def convert_quaternion(q1):
Converts a quaternion representing a rotation in the x-y-z coordinate system to a quaternion
representing the same rotation in the x-z-(-y) coordinate system.
q1: (x, y, z, w) quaternion representing a rotation in the x-y-z coordinate system.
q2: (x, y, z, w) quaternion representing the same rotation in the x-z-(-y) coordinate system.
# Define a rotation that swaps the y and z axes and inverts the y axis
swap_yz = R.from_euler('yxz', [0, 90, 0], degrees=True)
# Convert q1 to a rotation object
r1 = R.from_quat(q1)
# Apply the coordinate system transformation and convert back to a quaternion
r2 = swap_yz * r1 * swap_yz.inv()
q2 = r2.as_quat()
return q2
其中,比较难以理解的是r2 = swap_yz * r1 * swap_yz.inv()
然而,现在我们得到的旋转是在变换后的坐标系中的。我们需要将其转换回原始坐标系,以便我们可- 以比较两个旋转。这就是为什么我们需要乘以 swap_yz.inv() 的原因。swap_yz.inv() 是 swap_yz 的逆,它表示了从 x-z-(-y) 坐标系回到 x-y-z 坐标系的变换。
因此,r2 = swap_yz * r1 * swap_yz.inv() 这一行的意义是: