
老师要来了。 The teacher's going to come.

妈,你可以叫老师晚点来吗? Mom, can't you ask the teacher to come a little later?

不行,你跟老师约好时间了。No. You set up the time with the teacher.

整理好你的书/书桌。 Get your books / desk ready.

你的作业都完成了吗? 也练习好了吗?Did you finish your homework? Finish practicing?

等一下,妈妈!我完成这个后再做 Wait, Mom! I'll do it after I'm done with this.

不要散漫。要好好听老师的话。 Don't get distracted. Listen to your teacher.

老师今天可能会晚点到。 Seems like the teacher's going tobe  late today.

我来准备点心。 I'll get the snacks ready.

上课要专心。 Concentrate in class.

不要问奇怪的问题。 Don't ask weird questions.

老师来了。 The teacher's here.

希望你上课愉快。 Hope you have a good time.

不要漏掉每天的功课。 你会落后的。Don't miss the daily work. You'll fall behind.

你务必要做好每天的功课。 Make sure you do your daily work.

我可以不做每天的功课表吗? Can't I stop doing the daily worksheets?

我收集到很多贴纸,所以从老师那里得到了礼物。 I've collected a lot of stickers, soI got a present from the teacher.


Mom, can't you ask the teacher to come a little later?No. You set up the time with the teacher.
Don't miss the daily work. You'll fall behind.
Don't get distracted. Listen to your teacher.
