


npm init
npm install --save fabric-ca-client
npm install --save fabric-client
npm install --save grpc

使用node sdk编写注册admin的逻辑.获取admin的证书信息

vi enrollAdmin.js
'use strict';
* Copyright IBM Corp All Rights Reserved
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Enroll the admin user
var Fabric_Client = require('fabric-client');
var Fabric_CA_Client = require('fabric-ca-client');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var os = require('os');
var fabric_client = new Fabric_Client();
var fabric_ca_client = null;
var admin_user = null;
var member_user = null;
var store_path = path.join(__dirname, 'hfc-key-store');
console.log(' Store path:'+store_path);
// create the key value store as defined in the fabric-client/config/default.json 'key-value-store' setting
Fabric_Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({ path: store_path
}).then((state_store) => {
 // assign the store to the fabric client
 var crypto_suite = Fabric_Client.newCryptoSuite();
 // use the same location for the state store (where the users' certificate are kept)
 // and the crypto store (where the users' keys are kept)
 var crypto_store = Fabric_Client.newCryptoKeyStore({path: store_path});
 var  tlsOptions = {
 trustedRoots: [],
 verify: false
 // be sure to change the http to https when the CA is running TLS enabled
 fabric_ca_client = new Fabric_CA_Client('http://localhost:7054', tlsOptions , 'ca.example.com', crypto_suite);
 // first check to see if the admin is already enrolled
 return fabric_client.getUserContext('admin', true);
}).then((user_from_store) => {
 if (user_from_store && user_from_store.isEnrolled()) {
 console.log('Successfully loaded admin from persistence');
 admin_user = user_from_store;
 return null;
 } else {
 // need to enroll it with CA server
 return fabric_ca_client.enroll({
 enrollmentID: 'admin',
 enrollmentSecret: 'adminpw'
 }).then((enrollment) => {
 console.log('Successfully enrolled admin user "admin"');
 return fabric_client.createUser(
 {username: 'admin',
 mspid: 'Org1MSP',
 cryptoContent: { privateKeyPEM: enrollment.key.toBytes(), signedCertPEM: enrollment.certificate }
 }).then((user) => {
 admin_user = user;
 return fabric_client.setUserContext(admin_user);
 }).catch((err) => {
 console.error('Failed to enroll and persist admin. Error: ' + err.stack ? err.stack : err);
 throw new Error('Failed to enroll admin');
}).then(() => {
 console.log('Assigned the admin user to the fabric client ::' + admin_user.toString());
}).catch((err) => {
 console.error('Failed to enroll admin: ' + err);

使用node sdk编写注册user1的逻辑.获取user1的证书信息

vi registerUser.js
'use strict';
* Copyright IBM Corp All Rights Reserved
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Register and Enroll a user
var Fabric_Client = require('fabric-client');
var Fabric_CA_Client = require('fabric-ca-client');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var os = require('os');
var fabric_client = new Fabric_Client();
var fabric_ca_client = null;
var admin_user = null;
var member_user = null;
var store_path = path.join(__dirname, 'hfc-key-store');
console.log(' Store path:'+store_path);
// create the key value store as defined in the fabric-client/config/default.json 'key-value-store' setting
Fabric_Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({ path: store_path
}).then((state_store) => {
 // assign the store to the fabric client
 var crypto_suite = Fabric_Client.newCryptoSuite();
 // use the same location for the state store (where the users' certificate are kept)
 // and the crypto store (where the users' keys are kept)
 var crypto_store = Fabric_Client.newCryptoKeyStore({path: store_path});
 var  tlsOptions = {
 trustedRoots: [],
 verify: false
 // be sure to change the http to https when the CA is running TLS enabled
 fabric_ca_client = new Fabric_CA_Client('http://localhost:7054', null , '', crypto_suite);
 // first check to see if the admin is already enrolled
 return fabric_client.getUserContext('admin', true);
}).then((user_from_store) => {
 if (user_from_store && user_from_store.isEnrolled()) {
 console.log('Successfully loaded admin from persistence');
 admin_user = user_from_store;
 } else {
 throw new Error('Failed to get admin.... run enrollAdmin.js');
 // at this point we should have the admin user
 // first need to register the user with the CA server
 return fabric_ca_client.register({enrollmentID: 'user1', affiliation: 'org1.department1',role: 'client'}, admin_user);
}).then((secret) => {
 // next we need to enroll the user with CA server
 console.log('Successfully registered user1 - secret:'+ secret);
 return fabric_ca_client.enroll({enrollmentID: 'user1', enrollmentSecret: secret});
}).then((enrollment) => {
 console.log('Successfully enrolled member user "user1" ');
 return fabric_client.createUser(
 {username: 'user1',
 mspid: 'Org1MSP',
 cryptoContent: { privateKeyPEM: enrollment.key.toBytes(), signedCertPEM: enrollment.certificate }
}).then((user) => {
 member_user = user;
 return fabric_client.setUserContext(member_user);
 console.log('User1 was successfully registered and enrolled and is ready to interact with the fabric network');
}).catch((err) => {
 console.error('Failed to register: ' + err);
 if(err.toString().indexOf('Authorization') > -1) {
 console.error('Authorization failures may be caused by having admin credentials from a previous CA instance.\n' +
 'Try again after deleting the contents of the store directory '+store_path);

query hyperledger fabirc的信息

vi query.js
'use strict';

var Fabric_Client = require('fabric-client');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var os = require('os');
var fabric_client = new Fabric_Client();
// 设置fabric网络
var channel = fabric_client.newChannel('mychannel');
var peer = fabric_client.newPeer('grpc://localhost:7051');
var member_user = null;
var store_path = path.join(__dirname, 'hfc-key-store');
console.log('Store path:'+store_path);
var tx_id = null;
var query =async (fcn,args)=>{
 try {
 // create the key value store as defined in the fabric-client/config/default.json 'key-value-store' setting
 var state_store = await Fabric_Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({path: store_path});
 // assign the store to the fabric client
 var crypto_suite = Fabric_Client.newCryptoSuite();
 // use the same location for the state store (where the users' certificate are kept)
 // and the crypto store (where the users' keys are kept)
 var crypto_store = Fabric_Client.newCryptoKeyStore({path: store_path});
 // get the enrolled user from persistence, this user will sign all requests
 var user_from_store = await fabric_client.getUserContext('user1', true);
 if (user_from_store && user_from_store.isEnrolled()) {
 console.log('Successfully loaded user1 from persistence');
 member_user = user_from_store;
 } else {
 throw new Error('Failed to get user1.... run registerUser.js');
 // queryCar chaincode function - requires 1 argument, ex: args: ['FISH0'],
 // queryAllCars chaincode function - requires no arguments , ex: args: [''],
 const request = {
 //targets : --- letting this default to the peers assigned to the channel
 chaincodeId: 'fishcc',
 fcn: fcn,
 args: args
 // send the query proposal to the peer
 var query_responses = await channel.queryByChaincode(request);
 console.log("Query has completed, checking results");
 // query_responses could have more than one  results if there multiple peers were used as targets
 if (query_responses && query_responses.length == 1) {
 if (query_responses[0] instanceof Error) {
 console.error("error from query = ", query_responses[0]);
 } else {
 console.log("Response is ", query_responses[0].toString());
 } else {
 console.log("No payloads were returned from query");
 }catch (err){
 console.error('Failed to query successfully :: ' + err);
var args = new Array(process.argv[3]);


npm install --save express
vi web.js
const express = require('express')
const app = express()

app.all('*', function (req, res, next) {
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
  //Access-Control-Allow-Headers ,可根据浏览器的F12查看,把对应的粘贴在这里就行
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', '*');
  res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8');

var Fabric_Client = require('fabric-client');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var os = require('os');
var fabric_client = new Fabric_Client();
// 设置fabric网络
var channel = fabric_client.newChannel('mychannel');
var peer = fabric_client.newPeer('grpc://localhost:7051');
var member_user = null;
var store_path = path.join(__dirname, 'hfc-key-store');
console.log('Store path:'+store_path);
var tx_id = null;
var query =async (fcn,args)=>{
 try {
 // create the key value store as defined in the fabric-client/config/default.json 'key-value-store' setting
 var state_store = await Fabric_Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({path: store_path});
 // assign the store to the fabric client
 var crypto_suite = Fabric_Client.newCryptoSuite();
 // use the same location for the state store (where the users' certificate are kept)
 // and the crypto store (where the users' keys are kept)
 var crypto_store = Fabric_Client.newCryptoKeyStore({path: store_path});
 // get the enrolled user from persistence, this user will sign all requests
 var user_from_store = await fabric_client.getUserContext('user1', true);
 if (user_from_store && user_from_store.isEnrolled()) {
 console.log('Successfully loaded user1 from persistence');
 member_user = user_from_store;
 } else {
 throw new Error('Failed to get user1.... run registerUser.js');
 // queryCar chaincode function - requires 1 argument, ex: args: ['FISH0'],
 // queryAllCars chaincode function - requires no arguments , ex: args: [''],
 const request = {
 //targets : --- letting this default to the peers assigned to the channel
 chaincodeId: 'fishcc',
 fcn: 'queryAllFish',
 args: ['']
 // send the query proposal to the peer
 var query_responses = await channel.queryByChaincode(request);
 console.log("Query has completed, checking results");
 // query_responses could have more than one  results if there multiple peers were used as targets
 if (query_responses && query_responses.length == 1) {
 if (query_responses[0] instanceof Error) {
 console.error("error from query = ", query_responses[0]);
 } else {
 console.log("Response is ", query_responses[0].toString());
 return query_responses[0].toString(); 
 } else {
 console.log("No payloads were returned from query");
 }catch (err){
 console.error('Failed to query successfully :: ' + err);
var args = new Array(process.argv[3]);

app.get('/queryAllFish',async (req, res) => res.send(await query()))

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!'))

