小时+分钟) 适用于所有时间
03:06 at three six
07:23 at seven twenty-three
22:56 at twenty-two fifty-six
2. 在半小时内 (分钟 + past + 小时)
09:06 at six past nine
12:27 at twenty-seven past twelve
3. 刚好半小时 (half past + 小时)
10:30 at half past ten
23:30 at half past twenty-three
4. 超过半小时(距离下个整点的分钟数+ to + 下个整点小时)
10:36 at twenty-four to eleven
08:47 at thirteen to nine
5. 一刻钟(15分钟 a quarter)
04:15 at a quarter past four
04:45 at a quarter to five
6. 整点
03:00 three / three o'clock
7. a.m /p.m 表示12小时制中的上午和下午
上午6点24分 twenty-four past six a.m
下午6点24分 twenty-four past six p.m
eg:He usually finishes his day's work at half past nine p.m
英式:写(15th Feb, 2020)读(fifteenth of February two thousand and twenty )
美式:写(Feb 15th, 2020)读(February the fifteenth two thousand and twenty)
Sundy [ˈsʌndeɪ] 周日
Mondy [ˈmʌndeɪ] 周一
Tuesday [ˈtjuːzdeɪ] 周二
Wednesday [ˈwenzdeɪ] 周三
Thursday [ˈθɜːzdeɪ] 周四
Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ] 周五
Saturday [ˈsætədeɪ] 周六
weekday [ˈwiːkdeɪ] 工作日
weekend [ˌwiːkˈend] 周末
eg: He usually gets up at a quarter past seven a.m on Monday.
January [ˈdʒænjuəri] 一月
February [ˈfebruəri] 二月
March [mɑːtʃ] 三月
April [ˈeɪprəl] 四月
May [meɪ] 五月
June [dʒuːn] 六月
July [dʒuˈlaɪ] 七月
August [ɔːˈɡʌst] 8月
September [sepˈtembə(r)] 九月
October [ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)] 十月
November [nəʊˈvembə(r)] 十一月
December [dɪˈsembə(r)] 十二月
month 月
spring [sprɪŋ] 春天
summer [ˈsʌmə(r)] 夏天
autumn [ˈɔːtəm] 秋天
winter [ˈwɪntə(r)] 冬天
1994 :读 nineteen ninety-four (分组读法 将时间两两分组读)
1906:读 nineteen o six (第三个数字为0 把第三个数字读’o‘ )
1800:读 eighteen hundred (后两个数字都是0 前面两位正常读 后面读hundred)
2000:读 two thousand (千禧年 直接读 x thousand)
2008:读 two thousand and eight (千年加个位数零头 x thousand and + x)
eg: Many great movies were shown in 1994.
234年:读 two thirty-four (如果是三位数的年 前面一位单读后面两位连读 )
208年: 读 two o eight (中间有零直接每个数字单独 0读单词’o‘)
300年:读three hundred (整百直接按百读)
87年: 读 eighty-seven (一位和两位的年也直接读数字)
公元前201年:201 B.C
公元225年:A.D 225
eg:The Han Dynasty was from 206 B.C. to A.D 220 ,
世纪的表达为 定冠词 + 序数词 + century
18世纪:写 the 18th century / 读 the eighteenth century
2世纪:写 the 2nd century / 读 the second century
eg: There were many great physicists in the 18th century.
年代一般表示在某个世纪的哪些年,因为世纪需要是年份的满取,所以20世纪应该是19几几年,年代用英文的表达是定冠词 + (世纪-1)+年代+s,比如20世纪60年代就是 the 1960s
20世纪80年代:写 the 1930s / 读 the nineteen eighties
eg:Her songs were very popular in the 1980s.