Article|Sharing Access to Keychain Items Among a Collection of Apps 文章|多个应用共享钥匙链项目

1 Article|Sharing Access to Keychain Items Among a Collection of Apps 文章|多个应用共享钥匙链项目

Enable apps to share keychain items with each other by adding the apps to an access group.

2 Overview概述

If you develop a family of apps, all of which rely on the same user secret, you can use access groups to securely share that secret among those apps. For example, you can share credentials, so that logging into one of your apps automatically grants the user access to all of your apps. This kind of sharing doesn’t require interaction with or permission from the user, but limits sharing to apps that are delivered by a single development team.

An access group is a logical collection of apps tagged with a particular group name string. Any app in a given group can share keychain items with all the other apps in the same group. You can add an app to any number of groups, but the app is always part of at least one group that contains only itself. That is, an app can always store and retrieve private keychain items, regardless of whether it also participates in any other groups. Keychain items, on the other hand, are always part of exactly one group.

This form of keychain item sharing applies to all iOS keychain items, and to macOS keychain items when you query with the kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain key, set the item’s kSecAttrSynchronizable attribute, or both.

2.1 Set Your App’s Access Groups

You control the groups that your app belongs to by manipulating its entitlements. In particular, an app belongs to all the groups named in a virtual array of strings that the system forms for each app as the concatenation of the following items, evaluated in this order:
我们通过操纵应用程序的 权限文件 来控制其所属的组。特别地,应用程序属于虚拟字符串数组中命名的所有组,系统为每个应用程序形成字符串数组,作为以下项的连接,按此顺序计算:

  • Keychain access groups 钥匙链访问组
    The optional Keychain Access Groups Entitlement holds an array of strings, each of which names an access group.
    可选的 钥匙链访问组权限文件 中指定了一个字符串数组,每个字符串代表一个访问组.

  • Application identifier
    Xcode automatically adds the application-identifier entitlement (or the entitlement in macOS) to every app during code signing, formed as the team identifier (team ID) plus the bundle identifier (bundle ID).
    Xcode在代码签名时自动为每个app添加了一个 application-identifier entitlement (如果是macOS的话,是 entitlement),有teamId加上bundleId组成.

  • Application groups 应用组
    When you collect related apps into an application group using the App Groups Entitlement, they share access to a group container, and gain the ability to message each other in certain ways. Starting in iOS 8, the array of strings given by this entitlement also extends the list of keychain access groups.
    当我们使用 应用组权限文件 把相关联的多个应用设置为一个 应用组 时,这些应用可以共享访问一个组容器,可以通过特定方式互相发送消息.从iOS8开始,应用组权限文件中指定的字符串数组同时扩展了钥匙链访问组.

Xcode handles the application identifier (app ID) for you when you set the bundle ID. You set the others by manipulating capabilities in Xcode.

2.2 Establish Your App’s Private Access Group设置应用的钥匙链私有访问组

One of the first steps you take when you create any new app is to assign it a bundle ID, typically using reverse DNS notation, with a string like com.example.AppOne. When code signing your app, Xcode automatically prefixes the bundle ID with your team ID—the unique character sequence issued by Apple to each development team—and stores the combined string as the app ID. The system recognizes this app ID as the name of your app’s private access group by including it in your access group array:
创建应用的第一步就是为应用分配一个bundleID,通常我们使用 反向域名标记法 ,名称通常类似于com.example.AppOne.当Xcode对应用代码签名时,会自动存储一个AppId,该AppId是由TeamId加上BundleId组合而成.TeamId是苹果为每个开发团队分配的一个唯一字符续序列.系统将该AppId添加到访问组名称数组中,并将它作为应用的私有钥匙链访问组的组名:


Because app IDs are unique across all apps, and because the app ID is stored in an entitlement protected by code signing, no other app can use it, and so no other app is in this group. Any keychain items stored with this access group are private to App One. Similarly, if you have a second app with a bundle ID of com.example.AppTwo, it automatically belongs to its own private group:


As a result, by default, each app’s keychain items remains isolated from all other apps.

2.3 Add Apps to One or More Keychain Access Groups将应用添加到多个钥匙链访问组中

When you want two apps to be able to share keychain items, you can add both to the same keychain access group. Do this by enabling the Keychain Sharing capability in Xcode for each app, and adding a common string to the list of keychain groups in each case. Typically, you use the same kind of reverse DNS naming for a keychain group that you use for a bundle ID, so you might choose com.example.SharedItems:
如果想让两个应用共享钥匙链项目,需要把两个应用都加到同一个钥匙链访问组中.需要在Xcode中为每个应用开启Keychain Sharing capability,并且为两个应用在钥匙链访问组中添加同一个字符串.通常,使用和BundleId类似的反向域名命名法来命名这个钥匙链访问组,例如`com.example.SharedItems':

As with forming the app ID from the bundle ID, Xcode automatically prefixes keychain groups with your team ID. This ensures that your groups are specific to your development team. When you enable the capability for App One as shown above, its logical list of app groups becomes:


If you also add the same keychain group to App Two, its logical list of app groups becomes:


In effect, the two apps gain a region of overlap to share items.

2.4 Use App Groups to Expand Sharing of Keychain and Non-Keychain Data使用应用组来扩展钥匙链和非钥匙链数据的共享

When your app belongs to an app group, it can share certain kinds of non-keychain data with other apps in the same group. For example, you can use the initWithSuiteName: method to create a new NSUserDefaults instance that shares the preferences you set among all the apps in the app group. Like keychain access groups, you enable app groups with a capability in Xcode.
当一个应用属于一个 应用组,它可以和该组中的其他应用共享特定种类的非钥匙链数据.例如,可以使用initWithSuiteName方法来创建一个NSUserDefaults实例来在应用组的所有应用中共享偏好设置.和钥匙链访问组一样,需要在Xcode capability菜单中开启应用组功能.

Starting in iOS 8, when an app belongs to an app group, it can also use this mechanism to share keychain items. In this example, add App One to the app group:

App One’s list of access groups expands to include the app group:


This allows it to share keychain items with any app in the App Suite group (distinct from any sharing it’s already doing with apps in the shared items keychain access group).

Xcode doesn’t prepend the app group with the team identifier. Instead, it guards against the reuse of app group names across teams when you try to add an app group to a provisioning profile.

2.5 Know the Difference Between App Groups and Keychain Access Groups区别应用组和钥匙链访问组

App groups and keychain access groups aren’t mutually exclusive—you can use both in the same app—but they do differ in several important ways that may help you decide which to use for a given situation.

First, as described above, using an app group enables additional data sharing beyond keychain items. You might want this extra sharing, or might already be using an app group for this purpose, and thus not need to add keychain access groups. On the other hand, you might not want to enable this additional sharing at all, and prefer keychain access groups instead.

Second, order matters. The system considers the first item in the list of access groups to be the app’s default access group. This is the access group that keychain services assumes if you don’t otherwise specify one when adding keychain items. An app group can’t ever be the default, because the app ID is always present and appears earlier in the list. However, a keychain access group can be the default, because it appears before the app ID. In particular, the first keychain access group, if any, that you specify in the corresponding capability becomes the app’s default access group. If you don’t specify any keychain access groups, then the app ID is the default.

2.6 Set a Keychain Item’s Access Group设置钥匙链项目的访问组.

Unlike apps, which can belong to many access groups, keychain items belong to a single group, identified by the kSecAttrAccessGroup attribute. From the item’s point of view, the world is a collection of disjoint groups, and the item belongs to exactly one of them.

When you create a new item with the SecItemAdd method, you can specify a group in the add attributes using the kSecAttrAccessGroup key. For example, you can create a new generic password item in the Shared Items group defined above:

let accessGroup = "<# Your Team ID #>.com.example.SharedItems"
let attributes = [kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
                  kSecAttrService: service,
                  kSecAttrAccount: username,
                  kSecAttrAccessGroup: accessGroup,
                  kSecValueData: password] as [String: Any]
let addStatus = SecItemAdd(attributes as CFDictionary, nil)

Use any of the groups to which your app belongs. If you try to use an access group to which your app doesn’t belong, the operation fails and returns the errSecMissingEntitlement status. This includes attempts to “prime” an entry using a zero-length string as the value for the kSecAttrAccessGroup key, because the empty string represents an invalid group.

If you don’t specify any access group when adding an item, keychain services applies your app’s default access group, which is the first group named in the concatenated list of groups described in Set Your App’s Access Groups.
如果添加时不指定任何访问组,钥匙链服务默认将其添加到默认的访问组,该访问组是在 Set Your App’s Access Groups描述访问组列表中的第一个.

When you search for keychain items with the SecItemCopyMatching method, you can likewise specify an access group in the search query to limit your search to a particular access group:

let query = [kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
             kSecAttrService: service,
             kSecAttrAccount: username,
             kSecReturnAttributes: true,
             kSecAttrAccessGroup: accessGroup,
             kSecReturnData: true] as [String: Any]
var item: CFTypeRef?
let readStatus = SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, &item)

If you specify a group to which your app doesn’t belong, no items match and the query returns the errSecItemNotFound status. If you don’t specify an access group in the query, the search matches any of your app’s groups.

3 See Also 参考

3.1 Keychain Item Access钥匙链项目访问

  • Keychain Access Groups Entitlement钥匙链访问组权限文件
    The identifiers for the keychain groups that the app may share items with.
    Key: keychain-access-groups

  • Restricting Keychain Item Accessibility限制钥匙链项目可访问性
    Set the conditions under which an app can access a keychain item such as a password.

  • SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags
    Creates a new access control object with the specified protection type and flags.

  • SecAccessControlCreateFlags
    Access control constants that dictate how a keychain item may be used.

  • SecAccessControlRef
    An opaque type that contains information about how a keychain item may be used.

  • SecAccessControlGetTypeID
    Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a keychain item access control object belongs.

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