阅读New Scientist词汇笔记
a condition in which someone experiencesthings through their senses in an unusual way, for example by experiencing acolour as a sound, or a number as a position in space
(2)earworm :a song or tune that you keep hearing in your head
Little Apple is one of the earworms thateasily get stuck in our head.
(3) irresistible :
释义1:impossible torefuse, oppose, or avoid because it is too pleasant, attractive, or strong
例句:The company gave him an irresistibleoffer.
an irresistible smile
释义2:strong orpowerful and impossible to control or defeat
例句:The arguments for a change in the laware irresistible.
(5) stoat 白鼬
(6) set out: to start an activity with aparticular aim
She set out with the aim of becoming theyoungest ever scientist in the field of high-speed train.
(7) competing arguments, claims, theoriesetc cannot all be true or cannot all be dealt with in an equal way
The university has to choose between thecompeting priorities of recruitment of international staff and local staff.
(8) ensuing:
an ensuing event or activity happens aftersomething else, often as a result of it
He failed in the make-or-break exam and inthe ensuing months became more and more depressed.
(9) Cretaceous
the Cretaceous period
(10)spike:something sharp and pointed, especially a piece of metal or wood
Some types of dinosaur had sharp spikes ontheir tails.
Her account of the story contradicts thatof the other colleagues.
(12) meadow: a field where grass and wildflowers grow
(13) kelp: 巨藻;大型褐藻
(14) That dish looks very tempting.
It's tempting to blame social media forisolation in young men.
(15) merit: FORMAL the quality of being good and deserving praise
That is an entertaining film with littleartistic merit.
Her ideas have merit.
His book has the merit of being bothinformative and readable.
the merits of sth: the advantages somethinghas compared to something else
We discussed the merits of black tea.
on your (own) merits:
according to the qualities you have or haveshown, without considering any other information or comparing you to someoneelse
The panel will consider each applicant onhis or her own merits.
to deserve or be worth something
The case definitely merits furtherinvestigation.