SBT 版:
顺便说下,用cin一次TLE一次1000MS惊现过去,换成scanf 400MS无压力。。。(跟其他人比还是太慢了。。。)
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <iomanip> #include <climits> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <list> #include <set> #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <cstring>
using namespace std; const int maxn= 100010; class SBT{ public: void Clear(){ memset(K,0,sizeof(K)); memset(L,0,sizeof(L)); memset(R,0,sizeof(R)); memset(S,0,sizeof(S)); RT= SZ= 0; } void Insert(int key) {Insert(RT,key);} int Delete(int key) {return Delete(RT,key);} int Succ(int key) {return Succ(RT,key);} int Pred(int key) {return Pred(RT,key);} int Rank(int key) {return Rank(RT,key);} int Search(int key) {return Search(RT,key);} int Select(int key) {return Select(RT,key);} private: int K[maxn]; int L[maxn]; int R[maxn]; int S[maxn]; int RT, SZ; void LeftRotate(int &x){ int k= R[x]; R[x]= L[k]; L[k]= x; S[k]= S[x]; S[x]= S[L[x]]+S[R[x]]+1; x= k; } void RightRotate(int &x){ int k= L[x]; L[x]= R[k]; R[k]= x; S[k]= S[x]; S[x]= S[L[x]]+S[R[x]]+1; x= k; } void MaintainFat(int &t){ if (S[L[L[t]]]>S[R[t]]){ RightRotate(t); MaintainFat(R[t]); MaintainFat(t); return; } if (S[R[L[t]]]>S[R[t]]){ LeftRotate(L[t]); RightRotate(t); MaintainFat(L[t]); MaintainFat(R[t]); MaintainFat(t); return; } if (S[R[R[t]]]>S[L[t]]){ LeftRotate(t); MaintainFat(L[t]); MaintainFat(t); return; } if (S[L[R[t]]]>S[L[t]]){ RightRotate(R[t]); LeftRotate(t); MaintainFat(L[t]); MaintainFat(R[t]); MaintainFat(t); return; } } void Maintain(int &t, int flag){ if (!flag){ if (S[L[L[t]]] >S[R[t]]) RightRotate(t); else if (S[R[L[t]]] >S[R[t]]){ LeftRotate(L[t]); RightRotate(t); } else
return; } else{ if (S[R[R[t]]] >S[L[t]]) LeftRotate(t); else if (S[L[R[t]]] >S[L[t]]){ RightRotate(R[t]); LeftRotate(t); } else
return; } Maintain(L[t], false); Maintain(R[t], true); Maintain(t, true); Maintain(t, false); } void Insert(int &t, int key){ if (t==0){ t= ++SZ; K[t]= key; S[t]= 1; return; } S[t]++; if (key<K[t]) Insert(L[t],key); else Insert(R[t],key); Maintain(t,key>K[t]); } int Delete(int &t, int key){ S[t]--; if ((key==K[t])||(key<K[t]&&L[t]==0)||(key>K[t]&&R[t]==0)){ int ret= K[t]; if (L[t]==0 || R[t]==0) t= L[t]+R[t]; // T change to his Leftson or Rightson
else K[t]= Delete(L[t], K[t]+1); // Not find then delete the last find Point
return ret; } else{ if (key<K[t]) return Delete(L[t],key); else
return Delete(R[t],key); } } int Search(int t, int key){ //return root point
if (t==0 || key==K[t]) return t; if (key<K[t]) return Search(L[t],key); else
return Search(R[t],key); } int Select(int t, int k){ // return K-th int tree
int num= S[L[t]]+1; if (k==num) return K[t]; else if (k<num) return Select(L[t],k); else
return Select(R[t],k-num); } int Succ(int t, int key){ if (t==0) return key; if (key>=K[t]) // return Succ(R[t], key); else{ int r= Succ(L[t], key); if (r==key) return K[t]; else
return r; } } int Pred(int t, int key){ if (t==0) return key; if (key<=K[t]) // return Pred(L[t], key); else { int r= Pred(R[t], key); if (r==key) return K[t]; else
return r; } } int Rank(int t, int key){ if (t==0) return 1; if (key<=K[t]) // return Rank(L[t], key); else if (key>K[t]) return S[L[t]]+1+Rank(R[t],key); } }; int main() { int a[30005]; int com[30005]; memset(com,0,sizeof(com)); SBT sbt; int sbtnum=0; int n,m; scanf("%d%d",&m,&n); for (int i=0;i<m;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { int k; scanf("%d",&k); com[k]++; } int k=0; for (int i=0;i<m;i++) { sbt.Insert(a[i]); sbtnum++; while(com[sbtnum]) { com[sbtnum]--; k++; printf("%d\n",sbt.Select(k)); } } return 0; }
STL priority_queue堆版: