My Weekend days in 2018 (March 24)

We tend to overestimate the probabilities of unlikely events, and we tend to overweight the unlikely events in our decisions.

- Courage is found in unlikely places. Step out of your comfort zone and let your courage drive you somewhere remarkable.

Everyday early reading 20180324

      Nothing in this life quite compares to the sweet, terrifying exhilaration of making your move.    —— From the American drama How I met your mother.

【海拔五千】Summit 5000  20180324

1. 英语早读/阅读:早读了来自美剧《老爸老妈的罗曼史》的台词: Nothing in this life quite compares to the sweet, terrifying exhilaration of making your move.    —— From the American drama How I met your mother.  ( 生命中没什么比得上为了目标而行动 )

单曲循环歌曲Coming home , 家是温暖的港湾,无论怎样,记住你不是一个人,家人随时欢迎你回家,可是,我的家在哪里呢?

继续跟着有书英语共读App,读英文原版Thinking fast and slow、经典电影名句及口语表达等,巩固词汇量,开拓视野。

2. 阅读电子书《生活的哲学》,对“极简生活---- 给人生做减法”感触最深。

3. 阅读周末共读书《圆善论》,自读不通彻,期待明天哲学大师的解读。


5. 健身操练习: 今天情绪不佳,只练习了10 多分钟,注意管理好自己的情绪,加油!

6. 儿子全民K歌,我只是欣赏,鼓励他突破自我,走出舒适区,有点效果。 Fighting!

7. 做饭,简单的菜加上我的厨艺很美味,感觉是最好吃的麻辣豆腐 ,能看岀我放的料吗?

8. 电影:母子共赏《肖申克的救赎》和《至暗时刻》。Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.  ——Winston Churchill(没有终局的成功,也没有致命的失败:重要的是继续前进的勇气。 ——温斯顿·丘吉尔 )



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