
1084. 销售分析III

Create table If Not Exists Product (product_id int, product_name varchar(10), unit_price int)
Create table If Not Exists Sales (seller_id int, product_id int, buyer_id int, sale_date date, quantity int, price int)
Truncate table Product
insert into Product (product_id, product_name, unit_price) values ('1', 'S8', '1000')
insert into Product (product_id, product_name, unit_price) values ('2', 'G4', '800')
insert into Product (product_id, product_name, unit_price) values ('3', 'iPhone', '1400')
Truncate table Sales
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('1', '1', '1', '2019-01-21', '2', '2000')
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('1', '2', '2', '2019-02-17', '1', '800')
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('2', '2', '3', '2019-06-02', '1', '800')
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('3', '3', '4', '2019-05-13', '2', '2800')

Table: Product

| Column Name  | Type    |
| product_id   | int     |
| product_name | varchar |
| unit_price   | int     |

Table: Sales

| Column Name | Type    |
| seller_id   | int     |
| product_id  | int     |
| buyer_id    | int     |
| sale_date   | date    |
| quantity    | int     |
| price       | int     |
+------ ------+---------+
product_id 是 Product 表的外键。


以 任意顺序 返回结果表。


示例 1:

Product table:
| product_id | product_name | unit_price |
| 1          | S8           | 1000       |
| 2          | G4           | 800        |
| 3          | iPhone       | 1400       |
Sales table:
| seller_id | product_id | buyer_id | sale_date  | quantity | price |
| 1         | 1          | 1        | 2019-01-21 | 2        | 2000  |
| 1         | 2          | 2        | 2019-02-17 | 1        | 800   |
| 2         | 2          | 3        | 2019-06-02 | 1        | 800   |
| 3         | 3          | 4        | 2019-05-13 | 2        | 2800  |
| product_id  | product_name |
| 1           | S8           |
id 3的产品在2019年春季之后销售。


# Write your MySQL query statement below
select p.product_id,p.product_name 
from Product p 
 join Sales s on p.product_id=s.product_id
group by p.product_id 
having MIN(sale_date) >= '2019-01-01' and MAX(sale_date) <= '2019-03-31';


select product_id,product_name
from Product
where product_id not in (
    select product_id
    from Sales
    where sale_date not between '2019-01-01' and '2019-03-31'

1141. 查询近30天活跃用户数

Create table If Not Exists Activity (user_id int, session_id int, activity_date date, activity_type ENUM('open_session', 'end_session', 'scroll_down', 'send_message'))
Truncate table Activity
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('1', '1', '2019-07-20', 'open_session')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('1', '1', '2019-07-20', 'scroll_down')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('1', '1', '2019-07-20', 'end_session')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('2', '4', '2019-07-20', 'open_session')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('2', '4', '2019-07-21', 'send_message')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('2', '4', '2019-07-21', 'end_session')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('3', '2', '2019-07-21', 'open_session')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('3', '2', '2019-07-21', 'send_message')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('3', '2', '2019-07-21', 'end_session')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('4', '3', '2019-06-25', 'open_session')
insert into Activity (user_id, session_id, activity_date, activity_type) values ('4', '3', '2019-06-25', 'end_session')


| Column Name   | Type    |
| user_id       | int     |
| session_id    | int     |
| activity_date | date    |
| activity_type | enum    |
activity_type 字段为以下四种值 ('open_session', 'end_session', 'scroll_down', 'send_message')。
每个 session_id 只属于一个用户。

请写SQL查询出截至 2019-07-27(包含2019-07-27),近 30 天的每日活跃用户数(当天只要有一条活动记录,即为活跃用户)。

以 任意顺序 返回结果表。


Activity table:
| user_id | session_id | activity_date | activity_type |
| 1       | 1          | 2019-07-20    | open_session  |
| 1       | 1          | 2019-07-20    | scroll_down   |
| 1       | 1          | 2019-07-20    | end_session   |
| 2       | 4          | 2019-07-20    | open_session  |
| 2       | 4          | 2019-07-21    | send_message  |
| 2       | 4          | 2019-07-21    | end_session   |
| 3       | 2          | 2019-07-21    | open_session  |
| 3       | 2          | 2019-07-21    | send_message  |
| 3       | 2          | 2019-07-21    | end_session   |
| 4       | 3          | 2019-06-25    | open_session  |
| 4       | 3          | 2019-06-25    | end_session   |
| day        | active_users |
| 2019-07-20 | 2            |
| 2019-07-21 | 2            |


# Write your MySQL query statement below
	activity_date AS DAY,
	count( DISTINCT user_id ) AS active_users 
	datediff( "2019-07-27", activity_date ) < 30 
select activity_date as day, count(distinct user_id) as active_users
from activity
group by activity_date
having datediff('2019-07-27', activity_date) < 30 

1158. 市场分析 I

Table: Users

Create table If Not Exists Users (user_id int, join_date date, favorite_brand varchar(10))
Create table If Not Exists Orders (order_id int, order_date date, item_id int, buyer_id int, seller_id int)
Create table If Not Exists Items (item_id int, item_brand varchar(10))
Truncate table Users
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('1', '2018-01-01', 'Lenovo')
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('2', '2018-02-09', 'Samsung')
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('3', '2018-01-19', 'LG')
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('4', '2018-05-21', 'HP')
Truncate table Orders
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('1', '2019-08-01', '4', '1', '2')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('2', '2018-08-02', '2', '1', '3')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('3', '2019-08-03', '3', '2', '3')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('4', '2018-08-04', '1', '4', '2')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('5', '2018-08-04', '1', '3', '4')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('6', '2019-08-05', '2', '2', '4')
Truncate table Items
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('1', 'Samsung')
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('2', 'Lenovo')
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('3', 'LG')
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('4', 'HP')

| Column Name    | Type    |
| user_id        | int     |
| join_date      | date    |
| favorite_brand | varchar |
此表主键是 user_id。

Table: Orders

| Column Name   | Type    |
| order_id      | int     |
| order_date    | date    |
| item_id       | int     |
| buyer_id      | int     |
| seller_id     | int     |
此表主键是 order_id。
外键是 item_id 和(buyer_id,seller_id)。

Table: Items

| Column Name   | Type    |
| item_id       | int     |
| item_brand    | varchar |
此表主键是 item_id。

请写出一条SQL语句以查询每个用户的注册日期和在 2019 年作为买家的订单总数。

任意顺序 返回结果表。


# Write your MySQL query statement below
select u.user_id as buyer_id, u.join_date,
case when o.order_id is not null then count(*) else 0 end as orders_in_2019
from users as u left outer join orders as o
on u.user_id = o.buyer_id and year(o.order_date) = 2019
group by u.user_id

1407. 排名靠前的旅行者

Create Table If Not Exists Users (id int, name varchar(30))
Create Table If Not Exists Rides (id int, user_id int, distance int)
Truncate table Users
insert into Users (id, name) values ('1', 'Alice')
insert into Users (id, name) values ('2', 'Bob')
insert into Users (id, name) values ('3', 'Alex')
insert into Users (id, name) values ('4', 'Donald')
insert into Users (id, name) values ('7', 'Lee')
insert into Users (id, name) values ('13', 'Jonathan')
insert into Users (id, name) values ('19', 'Elvis')
Truncate table Rides
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('1', '1', '120')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('2', '2', '317')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('3', '3', '222')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('4', '7', '100')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('5', '13', '312')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('6', '19', '50')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('7', '7', '120')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('8', '19', '400')
insert into Rides (id, user_id, distance) values ('9', '7', '230')


| Column Name   | Type    |
| id            | int     |
| name          | varchar |
id 是该表单主键。
name 是用户名字。


| Column Name   | Type    |
| id            | int     |
| user_id       | int     |
| distance      | int     |
id 是该表单主键。
user_id 是本次行程的用户的 id, 而该用户此次行程距离为 distance 。

写一段 SQL , 报告每个用户的旅行距离。

返回的结果表单,以 travelled_distance 降序排列 ,如果有两个或者更多的用户旅行了相同的距离, 那么再以 name 升序排列 。


Users 表:
| id   | name      |
| 1    | Alice     |
| 2    | Bob       |
| 3    | Alex      |
| 4    | Donald    |
| 7    | Lee       |
| 13   | Jonathan  |
| 19   | Elvis     |

Rides 表:
| id   | user_id  | distance |
| 1    | 1        | 120      |
| 2    | 2        | 317      |
| 3    | 3        | 222      |
| 4    | 7        | 100      |
| 5    | 13       | 312      |
| 6    | 19       | 50       |
| 7    | 7        | 120      |
| 8    | 19       | 400      |
| 9    | 7        | 230      |

Result 表:
| name     | travelled_distance |
| Elvis    | 450                |
| Lee      | 450                |
| Bob      | 317                |
| Jonathan | 312                |
| Alex     | 222                |
| Alice    | 120                |
| Donald   | 0                  |
Elvis 和 Lee 旅行了 450 英里,Elvis 是排名靠前的旅行者,因为他的名字在字母表上的排序比 Lee 更小。
Bob, Jonathan, Alex 和 Alice 只有一次行程,我们只按此次行程的全部距离对他们排序。
Donald 没有任何行程, 他的旅行距离为 0。



# Write your MySQL query statement below
select  distinct name , coalesce(sum(distance),0) as travelled_distance from Users u left join Rides r on u.id = r.user_id group by name order by travelled_distance desc,name asc;

1484. 按日期分组销售产品

Create table If Not Exists Activities (sell_date date, product varchar(20))
Truncate table Activities
insert into Activities (sell_date, product) values ('2020-05-30', 'Headphone')
insert into Activities (sell_date, product) values ('2020-06-01', 'Pencil')
insert into Activities (sell_date, product) values ('2020-06-02', 'Mask')
insert into Activities (sell_date, product) values ('2020-05-30', 'Basketball')
insert into Activities (sell_date, product) values ('2020-06-01', 'Bible')
insert into Activities (sell_date, product) values ('2020-06-02', 'Mask')
insert into Activities (sell_date, product) values ('2020-05-30', 'T-Shirt')


| 列名         | 类型    |
| sell_date   | date    |
| product     | varchar |

编写一个 SQL 查询来查找每个日期、销售的不同产品的数量及其名称。
返回按 sell_date 排序的结果表。

示例 1:

Activities 表:
| sell_date  | product     |
| 2020-05-30 | Headphone   |
| 2020-06-01 | Pencil      |
| 2020-06-02 | Mask        |
| 2020-05-30 | Basketball  |
| 2020-06-01 | Bible       |
| 2020-06-02 | Mask        |
| 2020-05-30 | T-Shirt     |
| sell_date  | num_sold | products                     |
| 2020-05-30 | 3        | Basketball,Headphone,T-shirt |
| 2020-06-01 | 2        | Bible,Pencil                 |
| 2020-06-02 | 1        | Mask                         |
对于2020-05-30,出售的物品是 (Headphone, Basketball, T-shirt),按词典序排列,并用逗号 ',' 分隔。
对于2020-06-01,出售的物品是 (Pencil, Bible),按词典序排列,并用逗号分隔。
对于2020-06-02,出售的物品是 (Mask),只需返回该物品名。


# Write your MySQL query statement below
select sell_date ,count( product)  num_sold,group_concat(distinct product) products from Activities group by sell_date order by sell_date ;




请编写 SQL 语句,创建一个名为 GetTotalTeacher 的存储过程,声明一个变量 totalTeacher 默认值为 0,将 teachers 表中的教师人数赋值给该变量

表定义: teachers (教师表)

列名 类型 注释
id int 主键
name varchar 讲师姓名
email varchar 讲师邮箱
age int 讲师年龄
country varchar 讲师国籍



teachers 表:

id name email age country
1 ‘Eastern heretic’ [email protected] 20 ‘UK’
2 ‘Northern Beggar’ [email protected] 21 ‘CN’
3 ‘Western Venom’ [email protected] 28 ‘USA’
4 ‘Southern Emperor’ [email protected] 21 ‘JP’
5 ‘Linghu Chong’ None 18 ‘CN’




create procedure pname()
declare name int default 0;
select count(*)
into pname
form tablename;
select name;
    DECLARE totalTeacher INT DEFAULT 0;

    INTO totalTeacher
    FROM teachers;

    SELECT totalTeacher;

1961 · 查询非日、美籍教师信息


请编写 SQL 语句,使用 NOT IN 查询教师表 teachers 中教师国籍 (country) 不为日本 (JP) 或者不为美国 (USA) 的所有教师信息。

表定义: teachers (教师表)

列名 类型 注释
id int 主键
name varchar 讲师姓名
email varchar 讲师邮箱
age int 讲师年龄
country varchar 讲师国籍

注意: 题目要求使用 NOT IN 如果查询不到结果,就什么都不返回



表内容 : teachers

id name email age country
1 Eastern Heretic [email protected] 20 UK
2 Northern Beggar [email protected] 21 CN
3 Western Venom [email protected] 28 USA
4 Southern Emperor [email protected] 21 JP
5 Linghu Chong 18 CN

在运行你的 SQL 语句之后,表应返回:

id name email age country
1 Eastern Heretic [email protected] 20 UK
2 Northern Beggar [email protected] 21 CN
5 Linghu Chong


select id,name,email,age,country from teachers where country not in ('JP','USA');

1527. 患某种疾病的患者

Create table If Not Exists Patients (patient_id int, patient_name varchar(30), conditions varchar(100))
Truncate table Patients
insert into Patients (patient_id, patient_name, conditions) values ('1', 'Daniel', 'YFEV COUGH')
insert into Patients (patient_id, patient_name, conditions) values ('2', 'Alice', '')
insert into Patients (patient_id, patient_name, conditions) values ('3', 'Bob', 'DIAB100 MYOP')
insert into Patients (patient_id, patient_name, conditions) values ('4', 'George', 'ACNE DIAB100')
insert into Patients (patient_id, patient_name, conditions) values ('5', 'Alain', 'DIAB201')

患者信息表: Patients

| Column Name  | Type    |
| patient_id   | int     |
| patient_name | varchar |
| conditions   | varchar |
patient_id (患者 ID)是该表的主键。
'conditions' (疾病)包含 0 个或以上的疾病代码,以空格分隔。

写一条 SQL 语句,查询患有 I 类糖尿病的患者 ID (patient_id)、患者姓名(patient_name)以及其患有的所有疾病代码(conditions)。I 类糖尿病的代码总是包含前缀 DIAB1 。

按 任意顺序 返回结果表。


示例 1:

| patient_id | patient_name | conditions   |
| 1          | Daniel       | YFEV COUGH   |
| 2          | Alice        |              |
| 3          | Bob          | DIAB100 MYOP |
| 4          | George       | ACNE DIAB100 |
| 5          | Alain        | DIAB201      |
| patient_id | patient_name | conditions   |
| 3          | Bob          | DIAB100 MYOP |
| 4          | George       | ACNE DIAB100 | 
解释:Bob 和 George 都患有代码以 DIAB1 开头的疾病。


select patient_id,patient_name,conditions from Patients where conditions regexp '^DIAB1.*|[[:space:]]DIAB1.*'  #[[:space:]]表示的是空格

1581. 进店却未进行过交易的顾客

Create table If Not Exists Visits(visit_id int, customer_id int)
Create table If Not Exists Transactions(transaction_id int, visit_id int, amount int)
Truncate table Visits
insert into Visits (visit_id, customer_id) values ('1', '23')
insert into Visits (visit_id, customer_id) values ('2', '9')
insert into Visits (visit_id, customer_id) values ('4', '30')
insert into Visits (visit_id, customer_id) values ('5', '54')
insert into Visits (visit_id, customer_id) values ('6', '96')
insert into Visits (visit_id, customer_id) values ('7', '54')
insert into Visits (visit_id, customer_id) values ('8', '54')
Truncate table Transactions
insert into Transactions (transaction_id, visit_id, amount) values ('2', '5', '310')
insert into Transactions (transaction_id, visit_id, amount) values ('3', '5', '300')
insert into Transactions (transaction_id, visit_id, amount) values ('9', '5', '200')
insert into Transactions (transaction_id, visit_id, amount) values ('12', '1', '910')
insert into Transactions (transaction_id, visit_id, amount) values ('13', '2', '970')


| Column Name | Type    |
| visit_id    | int     |
| customer_id | int     |
visit_id 是该表的主键。


| Column Name    | Type    |
| transaction_id | int     |
| visit_id       | int     |
| amount         | int     |
transaction_id 是此表的主键。
此表包含 visit_id 期间进行的交易的信息。

有一些顾客可能光顾了购物中心但没有进行交易。请你编写一个 SQL 查询,来查找这些顾客的 ID ,以及他们只光顾不交易的次数。

返回以 任何顺序 排序的结果表。


| visit_id | customer_id |
| 1        | 23          |
| 2        | 9           |
| 4        | 30          |
| 5        | 54          |
| 6        | 96          |
| 7        | 54          |
| 8        | 54          |
| transaction_id | visit_id | amount |
| 2              | 5        | 310    |
| 3              | 5        | 300    |
| 9              | 5        | 200    |
| 12             | 1        | 910    |
| 13             | 2        | 970    |
| customer_id | count_no_trans |
| 54          | 2              |
| 30          | 1              |
| 96          | 1              |
ID = 23 的顾客曾经逛过一次购物中心,并在 ID = 12 的访问期间进行了一笔交易。
ID = 9 的顾客曾经逛过一次购物中心,并在 ID = 13 的访问期间进行了一笔交易。
ID = 30 的顾客曾经去过购物中心,并且没有进行任何交易。
ID = 54 的顾客三度造访了购物中心。在 2 次访问中,他们没有进行任何交易,在 1 次访问中,他们进行了 3 次交易。
ID = 96 的顾客曾经去过购物中心,并且没有进行任何交易。
如我们所见,ID 为 30 和 96 的顾客一次没有进行任何交易就去了购物中心。顾客 54 也两次访问了购物中心并且没有进行任何交易。
# Write your MySQL query statement below
    customer_id, COUNT(customer_id) count_no_trans
    visits v
    transactions t ON v.visit_id = t.visit_id
GROUP BY customer_id;

1587. 银行账户概要 II

Create table If Not Exists Users (account int, name varchar(20))
Create table If Not Exists Transactions (trans_id int, account int, amount int, transacted_on date)
Truncate table Users
insert into Users (account, name) values ('900001', 'Alice')
insert into Users (account, name) values ('900002', 'Bob')
insert into Users (account, name) values ('900003', 'Charlie')
Truncate table Transactions
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('1', '900001', '7000', '2020-08-01')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('2', '900001', '7000', '2020-09-01')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('3', '900001', '-3000', '2020-09-02')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('4', '900002', '1000', '2020-09-12')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('5', '900003', '6000', '2020-08-07')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('6', '900003', '6000', '2020-09-07')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('7', '900003', '-4000', '2020-09-11')

表: Users

| Column Name  | Type    |
| account      | int     |
| name         | varchar |
account 是该表的主键.

表: Transactions

| Column Name   | Type    |
| trans_id      | int     |
| account       | int     |
| amount        | int     |
| transacted_on | date    |
trans_id 是该表主键.
如果用户收到了钱, 那么金额是正的; 如果用户转了钱, 那么金额是负的.
所有账户的起始余额为 0.

写一个 SQL, 报告余额高于 10000 的所有用户的名字和余额. 账户的余额等于包含该账户的所有交易的总和.



Users table:
| account    | name         |
| 900001     | Alice        |
| 900002     | Bob          |
| 900003     | Charlie      |

Transactions table:
| trans_id   | account    | amount     | transacted_on |
| 1          | 900001     | 7000       |  2020-08-01   |
| 2          | 900001     | 7000       |  2020-09-01   |
| 3          | 900001     | -3000      |  2020-09-02   |
| 4          | 900002     | 1000       |  2020-09-12   |
| 5          | 900003     | 6000       |  2020-08-07   |
| 6          | 900003     | 6000       |  2020-09-07   |
| 7          | 900003     | -4000      |  2020-09-11   |

Result table:
| name       | balance    |
| Alice      | 11000      |
Alice 的余额为(7000 + 7000 - 3000) = 11000.
Bob 的余额为1000.
Charlie 的余额为(6000 + 6000 - 4000) = 8000.

1587. 银行账户概要 II

Create table If Not Exists Users (account int, name varchar(20))
Create table If Not Exists Transactions (trans_id int, account int, amount int, transacted_on date)
Truncate table Users
insert into Users (account, name) values ('900001', 'Alice')
insert into Users (account, name) values ('900002', 'Bob')
insert into Users (account, name) values ('900003', 'Charlie')
Truncate table Transactions
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('1', '900001', '7000', '2020-08-01')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('2', '900001', '7000', '2020-09-01')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('3', '900001', '-3000', '2020-09-02')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('4', '900002', '1000', '2020-09-12')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('5', '900003', '6000', '2020-08-07')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('6', '900003', '6000', '2020-09-07')
insert into Transactions (trans_id, account, amount, transacted_on) values ('7', '900003', '-4000', '2020-09-11')

写一个 SQL, 报告余额高于 10000 的所有用户的名字和余额. 账户的余额等于包含该账户的所有交易的总和.



Users table:
| account    | name         |
| 900001     | Alice        |
| 900002     | Bob          |
| 900003     | Charlie      |

Transactions table:
| trans_id   | account    | amount     | transacted_on |
| 1          | 900001     | 7000       |  2020-08-01   |
| 2          | 900001     | 7000       |  2020-09-01   |
| 3          | 900001     | -3000      |  2020-09-02   |
| 4          | 900002     | 1000       |  2020-09-12   |
| 5          | 900003     | 6000       |  2020-08-07   |
| 6          | 900003     | 6000       |  2020-09-07   |
| 7          | 900003     | -4000      |  2020-09-11   |

Result table:
| name       | balance    |
| Alice      | 11000      |
Alice 的余额为(7000 + 7000 - 3000) = 11000.
Bob 的余额为1000.
Charlie 的余额为(6000 + 6000 - 4000) = 8000.



# Write your MySQL query statement below
select name,sum(amount)  balance from 
Transactions t left join users u on t.account=u.account  group by t.account having balance >10000 ;

1667. 修复表中的名字

Create table If Not Exists Users (user_id int, name varchar(40))
Truncate table Users
insert into Users (user_id, name) values ('1', 'aLice')
insert into Users (user_id, name) values ('2', 'bOB')

表: Users

| Column Name    | Type    |
| user_id        | int     |
| name           | varchar |
user_id 是该表的主键。
该表包含用户的 ID 和名字。名字仅由小写和大写字符组成。

编写一个 SQL 查询来修复名字,使得只有第一个字符是大写的,其余都是小写的。

返回按 user_id 排序的结果表。


示例 1:

Users table:
| user_id | name  |
| 1       | aLice |
| 2       | bOB   |
| user_id | name  |
| 1       | Alice |
| 2       | Bob   |


# Write your MySQL query statement below
select user_id,concat(upper(left(name,1)),lower(substring(name,2)))  name from Users order by user_id asc;


# CONACT(str1,str2) 连接     拼接两个字符串
# UPPER(str)  大写      字符串大写
# LOWER(str)  小写      字符串小写
# LENGTH(str)  长度     字符串长度
# SUBSTRING(str,start,end)   截取  截取字符串,start开始,end结束。
# LEFT(str,len)    截取  从左边开始截取字符串
# RIGHT(str,len)    截取  从右边开始截取字符串


1693. 每天的领导和合伙人

Create table If Not Exists DailySales(date_id date, make_name varchar(20), lead_id int, partner_id int)
Truncate table DailySales
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-8', 'toyota', '0', '1')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-8', 'toyota', '1', '0')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-8', 'toyota', '1', '2')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-7', 'toyota', '0', '2')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-7', 'toyota', '0', '1')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-8', 'honda', '1', '2')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-8', 'honda', '2', '1')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-7', 'honda', '0', '1')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-7', 'honda', '1', '2')
insert into DailySales (date_id, make_name, lead_id, partner_id) values ('2020-12-7', 'honda', '2', '1')


| Column Name | Type    |
| date_id     | date    |
| make_name   | varchar |
| lead_id     | int     |
| partner_id  | int     |

写一条 SQL 语句,使得对于每一个 date_id 和 make_name,返回不同的 lead_id 以及不同的 partner_id 的数量。

按 任意顺序 返回结果表。


示例 1:

DailySales 表:
| date_id   | make_name | lead_id | partner_id |
| 2020-12-8 | toyota    | 0       | 1          |
| 2020-12-8 | toyota    | 1       | 0          |
| 2020-12-8 | toyota    | 1       | 2          |
| 2020-12-7 | toyota    | 0       | 2          |
| 2020-12-7 | toyota    | 0       | 1          |
| 2020-12-8 | honda     | 1       | 2          |
| 2020-12-8 | honda     | 2       | 1          |
| 2020-12-7 | honda     | 0       | 1          |
| 2020-12-7 | honda     | 1       | 2          |
| 2020-12-7 | honda     | 2       | 1          |
| date_id   | make_name | unique_leads | unique_partners |
| 2020-12-8 | toyota    | 2            | 3               |
| 2020-12-7 | toyota    | 1            | 2               |
| 2020-12-8 | honda     | 2            | 2               |
| 2020-12-7 | honda     | 3            | 2               |
在 2020-12-8,丰田(toyota)有领导者 = [0, 1] 和合伙人 = [0, 1, 2] ,同时本田(honda)有领导者 = [1, 2] 和合伙人 = [1, 2]。
在 2020-12-7,丰田(toyota)有领导者 = [0] 和合伙人 = [1, 2] ,同时本田(honda)有领导者 = [0, 1, 2] 和合伙人 = [1, 2]。


# Write your MySQL query statement below
select date_id,make_name ,count( distinct lead_id) unique_leads ,count( distinct  partner_id) unique_partners from DailySales
group by date_id,make_name;

1729. 求关注者的数量

Create table If Not Exists Followers(user_id int, follower_id int)
Truncate table Followers
insert into Followers (user_id, follower_id) values ('0', '1')
insert into Followers (user_id, follower_id) values ('1', '0')
insert into Followers (user_id, follower_id) values ('2', '0')
insert into Followers (user_id, follower_id) values ('2', '1')

表: Followers

| Column Name | Type |
| user_id     | int  |
| follower_id | int  |
(user_id, follower_id) 是这个表的主键。

写出 SQL 语句,对于每一个用户,返回该用户的关注者数量。

user_id 的顺序返回结果表。


示例 1:

Followers 表:
| user_id | follower_id |
| 0       | 1           |
| 1       | 0           |
| 2       | 0           |
| 2       | 1           |
| user_id | followers_count|
| 0       | 1              |
| 1       | 1              |
| 2       | 2              |
0 的关注者有 {1}
1 的关注者有 {0}
2 的关注者有 {0,1}


# Write your MySQL query statement below
select user_id ,count(distinct follower_id)  followers_count from Followers group by user_id order by user_id asc;

1741. 查找每个员工花费的总时间

Create table If Not Exists Employees(emp_id int, event_day date, in_time int, out_time int)
Truncate table Employees
insert into Employees (emp_id, event_day, in_time, out_time) values ('1', '2020-11-28', '4', '32')
insert into Employees (emp_id, event_day, in_time, out_time) values ('1', '2020-11-28', '55', '200')
insert into Employees (emp_id, event_day, in_time, out_time) values ('1', '2020-12-3', '1', '42')
insert into Employees (emp_id, event_day, in_time, out_time) values ('2', '2020-11-28', '3', '33')
insert into Employees (emp_id, event_day, in_time, out_time) values ('2', '2020-12-9', '47', '74')

表: Employees

| Column Name | Type |
| emp_id      | int  |
| event_day   | date |
| in_time     | int  |
| out_time    | int  |
(emp_id, event_day, in_time) 是这个表的主键。
event_day 是此事件发生的日期,in_time 是员工进入办公室的时间,而 out_time 是他们离开办公室的时间。
in_time 和 out_time 的取值在1到1440之间。
题目保证同一天没有两个事件在时间上是相交的,并且保证 in_time 小于 out_time。

编写一个SQL查询以计算每位员工每天在办公室花费的总时间(以分钟为单位)。 请注意,在一天之内,同一员工是可以多次进入和离开办公室的。 在办公室里一次进出所花费的时间为out_time 减去 in_time。


Employees table:
| emp_id | event_day  | in_time | out_time |
| 1      | 2020-11-28 | 4       | 32       |
| 1      | 2020-11-28 | 55      | 200      |
| 1      | 2020-12-03 | 1       | 42       |
| 2      | 2020-11-28 | 3       | 33       |
| 2      | 2020-12-09 | 47      | 74       |
Result table:
| day        | emp_id | total_time |
| 2020-11-28 | 1      | 173        |
| 2020-11-28 | 2      | 30         |
| 2020-12-03 | 1      | 41         |
| 2020-12-09 | 2      | 27         |
雇员 1 有三次进出: 有两次发生在 2020-11-28 花费的时间为 (32 - 4) + (200 - 55) = 173, 有一次发生在 2020-12-03 花费的时间为 (42 - 1) = 41。
雇员 2 有两次进出: 有一次发生在 2020-11-28 花费的时间为 (33 - 3) = 30,  有一次发生在 2020-12-09 花费的时间为 (74 - 47) = 27。
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select event_day day,emp_id,sum(out_time-in_time) total_time from Employees group by day,emp_id order by event_day asc;

1795. 每个产品在不同商店的价格

Create table If Not Exists Products (product_id int, store1 int, store2 int, store3 int)
Truncate table Products
insert into Products (product_id, store1, store2, store3) values ('0', '95', '100', '105')
insert into Products (product_id, store1, store2, store3) values ('1', '70', 'None', '80')


| Column Name | Type    |
| product_id  | int     |
| store1      | int     |
| store2      | int     |
| store3      | int     |
每行存储了这一产品在不同商店store1, store2, store3的价格。

请你重构 Products 表,查询每个产品在不同商店的价格,使得输出的格式变为(product_id, store, price) 。如果这一产品在商店里没有出售,则不输出这一行。

输出结果表中的 顺序不作要求 。


示例 1:

Products table:
| product_id | store1 | store2 | store3 |
| 0          | 95     | 100    | 105    |
| 1          | 70     | null   | 80     |
| product_id | store  | price |
| 0          | store1 | 95    |
| 0          | store2 | 100   |
| 0          | store3 | 105   |
| 1          | store1 | 70    |
| 1          | store3 | 80    |


# Write your MySQL query statement below
select product_id ,'store1'  as store , store1 price from Products where store1  is not null 
union all

select product_id ,'store2'  as store , store2 price from Products where store2  is not null 
union all
select product_id ,'store3'  as store , store3 price from Products where store3  is not null 


select employee_id,if((employee_id%2=0) or name like 'M%' ,0,salary) bonus from Employees order by employee_id asc;

也可以使用case when

select employee_id,case when (employee_id%2=0) or name like 'M%' then 0 else salary end as  bonus from Employees order by employee_id asc;


(employee_id & 1) = 1  就是判断奇数
(employee_id & 0) = 0 

1890. 2020年最后一次登录

Create table If Not Exists Logins (user_id int, time_stamp datetime)
Truncate table Logins
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('6', '2020-06-30 15:06:07')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('6', '2021-04-21 14:06:06')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('6', '2019-03-07 00:18:15')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('8', '2020-02-01 05:10:53')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('8', '2020-12-30 00:46:50')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('2', '2020-01-16 02:49:50')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('2', '2019-08-25 07:59:08')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('14', '2019-07-14 09:00:00')
insert into Logins (user_id, time_stamp) values ('14', '2021-01-06 11:59:59')

表: Logins

| 列名           | 类型      |
| user_id        | int      |
| time_stamp     | datetime |
(user_id, time_stamp) 是这个表的主键。
每一行包含的信息是user_id 这个用户的登录时间。

编写一个 SQL 查询,该查询可以获取在 2020 年登录过的所有用户的本年度 最后一次 登录时间。结果集 不 包含 2020 年没有登录过的用户。

返回的结果集可以按 任意顺序 排列。


Logins 表:
| user_id | time_stamp          |
| 6       | 2020-06-30 15:06:07 |
| 6       | 2021-04-21 14:06:06 |
| 6       | 2019-03-07 00:18:15 |
| 8       | 2020-02-01 05:10:53 |
| 8       | 2020-12-30 00:46:50 |
| 2       | 2020-01-16 02:49:50 |
| 2       | 2019-08-25 07:59:08 |
| 14      | 2019-07-14 09:00:00 |
| 14      | 2021-01-06 11:59:59 |
| user_id | last_stamp          |
| 6       | 2020-06-30 15:06:07 |
| 8       | 2020-12-30 00:46:50 |
| 2       | 2020-01-16 02:49:50 |



# Write your MySQL query statement below
select user_id, max(time_stamp) last_stamp  from Logins where year(time_stamp)=2020 group by user_id;

1965. 丢失信息的雇员

Create table If Not Exists Employees (employee_id int, name varchar(30))
Create table If Not Exists Salaries (employee_id int, salary int)
Truncate table Employees
insert into Employees (employee_id, name) values ('2', 'Crew')
insert into Employees (employee_id, name) values ('4', 'Haven')
insert into Employees (employee_id, name) values ('5', 'Kristian')
Truncate table Salaries
insert into Salaries (employee_id, salary) values ('5', '76071')
insert into Salaries (employee_id, salary) values ('1', '22517')
insert into Salaries (employee_id, salary) values ('4', '63539')

表: Employees

| Column Name | Type    |
| employee_id | int     |
| name        | varchar |
employee_id 是这个表的主键。
每一行表示雇员的id 和他的姓名。

表: Salaries

| Column Name | Type    |
| employee_id | int     |
| salary      | int     |
employee_id is 这个表的主键。
每一行表示雇员的id 和他的薪水。

写出一个查询语句,找到所有 丢失信息 的雇员id。当满足下面一个条件时,就被认为是雇员的信息丢失:

雇员的 姓名 丢失了,或者
雇员的 薪水信息 丢失了,或者

返回这些雇员的id employee_id , 从小到大排序 。


示例 1:

Employees table:
| employee_id | name     |
| 2           | Crew     |
| 4           | Haven    |
| 5           | Kristian |
Salaries table:
| employee_id | salary |
| 5           | 76071  |
| 1           | 22517  |
| 4           | 63539  |
| employee_id |
| 1           |
| 2           |
雇员1,2,4,5 都工作在这个公司。


别少order by

select e.employee_id from employees e left join salaries s on e.employee_id=s.employee_id where salary  IS NULL
select s.employee_id from employees e right join salaries s on e.employee_id=s.employee_id where name IS NULL
order by employee_id;
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select employee_id 
(select employee_id from employees union all select employee_id from salaries) t
group by employee_id
having count(employee_id) = 1
order by employee_id;
