

The FFilmation Engine is an AS3 isometric programing engine, focused mainly on game development. The aim of the project is providing a robust development platform, where game designers can work on the game’s details and forget about the render engine. It is intended to be really usable from a “real production scenario” point of view.

Fflimation 引擎是as3的二维(类似暗黑破坏神)引擎。主要用于游戏开发。这个项目的主要目的是提供一个稳定的开发平台,这样游戏设计师就可以忘记游戏渲染引擎把精力集中在游戏内容的细节方面。从“关卡制作”的角度来看,这个引擎的可用性非常的高。

pushbutton engine

The PushButton Engine is an Open Source, Flash game engine and framework that’s designed for a new generation of games. PushButton Engine makes it easy to bring together great existing libraries and components for building Flash games. Spend less time on code, more time on building fun games.


Citrus Engine

The Citrus Engine is a Flash sidescrolling platform game engine built on the power of ActionScript 3.0 and Box2D. The Citrus Engine was built to allow designers and developers to quickly and easily create platform games (also called side-scrollers) like Super Mario Brothers. Teams can use the Citrus Engine for advergaming, marketing and casual games for game portals.

Citrus 引擎是一种基于as3和box2d的flash滚屏平台游戏引擎。Cirus引擎能让设计师和开发者非常快速的容易的创建滚屏平台游戏(又叫横版过关游戏)象超级玛丽。团队可以用citrus引擎给游戏门户制作广告游戏,市场推广游戏,搏逸游戏等等。


Yogurt3D Game Engine is a brand new 3D Flash engine that doesn’t require users to download plug-ins because it works inside your browser via Adobe Flash Player. Yogurt3D’s core part, SwiftGL, is open-source and compatible with OpenGL. This means developers who already program in OpenGL can easily develop 3D Flash games and applications. They can easily transform their old OpenGL codes into SwiftGL and run their existing games in Adobe Flash.

Yogurt3D 游戏引擎是一款非常新的flash三维引擎,他不需要用户下载插件,因为他是通过浏览器中的flashplayer运行的。Yogurt3d的核心部分,swiftgl,是开源并且与opengl兼容。这意味着有opengl开发经验的开发者很容易的就可以开发出3d flash游戏和应用程序。他还可以轻易的将opengl代码转化成swiftgl并在flashplayer中运行。


flixel is a completely free collection of Actionscript 3 files that helps organize, automate, and optimize Flash games; an object-oriented framework that lets anyone create original and complex games with thousands of objects on screen in just a few hours.

flixel 是一款完全免费的as3文件集。它可以帮助你规划,自动的优化flash游戏。面向对象的框架可以让任何人在几个小时内制作出原创的复杂的,包含上千个物件的游戏。
