

英文 中文
Earth, a 4.5 billion year old planet, 地球这颗有四十五亿年历史的星球
still evolving. 仍在进化
As continents shift and clash, 随着大陆版块迁移碰撞
volcanoes erupt, glaciers grow and recede 火山喷发冰川凝结消融
the earth's crust is carved in numerous and fascinating ways 自然以众多迷人的方式雕琢着地壳
leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind 留下了一连串地理之谜
In this episode, 在本集中
Loch Ness, in the highlands of Scotland, is explored. 我们将探寻位于苏格兰高地上的尼斯湖
It holds more water than any other lake in Britain 它的蓄水量英国第一
with a bedrock containing some of the oldest rocks on the planet. 其基岩蕴藏着这颗星球上最古老的岩石
Set in a landscape that was once part of America 作为美洲曾经的一部分
Loch Ness is a lake with an enduring myth the Loch Ness monster. 尼斯湖一直因水怪这个未解之谜而闻名
A team of scientists investigate how Loch Ness was made. 一群科学家调查了尼斯湖的形成过程
The clues they uncover 他们所发现的线索
Also provide a window into the formation of the earth itself. 同时也揭示了地球自身的形成过程
Deep, dark and full of mystery. 深邃黑暗神秘
This is Loch Ness in the highlands of Scotland. 这就是位于苏格拉高地上的尼斯湖

For a thousand years there have been claims that 一千年来这里一直有这样一个传说
this vast lake hides a strange 这个巨大湖泊中生存着
and terrible secret the fabled Loch Ness monster. 一只奇异恐怖而神秘的尼斯湖水怪
A mythical beast 它是谜一般的野兽
suggested by some as a descendant of the dinosaurs 传闻它是恐龙的后裔
which once roamed this part of Scotland. 曾在苏格兰这一带出没
Loch Ness would be the perfect hiding place 尼斯湖对于史前巨兽来说
for a prehistoric monster. 是最好的藏匿地点
At 23 miles long, and a mile wide 它有二十三英里长一英里宽
this vast freshwater lake covers the 这个巨大的淡水湖足有
same area as New York's Manhattan Island. 纽约市曼哈顿岛那么大
And it's more than 700 feet deep. 而且它有七百多英尺深
But the monster is not the only mystery that surrounds Loch Ness. 但是水怪并非尼斯湖唯一的未解之谜
In the hills above the loch 尼斯湖旁绵延的山脉中
there is a type of rock whose origin baffled scientists for years. 有种岩石的来源困扰了科学家多年
It's a sandstone 那就是砂岩
And it's the start of the 我们以此为契机
investigation into how Loch Ness was made. 展开了对尼斯湖形成过程的调查
It's known as the old red sandstone 它被称为古红砂岩
and it's given that name because it's red and it's a sandstone 如此命名是因为它是红色的而且是砂岩
and it's called old because it's about 350 million years old. 称作"古"是因为它有三亿五千年历史
The old red sandstone runs down one side of Loch Ness. 古红砂岩分布于尼斯湖的一侧
But the most astonishing fact 但是最令人震惊的
about these rocks is not their age, but where they come from. 不是这些岩石的年龄而是它们的来源
These rocks actually belong to my homeland of North America 这些岩石实际上来源于我的故乡北美
because these rocks originated on the North American continent 因为这些岩石形成于北美大陆
and then have separated from North America 之后又与北美分离开来
But in many ways 但不管怎么说
this is almost a little bit of home for me here in Scotland. 这让我在苏格兰找到了点家的感觉
But how do geologists know 但地质学家又是如何知道
that this old red sandstone comes from 3,000 miles away 这些古红砂岩来自三千英里外的
on the other side of the atlantic ocean? 大西洋彼岸的呢
These rocks are identical in age and character 这些岩石的生成年代和属性
to the rocks that actually form the Catskill Mountains 与卡茨基尔山的岩石相同
and so this part of Scotland belonged 所以这部分苏格兰大陆曾是
to northeastern North America. 北美东北部的一部分
For more than a thousand years 一千多年来
old red sandstone has been used 在苏格兰这一区域

for building castles in this part of Scotland. 古红砂石一直被用于建造城堡
But it's also been quarried in the U.S. 而美国也开采这种矿石
and used for brownstone buildings in New York City. 并用于建造纽约市的褐砂石建筑
Under the microscope 在显微镜下
rocks from both continents have an identical crystal structure 两片大陆的砂石呈现出相同的晶体结构
and chemical analysis has also proved that they're exactly the same age. 化学分析也证实了它们形成于同一年代
But how did part of America end up on the shores of Loch Ness? 但为何美洲的一部分会出现在尼斯湖岸呢
To answer this crucial question 要解答这一关键问题
the investigation must go much further back in time 调查必须追溯到远古时代
to look for evidence in the ancient bedrock of northern Scotland. 在北苏格兰的古代岩基中寻找线索
It's here that the story of Loch Ness begins. 尼斯湖的故事由此展开
The trail starts north of Loch Ness 探寻之旅从尼斯湖北部开始
where the bedrock comes to the surface 在那里基岩露出了水面
this landscape is full of 这种地形充满了
the extraordinary mysteries of an unimaginably ancient past. 不可思议的古代历史中的惊人秘密
It's made of a type of rock called Lewisian Gneiss. 它由一种被称为刘易斯片麻岩的岩石组成
Recent drilling and blasting for a new road cut have 最近因修路而进行的挖掘爆破工作
exposed evidence which uncovers an amazing chapter in earth's history. 揭露了一段地球史上的惊人篇章
The long straight lines are the drill holes left in the rock face. 这些长长的直线是钻孔时留在岩石表面的
Modern radioisotope dating 现代的放射性同位素定年法
has given geologists the first clue to understanding 首次让地质学家对这些岩石的
the origin and formation of these rocks. 来源与形成有所认识
These rocks are very special to geologists. 这些岩石对地质学家而言很特别
They are some of the very oldest rocks in the world. 它们是世界上最古老的岩石
We see them in very few places 鲜为人见
perhaps a dozen places across the globe contain rocks of this age 全世界有如此古老岩石的地方也就十几处
talking about two and a half to three billion years old. 它们大概有二十五至三十亿年的历史
The origin of the gray Lewisian Gneiss lies 灰刘易斯片麻岩形成于
in the first crust that cooled on the surface of the earth. 地球表面第一块冷却的地壳
After its formation 4.5 billion years ago 四十五亿年前这块地壳形成之后
parts of this crust were mixed together 它的局部相互交融
with the earliest sediments 形成最早的沉积物
buried, re-melted and forced back up, 它们被掩埋溶解然后上升
again and again for more than a billion years. 如此周而复始十多亿年
These extraordinary rocks are 这些伟大的岩石
the result of that devastating period in our planet's history. 是我们星球那段灾难岁月的结晶
And there's more evidence exposed in this road cut 这一路堑还暴露了更多考古发现
revealing crucial information about the early history 揭示了尼斯湖地区早期历史的
of the Loch Ness region. 一些关键信息
This exposure contains three important pieces of 这一发现包含着"地理拼图游戏"中的
geological jigsaw puzzle. 三块重要信息碎片
First, we have the gray gneiss 其一是这里的灰色片麻岩
of 2.5 to three billion years old. 有二十五到三十亿年的历史
Secondly, we have this black igneous material 其二是这些黑色火成物质
which has been intruded into the area. 侵入了这片区域
This is two billion years old. 它们有二十亿年的历史
And thirdly, we have this pink granitic intrusion 其三是这些粉色花岗岩
that both intrudes the black material and the gneiss 同时侵入了黑色物质和片麻岩
and this is 1.8 billion years old. 而它们有十八亿年的历史
This evidence reveals that after the formation of the Lewisian Gneiss 这些迹象表明在刘易斯片麻岩形成之后
much younger rocks were then melted and mixed into the ancient crust. 更年轻的岩石随后也融入了古代地壳之中
But this process took an incredible length of time. 但是这一过程漫长得不可思议
What we've got here are rocks that record 我们发现这里的岩石记录着
over a billion years of earth history. 长达十多亿年的地球历史
Now, to put that into perspective that is almost a quarter of 也可以这么说这处路堑边坡差不多
the age of the earth recorded in this exposure. 记录着四分之一的地球历史
This is the bedrock of Loch Ness. 这就是尼斯湖的基岩
It carries an extraordinary story of a major part of earth's history. 它承载着地球漫长岁月大部分的传奇故事
And there are yet more secrets hidden in these rocks. 而这些岩石还隐藏着更多的秘密
It looks very much because of the temperatures 根据这些岩石曾承受的
and pressures that these rocks were under 温度与压力判断
that they've been to depths 它们看起来像是
of perhaps 50 miles beneath the earth's surface in the past. 曾深藏于地表以下五十英里左右
This suggests that these rocks have been to hell 这表明这些岩石在十亿年间
and back two or three occasions over a billion year period. 曾深入地心又回到地表了两三次
Geologists now know 如今地质学家们知道
that the only force powerful enough to produce this extraordinary 唯一能产生如此惊人岩石整合动力的
mix of rocks is plate tectonics. 就是板块构造运动
Plate tectonics is the process 板块构造运动是指
by which the giant plates of the earth's crust 地壳的巨大版块受到炽热地幔中
are driven slowly across the planet's surface 大量对流循环气流的影响
by vast convection currents deep in the earth's hot mantle. 在地球表面缓慢移动的过程
In the Loch Ness region 在尼斯湖水域
the evidence in the road cut 路堑边坡上的迹象
reveals that incredible pressures 揭示了一些不可思议的压力
forced the crust deep down into the earth 将地壳深深压入地球内部
where it was melted, deformed, mixed together 地壳在那里融化重塑融合
then finally brought back to the surface. 最终又重回地表的过程
After that, for another billion years 在此之后又过了十亿年
this ancient land mass quietly eroded down 这片古老的大陆被悄悄地侵蚀成了
to a rough, rolling landscape. 一片连绵起伏杂草丛生的大地
But this wasn't the green terrain we see now. 但这并非我们今日所见的绿地
There was much less oxygen in the earth's atmosphere than today 那时地球大气所含的氧气比现在少得多
and the surface would have looked like a lunar landscape 地表看上去像是月球表面
desolate and sterile. 荒芜贫瘠
Incredibly, remnants of that billion year old landscape 难以置信的是这些十亿年前的地形遗迹
are still preserved today. 能保留至今
The clues are revealed in another road cut 另一条路堑留下了一些线索
where the trained eye can draw amazing conclusions 就是那些看似杂乱无章的岩石
from what looks like a jumble of rocks. 专家可以从中得出惊人的结论
At this road cut, we can see Lewisian Gneiss 在这条路堑中我们可以看到
which is between two and a half and three billion years old. 有二十五至三十亿年历史的刘易斯片麻岩
But up here we have something completely different. 但是上面的岩层则完全不同
If I go up to this level and look above it 如果我走到这个高度向上看
we have horizontally bedded red sandstones. 就可以看到水平层状红砂岩
This sudden change in rock type helps to 这种岩石类型的突变有助于
unravel the mystery hidden in these ancient formations. 揭示古代地球演变中的秘密
They're believed to have been laid down 我们认为它们曾处于
in a continental environment by rivers. 河流环绕的陆地环境中

