
If you want to do it, there must be a way

Hello, everyone. I’m international student from China. You can call me Jackie.I’m glad to stand hear and talk about my study aboard experience.

This is my first time to UK, However, I’m final year student rather than first year student. When I was in China during the epidemic, my friends often refer to this things and says:” You are went aboard online not offline, up to now, you haven’t been to UK, but nearly graduate from University”. Indeed, if China don’t have flight to UK, it is possible to graduate from online.

China had to stop flying to the UK because of the epidemic, but I will have online course at home.Online course begin at October 2022 and this is also my first course in Lincoln,So I was excited and expection the course. I hope I could get an high score in the first semester in lincoln. Not only useful to my apply for postgraduate study, but also help me build confidence for following semestar study, However, technology become an main problem when I have first session.

Many online courses are taught on BB platforms, but I can’t sign in Blackboard, when I want to sign in Blackboard , a window will pop up which says:”Sign on Error”. At first I thought it was because of a problem with my computer, or a regional problem . In order to face this problem, I bought an 30days Vpn and try to sign in again, but it useless

This prove that it is possible for system not my computer mistake. I immediately send an message to teacher and ask for help, However, It's less than two days before school starts online course which means if I do not tackle technology problem,I will miss several classes which means I must absent for some classes, but If attendance is assessed at the end of the course, I will score lower than others.

At that time, I try to send an e-mail to my tutor and request a link to my own class. I hope this action could save my attendance sorce, However,despite the link, I still couldn't get into the first class. Because of technology problem, I absent at least five classes,so I worried about my attendance socre will be lower than others.

Later, due to technical problems, our overseas study teacher applied to the school for approval regardless of attendance in the first semester,.Although this is good news, I also lost the opportunity to ask questions face-to-face with the course teacher for five classes. It is necessary to watch the first few lectures on video and read more in online library. I believe this could help me to get more knowledge. So following this method, I watch record lecture one by one and send an e-mail to teacher if I have questions. Finally, he caught up with the pace of the teacher in class

After this incident, in the process of summarizing, I realized: "Sometimes you will have challenges, but there is always a solution if you want to do it

2022-02-27 02:36:26
