INTEGER: 用来存储一个整数,根据大小可以使用1,2,3,4,6,8位来存储.
TEXT: 按照字符串来存储
BLOB: 按照二进制值存储,不做任何改变.
id自增长字段:id integer primary key autoincrement
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put( " name " , person.getName());
database.insert( " person " , null , values);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put( " name " , person.getName());
database.update( " person " , values, " personid=? " , new String[]{String.valueOf(person.getPersonId())});
Cursor cursor = database.query( " person " , null , null , null , null , null , null , offerset + " , " + maxResult);
while (cursor.moveToNext()){
int personIda = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex( " personid " ));
String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex( " name " ));
Person person = new Person(personIda,name);
database.delete( " person " , " personid=? " , new String[]{String.valueOf(personId)});
database.endTransaction();//提交事务 会根据事务的状态来提交事务还是回滚事务
package org.wordpress.android; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; public class WordPressDB { private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 9; private static final String CREATE_TABLE_SETTINGS = "create table if not exists accounts (id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "url text, blogName text, username text, password text, imagePlacement text, centerThumbnail boolean, fullSizeImage boolean, maxImageWidth text, maxImageWidthId integer, lastCommentId integer, runService boolean);"; private static final String CREATE_TABLE_EULA = "create table if not exists eula (id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "read integer not null, interval text, statsdate integer);"; private static final String SETTINGS_TABLE = "accounts"; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "wordpress"; //localDrafts private static final String CREATE_TABLE_LOCALDRAFTS = "create table if not exists localdrafts (id integer primary key autoincrement, blogID text, uploaded boolean, title text,content text, picturePaths text, tags text, categories text, publish boolean);"; private static final String CREATE_TABLE_LOCALPAGEDRAFTS = "create table if not exists localpagedrafts (id integer primary key autoincrement, blogID text, uploaded boolean, title text,content text, picturePaths text, publish boolean);"; private static final String LOCALDRAFTS_TABLE = "localdrafts"; private static final String LOCALPAGEDRAFTS_TABLE = "localpagedrafts"; private static final String ADD_LATITUDE = "alter table localdrafts add latitude real"; private static final String ADD_LONGITUDE = "alter table localdrafts add longitude real"; private static final String ADD_STATUS = "alter table localdrafts add status text"; private static final String ADD_PAGE_STATUS = "alter table localpagedrafts add status text"; //postStore private static final String CREATE_TABLE_POSTSTORE = "create table if not exists poststore (blogID text, postID text, title text, postDate text, postDateFormatted text);"; private static final String CREATE_TABLE_PAGES = "create table if not exists pages (blogID text, pageID text, parentID text, title text, pageDate text, pageDateFormatted text);"; private static final String CREATE_TABLE_COMMENTS = "create table if not exists comments (blogID text, postID text, iCommentID integer, author text, comment text, commentDate text, commentDateFormatted text, status text, url text, email text, postTitle text);"; private static final String POSTSTORE_TABLE = "poststore"; private static final String PAGES_TABLE = "pages"; private static final String COMMENTS_TABLE = "comments"; //eula private static final String EULA_TABLE = "eula"; //categories private static final String CREATE_TABLE_CATEGORIES = "create table if not exists cats (id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "blog_id text, wp_id integer, category_name text not null);"; private static final String CATEGORIES_TABLE = "cats"; //for capturing blogID, trac ticket # private static final String ADD_BLOGID = "alter table accounts add blogId integer;"; private static final String UPDATE_BLOGID = "update accounts set blogId = 1;"; //set them all to 1 if updating //add notification options private static final String ADD_SOUND_OPTION = "alter table eula add sound boolean default false;"; private static final String ADD_VIBRATE_OPTION = "alter table eula add vibrate boolean default false;"; private static final String ADD_LIGHT_OPTION = "alter table eula add light boolean default false;"; private static final String ADD_TAGLINE = "alter table eula add tagline text;"; private static final String ADD_TAGLINE_FLAG = "alter table eula add tagline_flag boolean default false;"; //for capturing blogID, trac ticket # private static final String ADD_LOCATION_FLAG = "alter table accounts add location boolean default false;"; //fix commentID data type private static final String ADD_NEW_COMMENT_ID = "ALTER TABLE comments ADD iCommentID INTEGER;"; private static final String COPY_COMMENT_IDS = "UPDATE comments SET iCommentID = commentID;"; //add wordpress.com stats login info private static final String ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME = "alter table accounts add dotcom_username text;"; private static final String ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD = "alter table accounts add dotcom_password text;"; private static final String ADD_API_KEY = "alter table accounts add api_key text;"; private static final String ADD_API_BLOGID = "alter table accounts add api_blogid text;"; //add wordpress.com flag and version column private static final String ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG = "alter table accounts add dotcomFlag boolean default false;"; private static final String ADD_WP_VERSION = "alter table accounts add wpVersion text;"; //add new unique identifier to no longer use device imei private static final String ADD_UNIQUE_ID = "alter table eula add uuid text;"; //add new table for QuickPress homescreen shortcuts private static final String CREATE_TABLE_QUICKPRESS_SHORTCUTS = "create table if not exists quickpress_shortcuts (id integer primary key autoincrement, accountId text, name text);"; private static final String QUICKPRESS_SHORTCUTS_TABLE = "quickpress_shortcuts"; private SQLiteDatabase db; public WordPressDB(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); //db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+ SETTINGS_TABLE); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_SETTINGS); //added eula to this class to fix trac #49 db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_EULA); //int test = db.getVersion(); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_LOCALDRAFTS); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_LOCALPAGEDRAFTS); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_POSTSTORE); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_PAGES); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_COMMENTS); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_CATEGORIES); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_QUICKPRESS_SHORTCUTS); try { if (db.getVersion() < 1){ //user is new install db.execSQL(ADD_BLOGID); db.execSQL(UPDATE_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_SOUND_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_VIBRATE_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_LIGHT_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_LOCATION_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_LATITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_LONGITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD); db.execSQL(ADD_API_KEY); db.execSQL(ADD_API_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_WP_VERSION); db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); //set to latest revision } else if (db.getVersion() == 1){ //v1.0 or v1.0.1 db.execSQL(ADD_BLOGID); db.execSQL(UPDATE_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_SOUND_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_VIBRATE_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_LIGHT_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_LOCATION_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_LATITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_LONGITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_NEW_COMMENT_ID); db.execSQL(COPY_COMMENT_IDS); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD); db.execSQL(ADD_API_KEY); db.execSQL(ADD_API_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_WP_VERSION); db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); //set to latest revision } else if (db.getVersion() == 2){ db.execSQL(ADD_SOUND_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_VIBRATE_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_LIGHT_OPTION); db.execSQL(ADD_LOCATION_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_LATITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_LONGITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_NEW_COMMENT_ID); db.execSQL(COPY_COMMENT_IDS); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD); db.execSQL(ADD_API_KEY); db.execSQL(ADD_API_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_WP_VERSION); db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } else if (db.getVersion() == 3){ db.execSQL(ADD_LOCATION_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_LATITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_LONGITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_NEW_COMMENT_ID); db.execSQL(COPY_COMMENT_IDS); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD); db.execSQL(ADD_API_KEY); db.execSQL(ADD_API_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_WP_VERSION); db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } else if (db.getVersion() == 4){ db.execSQL(ADD_LOCATION_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_LATITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_LONGITUDE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_NEW_COMMENT_ID); db.execSQL(COPY_COMMENT_IDS); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD); db.execSQL(ADD_API_KEY); db.execSQL(ADD_API_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_WP_VERSION); db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } else if (db.getVersion() == 5){ db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE); db.execSQL(ADD_TAGLINE_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_NEW_COMMENT_ID); db.execSQL(COPY_COMMENT_IDS); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD); db.execSQL(ADD_API_KEY); db.execSQL(ADD_API_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_WP_VERSION); db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } else if (db.getVersion() == 6){ db.execSQL(ADD_NEW_COMMENT_ID); db.execSQL(COPY_COMMENT_IDS); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_USERNAME); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_PASSWORD); db.execSQL(ADD_API_KEY); db.execSQL(ADD_API_BLOGID); db.execSQL(ADD_DOTCOM_FLAG); db.execSQL(ADD_WP_VERSION); db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } else if (db.getVersion() == 7){ db.execSQL(ADD_UNIQUE_ID); db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } else if (db.getVersion() == 8){ db.execSQL(ADD_STATUS); db.execSQL(ADD_PAGE_STATUS); db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } db.close(); } public boolean addAccount(Context ctx, String url, String blogName, String username, String password, String imagePlacement, boolean centerThumbnail, boolean fullSizeImage, String maxImageWidth, int maxImageWidthId, boolean runService, int blogId, boolean wpcom, String wpVersion) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("url", url); values.put("blogName", blogName); values.put("username", username); values.put("password", password); values.put("imagePlacement", imagePlacement); values.put("centerThumbnail", centerThumbnail); values.put("fullSizeImage", fullSizeImage); values.put("maxImageWidth", maxImageWidth); values.put("maxImageWidthId", maxImageWidthId); values.put("runService", runService); values.put("blogId", blogId); values.put("dotcomFlag", wpcom); values.put("wpVersion", wpVersion); boolean returnValue = db.insert(SETTINGS_TABLE, null, values) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> getAccounts(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] { "id", "blogName", "username", "runService", "blogId", "url"}, null, null, null, null, null); String id; String blogName, username, url; int blogId; int runService; int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> accounts = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { id = c.getString(0); blogName = c.getString(1); username = c.getString(2); runService = c.getInt(3); blogId = c.getInt(4); url = c.getString(5); if (id != null) { HashMap<String, Object> thisHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); thisHash.put("id", id); thisHash.put("blogName", blogName); thisHash.put("username", username); thisHash.put("runService", runService); thisHash.put("blogId", blogId); thisHash.put("url", url); accounts.add(thisHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); return accounts; } public boolean checkMatch(Context ctx, String blogName, String blogURL, String username) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] {"blogName", "url"}, "blogName='" + addSlashes(blogName) + "' AND url='" + addSlashes(blogURL) + "'" + " AND username='" + username + "'", null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); boolean result = false; if (numRows > 0){ //this account is already saved, yo! result = true; } c.close(); db.close(); return result; } public static String addSlashes( String text ){ final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( text.length() * 2 ); final StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator( text ); char character = iterator.current(); while( character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE ){ if( character == '"' ) sb.append( "\\\"" ); else if( character == '\'' ) sb.append( "\'\'" ); else if( character == '\\' ) sb.append( "\\\\" ); else if( character == '\n' ) sb.append( "\\n" ); else if( character == '{' ) sb.append( "\\{" ); else if( character == '}' ) sb.append( "\\}" ); else sb.append( character ); character = iterator.next(); } return sb.toString(); } public boolean saveSettings(Context ctx, String id, String url, String username, String password, String imagePlacement, boolean centerThumbnail, boolean fullSizeImage, String maxImageWidth, int maxImageWidthId, boolean location, boolean isWPCom, String originalUsername) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("url", url); values.put("username", username); values.put("password", password); values.put("imagePlacement", imagePlacement); values.put("centerThumbnail", centerThumbnail); values.put("fullSizeImage", fullSizeImage); values.put("maxImageWidth", maxImageWidth); values.put("maxImageWidthId", maxImageWidthId); values.put("location", location); boolean returnValue = db.update(SETTINGS_TABLE, values, "id=" + id, null) > 0; if (isWPCom){ //update the login for other wordpress.com accounts ContentValues userPass = new ContentValues(); userPass.put("username", username); userPass.put("password", password); returnValue = db.update(SETTINGS_TABLE, userPass, "username=\"" + originalUsername + "\" AND dotcomFlag=1" , null) > 0; } db.close(); return (returnValue); } public boolean deleteAccount(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); int rowsAffected = db.delete(SETTINGS_TABLE, "id=" + id, null); boolean returnValue = false; if (rowsAffected > 0){ returnValue = true; } // delete QuickPress homescreen shortcuts connected with this account Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> shortcuts = this.getQuickPressShortcuts(ctx, id); for(int i = 0; i < shortcuts.size(); i++) { HashMap<String, Object> shortcutHash = shortcuts.get(i); Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(); shortcutIntent.setClassName(editPost.class.getPackage().getName(), editPost.class.getName()); shortcutIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); shortcutIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); shortcutIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Intent broadcastShortcutIntent = new Intent(); broadcastShortcutIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, shortcutIntent); broadcastShortcutIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME, shortcutHash.get("name").toString()); broadcastShortcutIntent.putExtra("duplicate", false); broadcastShortcutIntent.setAction("com.android.launcher.action.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT"); ctx.sendBroadcast(broadcastShortcutIntent); deleteQuickPressShortcut(ctx, shortcutHash.get("id").toString()); } db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<Object> loadSettings(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] { "url", "blogName", "username", "password", "imagePlacement", "centerThumbnail", "fullSizeImage", "maxImageWidth", "maxImageWidthId", "runService", "blogId", "location", "dotcomFlag"}, "id=" + id, null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); Vector<Object> returnVector = new Vector<Object>(); if (numRows > 0){ if (c.getString(0) != null){ returnVector.add(c.getString(0)); returnVector.add(c.getString(1)); returnVector.add(c.getString(2)); returnVector.add(c.getString(3)); returnVector.add(c.getString(4)); returnVector.add(c.getInt(5)); returnVector.add(c.getString(6)); returnVector.add(c.getString(7)); returnVector.add(c.getInt(8)); returnVector.add(c.getInt(9)); returnVector.add(c.getInt(10)); returnVector.add(c.getInt(11)); returnVector.add(c.getInt(12)); } else { returnVector = null; } } c.close(); db.close(); return returnVector; } public Vector<String> loadStatsLogin(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] { "dotcom_username", "dotcom_password"}, "id=" + id, null, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); Vector<String> returnVector = new Vector<String>(); if (c.getString(0) != null){ returnVector.add(c.getString(0)); returnVector.add(c.getString(1)); } else { returnVector = null; } c.close(); db.close(); return returnVector; } public boolean saveStatsLogin(Context ctx, String id, String statsUsername, String statsPassword) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("dotcom_username", statsUsername); values.put("dotcom_password", statsPassword); boolean returnValue = db.update(SETTINGS_TABLE, values, "id=" + id, null) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<String> loadAPIData(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] { "api_key", "api_blogid"}, "id=" + id, null, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); Vector<String> returnVector = new Vector<String>(); if (c.getString(0) != null){ returnVector.add(c.getString(0)); returnVector.add(c.getString(1)); } else { returnVector = null; } c.close(); db.close(); return returnVector; } public boolean saveAPIData(Context ctx, String id, String apiKey, String apiBlogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("api_key", apiKey); values.put("api_blogid", apiBlogID); boolean returnValue = db.update(SETTINGS_TABLE, values, "id=" + id, null) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public int getLatestCommentID(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); int returnInt = 0; Cursor c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] { "lastCommentId" }, "id=" + id, null, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); if (c.getString(0) != null){ returnInt = Integer.valueOf(c.getString(0)); } c.close(); db.close(); return returnInt; } public boolean updateLatestCommentID(Context ctx, String id, Integer newCommentID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("lastCommentId", newCommentID); boolean returnValue = db.update(SETTINGS_TABLE, values, "id=" + id, null) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<Integer> getNotificationAccounts(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = null; try { c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] { "id" }, "runService=1", null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); Vector<Integer> returnVector = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { int tempID = c.getInt(0); returnVector.add(tempID); c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); return returnVector; } public String getAccountName(Context ctx, String accountID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); String accountName = ""; Cursor c = db.query(SETTINGS_TABLE, new String[] { "blogName" }, "id=" + accountID, null, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); if (c.getString(0) != null){ accountName = c.getString(0); } c.close(); db.close(); return accountName; } public void updateNotificationFlag(Context ctx, int id, boolean flag) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); int iFlag = 0; if (flag){ iFlag = 1; } values.put("runService", iFlag); boolean returnValue = db.update(SETTINGS_TABLE, values, "id=" + String.valueOf(id), null) > 0; if(returnValue){ } db.close(); } public void updateNotificationSettings(Context ctx, String interval, boolean sound, boolean vibrate, boolean light, boolean tagline_flag, String tagline) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("interval", interval); values.put("sound", sound); values.put("vibrate", vibrate); values.put("light", light); values.put("tagline_flag", tagline_flag); values.put("tagline", tagline); boolean returnValue = db.update("eula", values, null, null) > 0; if (returnValue){}; db.close(); } public String getInterval(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query("eula", new String[] { "interval" }, "id=0", null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); String returnValue = ""; if (numRows == 1){ if (c.getString(0) != null){ returnValue = c.getString(0); } } c.close(); db.close(); return returnValue; } public HashMap<String, Object> getNotificationOptions(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query("eula", new String[] { "id", "sound", "vibrate", "light", "tagline_flag", "tagline"}, "id=0", null, null, null, null); int sound, vibrate, light; String tagline; HashMap<String, Object> thisHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int numRows = c.getCount(); if (numRows >= 1){ c.moveToFirst(); sound = c.getInt(1); vibrate = c.getInt(2); light = c.getInt(3); tagline = c.getString(5); thisHash.put("sound", sound); thisHash.put("vibrate", vibrate); thisHash.put("light", light); thisHash.put("tagline_flag", c.getInt(4)); if (tagline != null){ thisHash.put("tagline", tagline); } else{ thisHash.put("tagline", ""); } } c.close(); db.close(); return thisHash; } //localDrafts public boolean saveLocalDraft(Context ctx, String blogID, String title, String content, String picturePaths, String tags, String categories, String status, Double latitude, Double longitude) { boolean returnValue = false; db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("blogID", blogID); values.put("title", title); values.put("content", content); values.put("picturePaths", picturePaths); values.put("tags", tags); values.put("categories", categories); values.put("status", status); values.put("latitude", latitude); values.put("longitude", longitude); returnValue = db.insert(LOCALDRAFTS_TABLE, null, values) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public boolean updateLocalDraft(Context ctx, String blogID, String postID, String title, String content, String picturePaths, String tags, String categories, String status, Double latitude, Double longitude) { boolean returnValue = false; db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("blogID", blogID); values.put("title", title); values.put("content", content); values.put("picturePaths", picturePaths); values.put("tags", tags); values.put("categories", categories); values.put("status", status); values.put("latitude", latitude); values.put("longitude", longitude); returnValue = db.update(LOCALDRAFTS_TABLE, values, "id=" + postID, null) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> loadPosts(Context ctx, String blogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Cursor c = db.query(LOCALDRAFTS_TABLE, new String[] { "id", "title", "status", "uploaded"}, "blogID=" + blogID, null, null, null, "id desc"); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, Object> returnHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); returnHash.put("id", c.getInt(0)); returnHash.put("title", c.getString(1)); returnHash.put("status", c.getString(2)); returnHash.put("uploaded", c.getInt(3)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> loadPost(Context ctx, String postID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Cursor c = db.query(LOCALDRAFTS_TABLE, new String[] { "title", "content", "picturePaths", "tags", "categories", "status", "latitude", "longitude"}, "id=" + postID, null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, Object> returnHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); returnHash.put("title", c.getString(0)); returnHash.put("content", c.getString(1)); returnHash.put("picturePaths", c.getString(2)); returnHash.put("tags", c.getString(3)); returnHash.put("categories", c.getString(4)); returnHash.put("status", c.getString(5)); returnHash.put("latitude", c.getDouble(6)); returnHash.put("longitude", c.getDouble(7)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public boolean deletePost(Context ctx, String postID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); boolean returnValue = false; int result = 0; result = db.delete(LOCALDRAFTS_TABLE, "id=" + postID, null); db.close(); if (result == 1){ returnValue = true; } return returnValue; } public boolean saveLocalPageDraft(Context ctx, String blogID, String title, String content, String picturePaths, String status) { boolean returnValue = false; db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("blogID", blogID); values.put("title", title); values.put("content", content); values.put("picturePaths", picturePaths); values.put("status", status); returnValue = db.insert(LOCALPAGEDRAFTS_TABLE, null, values) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public boolean updateLocalPageDraft(Context ctx, String blogID, String postID, String title, String content, String picturePaths, String status) { boolean returnValue = false; db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("blogID", blogID); values.put("title", title); values.put("content", content); values.put("picturePaths", picturePaths); values.put("status", status); returnValue = db.update(LOCALPAGEDRAFTS_TABLE, values, "id=" + postID, null) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> loadPageDrafts(Context ctx, String blogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Cursor c = db.query(LOCALPAGEDRAFTS_TABLE, new String[] { "id", "title", "status", "uploaded"}, "blogID=" + blogID, null, null, null, "id desc"); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, Object> returnHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); returnHash.put("id", c.getInt(0)); returnHash.put("title", c.getString(1)); returnHash.put("status", c.getString(2)); returnHash.put("uploaded", c.getInt(3)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> loadPageDraft(Context ctx, String postID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Cursor c = db.query(LOCALPAGEDRAFTS_TABLE, new String[] { "title", "content", "picturePaths", "status"}, "id=" + postID, null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, Object> returnHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); returnHash.put("title", c.getString(0)); returnHash.put("content", c.getString(1)); returnHash.put("picturePaths", c.getString(2)); returnHash.put("status", c.getString(3)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public boolean deletePageDraft(Context ctx, String postID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); boolean returnValue = false; int result = 0; result = db.delete(LOCALPAGEDRAFTS_TABLE, "id=" + postID, null); db.close(); if (result == 1){ returnValue = true; } return returnValue; } public int getLatestDraftID(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(LOCALDRAFTS_TABLE, new String[] {"id"}, "blogID=" + id, null, null, null, "id desc", "1"); int latestID = -1; int numRows = c.getCount(); if (numRows != 0){ c.moveToFirst(); latestID = c.getInt(0); } c.close(); db.close(); return latestID; } public int getLatestPageDraftID(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(LOCALPAGEDRAFTS_TABLE, new String[] {"id"}, "blogID=" + id, null, null, null, "id desc", "1"); int latestID = -1; int numRows = c.getCount(); if (numRows != 0){ c.moveToFirst(); latestID = c.getInt(0); } c.close(); db.close(); return latestID; } //postStore public boolean savePosts(Context ctx, Vector<?> postValues) { boolean returnValue = false; if (postValues.size() != 0) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); HashMap<?, ?> firstHash = (HashMap<?, ?>) postValues.get(0); String blogID = firstHash.get("blogID").toString(); //delete existing values db.delete(POSTSTORE_TABLE, "blogID=" + blogID, null); for (int i = 0; i < postValues.size(); i++){ ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); HashMap<?, ?> thisHash = (HashMap<?, ?>) postValues.get(i); values.put("blogID", thisHash.get("blogID").toString()); values.put("postID", thisHash.get("postID").toString()); values.put("title", thisHash.get("title").toString()); values.put("postDate", thisHash.get("postDate").toString()); values.put("postDateFormatted", thisHash.get("postDateFormatted").toString()); returnValue = db.insert(POSTSTORE_TABLE, null, values) > 0; } db.close(); } return (returnValue); } public Vector<HashMap<String, String>> loadSavedPosts(Context ctx, String blogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, String>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, String>>(); Cursor c = db.query(POSTSTORE_TABLE, new String[] { "blogID", "postID", "title", "postDate", "postDateFormatted"}, "blogID=" + blogID, null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, String> returnHash = new HashMap<String, String>(); returnHash.put("blogID", c.getString(0)); returnHash.put("postID", c.getString(1)); returnHash.put("title", c.getString(2)); returnHash.put("postDate", c.getString(3)); returnHash.put("postDateFormatted", c.getString(4)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public Vector<HashMap<String, String>> loadPages(Context ctx, String blogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, String>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, String>>(); Cursor c = db.query(PAGES_TABLE, new String[] { "blogID", "pageID", "title", "pageDate", "pageDateFormatted"}, "blogID=" + blogID, null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, String> returnHash = new HashMap<String, String>(); returnHash.put("blogID", c.getString(0)); returnHash.put("pageID", c.getString(1)); returnHash.put("title", c.getString(2)); returnHash.put("pageDate", c.getString(3)); returnHash.put("pageDateFormatted", c.getString(4)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public boolean savePages(Context ctx, Vector<?> pageValues) { boolean returnValue = false; db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); HashMap<?, ?> firstHash = (HashMap<?, ?>) pageValues.get(0); String blogID = firstHash.get("blogID").toString(); //delete existing values db.delete(PAGES_TABLE, "blogID=" + blogID, null); for (int i = 0; i < pageValues.size(); i++){ ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); HashMap<?, ?> thisHash = (HashMap<?, ?>) pageValues.get(i); values.put("blogID", thisHash.get("blogID").toString()); values.put("pageID", thisHash.get("pageID").toString()); values.put("parentID", thisHash.get("parentID").toString()); values.put("title", thisHash.get("title").toString()); values.put("pageDate", thisHash.get("pageDate").toString()); values.put("pageDateFormatted", thisHash.get("pageDateFormatted").toString()); returnValue = db.insert(PAGES_TABLE, null, values) > 0; } db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> loadComments(Context ctx, String blogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Cursor c = db.query(COMMENTS_TABLE, new String[] { "blogID", "postID", "iCommentID", "author", "comment", "commentDate", "commentDateFormatted", "status", "url", "email", "postTitle"}, "blogID=" + blogID, null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); HashMap<String, Object> numRecords = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //add the number of stored records so the offset can be computed if (numRows > 0){ numRecords.put("numRecords", numRows); returnVector.add(0, numRecords); } for (int i = 1; i < (numRows + 1); ++i) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, Object> returnHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); returnHash.put("blogID", c.getString(0)); returnHash.put("postID", c.getInt(1)); returnHash.put("commentID", c.getInt(2)); returnHash.put("author", c.getString(3)); returnHash.put("comment", c.getString(4)); returnHash.put("commentDate", c.getString(5)); returnHash.put("commentDateFormatted", c.getString(6)); returnHash.put("status", c.getString(7)); returnHash.put("url", c.getString(8)); returnHash.put("email", c.getString(9)); returnHash.put("postTitle", c.getString(10)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> loadMoreComments(Context ctx, String blogID, int limit) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> returnVector = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Cursor c = db.query(COMMENTS_TABLE, new String[] { "blogID", "postID", "iCommentID", "author", "comment", "commentDate", "commentDateFormatted", "status", "url", "email", "postTitle"}, "blogID=" + blogID, null, null, null, "iCommentID ASC", String.valueOf(limit)); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); //HashMap numRecords = new HashMap(); //add the number of stored records so the offset can be computed /*if (numRows > 0){ numRecords.put("numRecords", numRows); returnVector.add(0, numRecords); }*/ for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { if (c.getString(0) != null){ HashMap<String, Object> returnHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); returnHash.put("blogID", c.getString(0)); returnHash.put("postID", c.getInt(1)); returnHash.put("commentID", c.getInt(2)); returnHash.put("author", c.getString(3)); returnHash.put("comment", c.getString(4)); returnHash.put("commentDate", c.getString(5)); returnHash.put("commentDateFormatted", c.getString(6)); returnHash.put("status", c.getString(7)); returnHash.put("url", c.getString(8)); returnHash.put("email", c.getString(9)); returnHash.put("postTitle", c.getString(10)); returnVector.add(i, returnHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); if (numRows == 0){ returnVector = null; } return returnVector; } public boolean saveComments(Context ctx, Vector<?> commentValues, boolean loadMore) { boolean returnValue = false; db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); HashMap<?, ?> firstHash = (HashMap<?, ?>) commentValues.get(0); String blogID = firstHash.get("blogID").toString(); //delete existing values, if user hit refresh button if (!loadMore){ db.delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, "blogID=" + blogID, null); } for (int i = 0; i < commentValues.size(); i++){ ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); HashMap<?, ?> thisHash = (HashMap<?, ?>) commentValues.get(i); values.put("blogID", thisHash.get("blogID").toString()); values.put("postID", thisHash.get("postID").toString()); values.put("iCommentID", thisHash.get("commentID").toString()); values.put("author", thisHash.get("author").toString()); values.put("comment", thisHash.get("comment").toString()); values.put("commentDate", thisHash.get("commentDate").toString()); values.put("commentDateFormatted", thisHash.get("commentDateFormatted").toString()); values.put("status", thisHash.get("status").toString()); values.put("url", thisHash.get("url").toString()); values.put("email", thisHash.get("email").toString()); values.put("postTitle", thisHash.get("postTitle").toString()); returnValue = db.insert(COMMENTS_TABLE, null, values) > 0; } db.close(); return (returnValue); } public void updateCommentStatus(Context ctx, String blogID, String id, String newStatus) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("status", newStatus); boolean returnValue = db.update(COMMENTS_TABLE, values, "blogID=" + blogID + " AND iCommentID=" + id, null) > 0; if (returnValue){}; db.close(); } public void clearPages(Context ctx, String blogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); //delete existing values db.delete(PAGES_TABLE, "blogID=" + blogID, null); db.close(); } public void clearPosts(Context ctx, String blogID) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); //delete existing values db.delete(POSTSTORE_TABLE, "blogID=" + blogID, null); db.close(); } //eula table public boolean checkEULA(Context ctx){ db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(EULA_TABLE, new String[] { "read" }, "id=0", null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); boolean returnValue = false; if (numRows == 1){ returnValue = (c.getInt(0) != 0); } c.close(); db.close(); return returnValue; } public void setEULA(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("id", 0); values.put("read", 1); //set that they've read the EULA boolean returnValue = db.insert(EULA_TABLE, null, values) > 0; if (returnValue){}; db.close(); } public void setStatsDate(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("statsdate", System.currentTimeMillis()); //set to current time boolean returnValue = db.update(EULA_TABLE, values, "id=0", null) > 0; if (returnValue){}; db.close(); } public long getStatsDate(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(EULA_TABLE, new String[] { "statsdate" }, "id=0", null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); long returnValue = 0; if (numRows == 1){ returnValue = c.getLong(0); } c.close(); db.close(); return returnValue; } //categories public boolean insertCategory(Context ctx, String id, int wp_id, String category_name) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("blog_id", id); values.put("wp_id", wp_id); values.put("category_name", category_name.toString()); boolean returnValue = db.insert(CATEGORIES_TABLE, null, values) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<String> loadCategories(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(CATEGORIES_TABLE, new String[] { "id", "wp_id", "category_name" }, "blog_id=" + id, null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); Vector<String> returnVector = new Vector<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { String category_name = c.getString(2); if (category_name != null) { returnVector.add(category_name); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); return returnVector; } public int getCategoryId(Context ctx, String id, String category){ db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(CATEGORIES_TABLE, new String[] {"wp_id"}, "category_name=\"" + category + "\" AND blog_id=" + id, null, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); int categoryID = 0; categoryID = c.getInt(0); db.close(); return categoryID; } public void clearCategories(Context ctx, String id){ db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); //clear out the table since we are refreshing the whole enchilada db.delete(CATEGORIES_TABLE, "blog_id=" + id, null); db.close(); } //unique identifier queries public void updateUUID(Context ctx, String uuid) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("uuid", uuid); boolean returnValue = db.update("eula", values, null, null) > 0; if (returnValue){}; db.close(); } public String getUUID(Context ctx) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query("eula", new String[] { "uuid" }, "id=0", null, null, null, null); int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); String returnValue = ""; if (numRows == 1){ if (c.getString(0) != null){ returnValue = c.getString(0); } } c.close(); db.close(); return returnValue; } public boolean addQuickPressShortcut(Context ctx, String accountId, String name) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("accountId", accountId); values.put("name", name); boolean returnValue = db.insert(QUICKPRESS_SHORTCUTS_TABLE, null, values) > 0; db.close(); return (returnValue); } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> getQuickPressShortcuts(Context ctx, String accountId) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); Cursor c = db.query(QUICKPRESS_SHORTCUTS_TABLE, new String[] { "id", "accountId", "name"}, "accountId = "+accountId, null, null, null, null); String id, name; int numRows = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> accounts = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { id = c.getString(0); name = c.getString(2); if (id != null) { HashMap<String, Object> thisHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); thisHash.put("id", id); thisHash.put("name", name); accounts.add(thisHash); } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); db.close(); return accounts; } public boolean deleteQuickPressShortcut(Context ctx, String id) { db = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); int rowsAffected = db.delete(QUICKPRESS_SHORTCUTS_TABLE, "id=" + id, null); boolean returnValue = false; if (rowsAffected > 0){ returnValue = true; } db.close(); return (returnValue); } }