eMMC编程基础 - (一)eMMC相关术语和概念


  • 1 术语和定义

1 术语和定义

the following abbreviations for common terms apply(以下常用术语的缩写):
Address Space Definitions:

  • Mapped Host Address Space: the area of the e•MMC device that can be accessed by a read command from the host software(可以通过主机软件读取命令访问eMMC设备的区域。).
  • Private Vendor Specific Address Space: the area of the e•MMC device that cannot be accessed by a read command from the host software. It contains vendor specific internal management data. This data can be either loaded at manufacturing or generated during device operation e.g., Memory Vendor Firmware and mapping tables. It does not contain any data (or portion of data) that was sent from the host to the device.(来自主机软件的读取命令无法访问的eMMC设备的区域。它包含供应商特定的内部管理数据。这些数据可以在制造时加载,也可以在设备操作期间生成,例如,内存供应商固件和映射表。它不包含从主机发送到设备的任何数据(或部分数据)。)
  • Unmapped Host Address Space: the area of the e•MMC device that cannot be accessed by a read command from the host software. It excludes private vendor specific address space. It may contain old host data or copies of host data.(来自主机软件的读取命令无法访问的eMMC设备的区域。它排除了专用供应商特定的地址空间。它可能包含旧的主机数据或主机数据的副本。)

Block: A number of bytes, basic data transfer unit (若干个字节,基本的数据传输单元)
CID: Device IDentification register (设备识别寄存器)
CLK: Clock signal (时钟信号)
CMD: Command line or e•MMC bus command (if extended CMDXX) (命令行或eMMC总线命令)
Data Strobe: Return Clock signal used in HS400 mode (在HS400模式下使用的返回时钟信号)
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check (循环冗余码校验)
CSD: Device Specific Data register (设备特定数据寄存器)
DAT: Data line (数据传输线)
DISCARD: This command allows the host to identify regions that aren’t needed. It does not require action from the device. This is a performance command.(此命令允许主机识别不需要的区域。它不需要来自设备的操作。这是一个性能命令。)
DSR: Driver Stage Register (驱动程序阶段寄存器)
e•MMC: embedded MultiMediaCard (The Cache feature is optional and only supports a single VDDi
e2•MMC: An e•MMC device that supports the e•MMC Cache feature and 3 VDDi pins.(一个支持eMMC缓存特性和3个VDDi引脚的eMMC设备)
ERASE: Block erase operation which does not require actual physical NAND erase operation (不需要实际的物理NAND擦除操作的块擦除操作)
Flash: A type of multiple time programmable nonvolatile memory (一种多次可编程非易失性存储器)
Group: A number of write blocks, composite erase and write protect unit (有多个写块、复合擦除和写保护单元)
HS200: High Speed interface timing mode of up to 200MB/s @200MHz Single Date Rate Bus, 1.8V or 1.2V IOs (高速接口timing模式,在200MHz单速率总线下,高达200MB/s,1.8V或1.2V IOs)
HS400: High Speed DDR interface timing mode of up to 400MB/s @200MHz Dual Date Rate Bus, 1.8V or 1.2V IOs (高速DDR接口定时模式高达400MB/s @200MHz双倍速率Bus,1.8V或1.2V IOs)
ISI: InterSymbol Interference (referred to certain Noise type) (符号间干扰(指特定噪声类型))
LOW, HIGH: Binary interface states with defined assignment to a voltage level (二进制接口状态与定义的分配到一个电压水平)
NSAC: Defines the worst case for the clock rate dependent factor of the data access time (定义了数据访问时间的时钟速率相关因子的最坏情况)
Non-Persistent: A part of the storage device that may lose contents after a power cycle (存储设备的一部分,在电源循环后可能会丢失内容)
MSB, LSB: Most Significant Bit or Least Significant Bit (最高有效位或者最低有效位)
OCR: Operation Conditions Register (操作条件寄存器)
open-drain: A logical interface operation mode. An external resistor or current source is used to pull the interface level to HIGH, the internal transistor pushes it to LOW (这是一种逻辑接口的操作模式。外部电阻器或电流源用于将接口电平拉到高,内部晶体管将其推到低)
payload: Net data (净数据)
push-pull: A logical interface operation mode, a complementary pair of transistors is used to push the interface level to HIGH or LOW (一种逻辑接口操作模式,使用互补对晶体管将接口电平推到高或低)
RCA: Relative Device Address register (相对设备地址寄存器)
Reset: CMD0 with argument of 0x00000000 or 0xF0F0F0F0, H/W reset (or CMD15) (CMD0,参数为0x00000000或0xF0F0F0F0的CMD0,H/W重置(或CMD15))
ROM: Read Only Memory (只读存贮器)
RPMB: Replay Protected Memory Block (重放受保护的内存块)
SSO: Simultaneous Switching Output (referred as certain type of Noise) (同时切换输出(称为特定类型的噪声))
TAAC: Defines the time dependent factor of the data access time (定义数据访问时间的时间依赖因素)
three-state driver: A driver stage which has three output driver states: HIGH, LOW and high impedance (which means that the interface does not have any influence on the interface level) (具有三个输出驱动状态的驱动级:高、低和高阻抗(表示接口对接口级没有任何影响))
TRIM: A command which removes data from a write group. When TRIM is executed the region shall read as ‘0’. This serves primarily as a data removal command. (一种从写入组中删除数据的命令。当执行TRIM时,该区域应读取为“0”。这主要用于一个数据删除命令。)
Tuning Process: A process commonly done by the host to find the optimal sampling point of a data input signals. The device may provide a tuning data block as specified for HS200 mode (一种通常由主机完成来找到数据输入信号的最佳采样点的过程。该设备可以提供为HS200模式指定的调谐数据块)
UTC: Universal time coordinated (协调通用时间)
Write Protection, Permanent: Write and erase prevention scheme, which once enabled, cannot be reversed. (写和删除预防方案,一旦启用,就不能逆转。)
Write Protection, Power-on: Write and erase prevention scheme, which once enabled, can only be reversed when a power failure event, that causes the device to reboot occurs, or the device is reset using the reset pin. (写入和擦除预防方案,一旦启动,只能在发生电源故障事件,导致设备重新启动,或使用复位pin管脚复位设备时才能逆转。)
Write protection, Temporary: Write and erase prevention scheme that can be enabled and disabled. (可以启用和禁用的写和擦除预防方案。)
