



混淆矩阵(Confusion Matrix)


指标 公式
准确率、正确率 T P + T N ТР + T N + F P + F N \frac{TP + TN}{ ТР+ TN+FP+FN} ТР+TN+FP+FNTP+TN
精确率、精度 P = T P ТР + F P P= \frac{TP }{ ТР+ FP} P=ТР+FPTP
真正类率、召回率 R = T P ТР + F N R= \frac{TP }{ ТР+ FN} R=ТР+FNTP
F1-Score:精确度和召回率的调和平均值 F 1 = 2 P × R P + R F1=2\frac{P×R}{P+R} F1=2P+RP×R



注:大多数博客的类别像素准确率都是 T P T P + F P \frac{TP}{TP + FP} TP+FPTP,而代码中都是 T P ТР + F N \frac{TP }{ ТР+ FN} ТР+FNTP,其实类别像素准确率应该为混淆矩阵的召回率。

指标 公式 举例
像素准确率 P A = T P + T N ТР + T N + F P + F N PA = \frac{TP + TN}{ ТР+ TN+FP+FN} PA=ТР+TN+FP+FNTP+TN P A = a + e + i a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i PA = \frac{a+e+i}{ a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i} PA=a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+ia+e+i
类别像素准确率 C P A i = T P i T P i + F N i CPA_i =\frac{TP_i}{TP_i + FN_i } CPAi=TPi+FNiTPi C P A 类别 1 = a a + b + c ; C P A 类别 2 = e d + e + f ; C P A 类别 3 = i g + h + i CPA_{类别1} = \frac{a}{ a+b+c};CPA_{类别2} = \frac{e}{d+e+f};CPA_{类别3} = \frac{i}{ g+h+i} CPA类别1=a+b+ca;CPA类别2=d+e+fe;CPA类别3=g+h+ii
类别平均像素准确率 M P A = Σ ( C P A i ) N MPA =\frac{Σ(CPA_i)}{N} MPA=NΣ(CPAi) M P A = C P A 类别 1 + C P A 类别 2 + C P A 类别 3 3 MPA= \frac{CPA_{类别1}+CPA_{类别2}+CPA_{类别3}}{3} MPA=3CPA类别1+CPA类别2+CPA类别3
交并比 I o U i = T P i T P i + F P i + F N i IoU_i = \frac{TP_i}{TP_i + FP_i + FN_i} IoUi=TPi+FPi+FNiTPi I o U 类别 1 = a a + b + c + d + g IoU_{类别1} = \frac{a}{ a+b+c+d+g} IoU类别1=a+b+c+d+ga I o U 类别 2 = e d + e + f + b + h IoU_{类别2} = \frac{e}{ d+e+f+b+h} IoU类别2=d+e+f+b+he I o U 类别 3 = i g + h + i + c + f IoU_{类别3} = \frac{i}{ g+h+i+c+f} IoU类别3=g+h+i+c+fi
平均交并比 M I o U = Σ ( I o U i ) N MIoU = \frac{Σ(IoU_i)}{N} MIoU=NΣ(IoUi) M I o U = I o U 类别 1 + I o U 类别 2 + I o U 类别 3 3 MIoU = \frac{IoU_{类别1} +IoU_{类别2} +IoU_{类别3} }{3} MIoU=3IoU类别1+IoU类别2+IoU类别3
频权平均交并比 F W M I o U = ∑ k = 1 K n k T P k ∑ k = 1 K n k ∗ ( T P k + F P k + F N k ) FWMIoU =\frac{∑_{k=1}^Kn_kTP_k}{∑_{k=1}^Kn_k*(TP_k + FP_k + FN_k)} FWMIoU=k=1Knk(TPk+FPk+FNk)k=1KnkTPk f r e q 1 = a + b + c a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i freq1=\frac{a+b+c}{a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i} freq1=a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+ia+b+c f r e q 2 = d + e + f a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i freq2=\frac{d+e+f}{a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i} freq2=a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+id+e+f f r e q 3 = g + h + i a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i freq3=\frac{g+h+i}{a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i} freq3=a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+ig+h+i F W M I o U = I o U 类别 1 ∗ f r e q 1 + I o U 类别 2 ∗ f r e q 2 + I o U 类别 3 ∗ f r e q 3 f r e q 1 + f r e q 2 + f r e q 3 FWMIoU =\frac{IoU_{类别1}* freq1 +IoU_{类别2} * freq2+IoU_{类别3}* freq3}{freq1 + freq2 + freq3} FWMIoU=freq1+freq2+freq3IoU类别1freq1+IoU类别2freq2+IoU类别3freq3
F 1 − s c o r e F1-score F1score 2 ∗ T P / ( 2 ∗ T P + F P + F N ) 2*TP / (2*TP+FP+FN) 2TP/(2TP+FP+FN) F 1 类别 1 = 2 a 2 a + b + c + d + g + h F1_{类别1}=\frac{2a}{2a+b+c+d+g+h} F1类别1=2a+b+c+d+g+h2a F 1 类别 2 = 2 e 2 e + d + f + b + e + h F1_{类别2}=\frac{2e}{2e+d+f+b+e+h} F1类别2=2e+d+f+b+e+h2e F 1 类别 3 = 2 i 2 i + g + h + c + f F1_{类别3}=\frac{2i }{2i+g+h+c+f} F1类别3=2i+g+h+c+f2i F 1 = F 1 类别 1 + F 1 类别 2 + F 1 类别 3 3 F1=\frac{F1_{类别1}+F1_{类别2}+F1_{类别3}}{3} F1=3F1类别1+F1类别2+F1类别3
refer to https://github.com/jfzhang95/pytorch-deeplab-xception/blob/master/utils/metrics.py
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['SegmentationMetric']

                P    N
        P      TP    FN
        N      FP    TN

class SegmentationMetric(object):
    def __init__(self, numClass):
        self.numClass = numClass
        self.confusionMatrix = np.zeros((self.numClass,) * 2)

    def genConfusionMatrix(self, imgPredict, imgLabel):  # 同FCN中score.py的fast_hist()函数
        # remove classes from unlabeled pixels in gt image and predict
        mask = (imgLabel >= 0) & (imgLabel < self.numClass)
        label = self.numClass * imgLabel[mask] + imgPredict[mask]
        count = np.bincount(label, minlength=self.numClass ** 2)
        confusionMatrix = count.reshape(self.numClass, self.numClass)
        return confusionMatrix

    def addBatch(self, imgPredict, imgLabel):
        assert imgPredict.shape == imgLabel.shape
        self.confusionMatrix += self.genConfusionMatrix(imgPredict, imgLabel)

    def pixelAccuracy(self):
        # 返回所有类别的整体像素准确度
        #  PA = acc = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + TN)
        acc = np.diag(self.confusionMatrix).sum() / self.confusionMatrix.sum()
        return acc

    def classPixelAccuracy(self):
        # 返回每个类别的像素精度(称为精度的更准确方法)
        # acc = (TP) / TP + FN
        classAcc = np.diag(self.confusionMatrix) / self.confusionMatrix.sum(axis=1)
        return classAcc  # 返回的是一个列表值,如:[0.90, 0.80, 0.96],表示类别1 2 3各类别的预测准确率

    def meanPixelAccuracy(self):
        classAcc = self.classPixelAccuracy()
        meanAcc = np.nanmean(classAcc)  # np.nanmean 求平均值,nan表示遇到Nan类型,其值取为0
        return meanAcc  # 返回单个值,如:np.nanmean([0.90, 0.80, 0.96, nan, nan]) = (0.90 + 0.80 + 0.96) / 3 =  0.89

    def IntersectionOverUnion(self):
        # Intersection = TP Union = TP + FP + FN
        # IoU = TP / (TP + FP + FN)
        intersection = np.diag(self.confusionMatrix)  # 取对角元素的值,返回列表
        union = np.sum(self.confusionMatrix, axis=1) + np.sum(self.confusionMatrix, axis=0) - np.diag(
            self.confusionMatrix)  # axis = 1表示混淆矩阵行的值,返回列表; axis = 0表示取混淆矩阵列的值,返回列表
        IoU = intersection / union  # 返回列表,其值为各个类别的IoU
        return IoU

    def meanIntersectionOverUnion(self):
        IoU = self.IntersectionOverUnion()
        mIoU = np.nanmean(IoU)  # 求各类别IoU的平均
        return mIoU

    def FrequencyWeightedIntersectionOverUnion(self):
        # FWIOU =     [(TP+FN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)] *[TP / (TP + FP + FN)]
        freq = np.sum(self.confusionMatrix, axis=1) / np.sum(self.confusionMatrix)
        iu = np.diag(self.confusionMatrix) / (
                np.sum(self.confusionMatrix, axis=1) + np.sum(self.confusionMatrix, axis=0) -
        FWIoU = (freq[freq > 0] * iu[freq > 0]).sum()
        return FWIoU

    def reset(self):
        self.confusionMatrix = np.zeros((self.numClass, self.numClass))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    imgPredict = np.array([0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1])
    imgLabel = np.array([0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2])
    metric = SegmentationMetric(3)  # 3表示有3个分类
    metric.addBatch(imgPredict, imgLabel)
    pa = metric.pixelAccuracy()
    cpa = metric.classPixelAccuracy()
    mpa = metric.meanPixelAccuracy()
    IoU = metric.IntersectionOverUnion()
    mIoU = metric.meanIntersectionOverUnion()
    fwmIoU = metric.FrequencyWeightedIntersectionOverUnion()
    print('混淆矩阵:\n', metric.confusionMatrix)
    print('pa:\t', pa)
    print('cpa:\t', cpa)
    print('mpa:\t', mpa)
    print('IoU:\t', IoU)
    print('mIoU:\t', mIoU)
    print('FWmIoU:\t', fwmIoU)


 [[1. 0. 0.]
 [1. 1. 0.]
 [0. 1. 2.]]
pa:	 0.6666666666666666
cpa:	 [1.         0.5        0.66666667]
mpa:	 0.7222222222222222
IoU:	 [0.5        0.33333333 0.66666667]
mIoU:	 0.5
FWmIoU:	 0.5277777777777777
