查询中,使用了from、size的方案进行轮训查询,结果在from + size > 10000时报错:
get tid once, from:0, size:100
get tid once, from:100, size:100
get tid once, from:9900, size:100
get tid once, from:10000, size:100get need modify tid fail: es query fail:elastic: Error 500 (Internal Server Error): all shards failed [type=search_phase_execution_exception]
elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError: TransportError(500, 'search_phase_execution_exception', 'Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to ....
在创建索引的时候添加: mappings = { "mappings": { "numerical_keyword": { "properties": { "search_keyword": { # 搜索关键词 "type": "text", "index": "true" } } } }, "settings": { "index": { "max_result_window": 500000 # 修改这里的数量限制,可以自己定义 } } }
GET media_std_content_dispatch/_search
"from": 10000,
"size": 10
"reason":"Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [10010]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request large data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_window] index level setting."
"reason":"all shards failed",
"reason":"Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [10010]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request large data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_window] index level setting."
查看了源码,发现from、size的方式在from + size > maxResultWindow时会报错,具体参考:
* Should be called before executing the main query and after all other parameters have been set.
public void preProcess() {
if (hasOnlySuggest()) {
long from = from() == -1 ? 0 : from();
long size = size() == -1 ? 10 : size();
long resultWindow = from + size;
int maxResultWindow = indexService.getIndexSettings().getMaxResultWindow();
if (resultWindow > maxResultWindow) {
if (scrollContext() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: ["
+ maxResultWindow
+ "] but was ["
+ resultWindow
+ "]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request large data sets. "
+ "This limit can be set by changing the ["
+ IndexSettings.MAX_RESULT_WINDOW_SETTING.getKey()
+ "] index level setting."
from、size的方式是从每个shard上先取from + size条数据,然后发送到请求节点上,请求节点进行合并排序,取出需要的部分;例如1000个shard,from = 990,size = 10,那么每个shard就要取1000条数据,总共100万条数据发送到请求节点,请求节点对这100万条数据进行排序,然后取出排序后的991 - 1000共10条数据;这种操作在带宽、计算性能和存储等方面都有很大的浪费,非常不建议这种做法。
search_after是指定按一些字段排序,逐步往后走,可以类比mysql的order by limit操作:
1、select fields from table order by id asc limit 10;
2、select fields from table where id > last_id order by id asc limit 10;
这种方法有个地方要注意,它是按sort field的顺序往后找,假设开始数据中age = 1、3、5、7,当使用search_after方式查到age = 5时,插入了一条age = 2的数据,search_after这种方式是搜索不到新插入的数据,因为要搜索的是age > 5的数据,新数据不满足。
// 第一次请求,指定是 scroll 方式
GET test_index/_search?scroll=1m
"size": 2
// 应答信息
// 后续请求
GET /_search/scroll
"scroll" : "1m",
"scroll_id" : "DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBAAAAAQEPczgWVU1RMC12VHhSUWlYa1I0dnU4aXlvUQ=="
// 后续应答
我们只需要知道第一次请求产生的快照id:_scroll_id = DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBAAAAAQEPczgWVU1RMC12VHhSUWlYa1I0dnU4aXlvUQ==,后续的请求都拿这个_scroll_id继续从这个快照里拿后续数据,个人猜测每个scroll快照里应该有个offset之类的信息,这样才能不断往后取数据。
“GET test_index/_search?scroll=1m”请求中的scroll=1m表示这个scroll快照要保留1 minute,相当于快照的ttl,后面每次请求中的"scroll" : "1m"也是这个意思,表示再次设置该快照的ttl为1 minute;如果知道后续数据处理的越来越慢,可以逐渐调大这个scroll的保留时间,避免快照被超时销毁。