10-381 查询选修了2门以上课程的学生学号和平均成绩。
-- select sno as 学号, cast(avg(grade) as decimal(10,4)) as 平均分
select sno as 学号, round(avg(grade),4) as 平均分
from score
group by sno
having count(*) >= 2
10-382 查询商品相关信息(多表查询)
select a.id as gid,a.name as gname,category_id as cid,b.name as cname
from sh_goods as a
left join sh_goods_category as b on a.category_id = b.id
10-383 查询五星商品对应的商品分类信息(多表查询)
select a.id as gid,a.category_id as cid,b.name as cname,score
from sh_goods as a
left join sh_goods_category as b on a.category_id = b.id
where score = 5
10-384 查询商品分类id为10或11的商品对应的商品信息(多表查询)
select a.id as gid,a.name as gname,b.id as cid,b.name as cname
from sh_goods as a
right join sh_goods_category as b on a.category_id = b.id
where b.id in (10,11)
10-385 获取指定商品的商品分类名称(多表查询)
select name
from sh_goods_category
where id = (select category_id from sh_goods where id = 5)
10-386 查询商品价格小于500的商品分类名称(多表查询)
select name
from sh_goods_category as a
where id in (
select category_id
from sh_goods
where price < 500
10-387 查询指定分类下符合条件的商品信息
select id,name,price
from sh_goods
where price < (select min(price) from sh_goods where category_id = 8)
and category_id = 3
10-388 创建视图,包含商品打折前后的价格信息
create view view_goods
-- (id,name,old_price,new_price)
as select
id,name,price as old_price,price*0.5 as new_price
from sh_goods;
10-389 创建视图,包含拥有属性值个数大于1的商品信息
create view view_goods_2
as select
from sh_goods
where id in(
select goods_id
from sh_goods_attr_value
group by goods_id
having count(*) > 1
10-390 检索出生日期早于伍容华出生日期(不包含此日期)的所有学生信息。
select *
from student
where birth < (select birth from student where sname = '伍容华')
10-391 检索被学生选修的课程编号和课程名称。
select distinct cno,cname
from course
where cno in (select cno from score)
10-392 检索没被学生选修的课程编号和课程名称。
select distinct cno,cname
from course
where cno not in (select cno from score)
10-393 检索选修了三门课以上的学生学号、姓名、院部
select sno,sname,dept
from student
where sno in
select sno
from score
group by sno
having count(*)>=3
10-394 查询每门必修课的课程编号,课程名称和选修人数。
select a.cno,cname,count(sno) as total
from course as a
left join score as b on a.cno=b.cno
where attribute='必修'
group by a.cno;
10-395 检索蒙族学生选修的课程编号、课程名称。
select cno,cname
from course
where cno in
select cno
from score
where sno in
select sno
from student
where nation = '蒙'
10-396 查找所有“大学语文”分数在80以上的学生的姓名,所在院系
select sname,dept
from student
where sno in
select sno
from score
where cno = (select cno from course where cname = '大学语文' and grade > 80)
10-397 在教师表中查询出所有教师所在部门编号,并消除重复记录。
select distinct DepartmentID
from Teacher
10-398 查询所有教师信息,按教师编号升序排列
select *
from Teacher
order by TeacherID
10-399 查询出出生日期最大(即年龄最小)的学生姓名及出生日期
select StudentName,Birth
from Student
where Birth = (select max(Birth) from Student)
10-400 查询学生人数大于5人的班级编号
select ClassID
from Class
where studentnum > 5