使用 NodeJS 调用 API 接口 进行转账和 Bitshares 内盘交易

使用官方的 bitsharesjs 库进行开发,参考了官方的转账例子,补充了下单的部分,更多的使用细节需要自己研究代码。


/* import {Apis} from "bitsharesjs-ws";
import {ChainStore, FetchChain, PrivateKey, TransactionHelper, Aes, TransactionBuilder} from "bitsharesjs"; */
const Apis = require('bitsharesjs-ws').Apis;
const ChainStore = require('bitsharesjs').ChainStore;
const FetchChain = require('bitsharesjs').FetchChain;
const PrivateKey = require('bitsharesjs').PrivateKey;
const TransactionHelper = require('bitsharesjs').TransactionHelper;
const Aes = require('bitsharesjs').Aes;
const TransactionBuilder = require('bitsharesjs').TransactionBuilder;

const BTS_PRECISION = 100000;
const CNY_PRECISION = 10000;

const wss_url = "wss://bitshares-api.wancloud.io/ws";
var privKey = "privKey";//change to your privKey
let pKey = PrivateKey.fromWif(privKey);

const transfer = function (fromAccount, toAccount, sendAmount, memo) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        Apis.instance(wss_url, true)
            .init_promise.then((res) => {
                console.log("connected to:", res[0].network_name, "network");

                ChainStore.init().then(() => {

                    let memoSender = fromAccount;

                        FetchChain("getAccount", fromAccount),
                        FetchChain("getAccount", toAccount),
                        FetchChain("getAccount", memoSender),
                        FetchChain("getAsset", sendAmount.asset),
                        FetchChain("getAsset", sendAmount.asset)
                    ]).then((res) => {
                        // console.log("got data:", res);
                        let [fromAccount, toAccount, memoSender, sendAsset, feeAsset] = res;

                        // Memos are optional, but if you have one you need to encrypt it here
                        let memoFromKey = memoSender.getIn(["options", "memo_key"]);
                        console.log("memo pub key:", memoFromKey);
                        let memoToKey = toAccount.getIn(["options", "memo_key"]);
                        let nonce = TransactionHelper.unique_nonce_uint64();

                        let memo_object = {
                            from: memoFromKey,
                            to: memoToKey,
                            message: Aes.encrypt_with_checksum(

                        let tr = new TransactionBuilder()

                        tr.add_type_operation("transfer", {
                            fee: {
                                amount: 0,
                                asset_id: feeAsset.get("id")
                            from: fromAccount.get("id"),
                            to: toAccount.get("id"),
                            amount: { amount: sendAmount.amount, asset_id: sendAsset.get("id") },
                            memo: memo_object

                        tr.set_required_fees().then(() => {
                            tr.add_signer(pKey, pKey.toPublicKey().toPublicKeyString());
                            console.log("serialized transaction:", tr.serialize());
                            tr.broadcast(() => {
                                console.log("transaction done");


const transferBTS = function (fromAccount, toAccount, amount, memo) {
    transfer(fromAccount, toAccount, { amount: amount * BTS_PRECISION, asset: "BTS" }, memo);

const create_order = function (orderAccount, sellAmount, buyAmount) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        Apis.instance(wss_url, true)
            .init_promise.then((res) => {
                console.log("connected to:", res[0].network_name, "network");

                ChainStore.init().then(() => {
                        FetchChain("getAccount", orderAccount),
                        FetchChain("getAsset", sellAmount.asset),
                        FetchChain("getAsset", buyAmount.asset)
                    ]).then((res) => {
                        // console.log("got data:", res);
                        let orderAccount = res[0];
                        let sellAsset = res[1];
                        let feeAsset = sellAsset;
                        let buyAsset = res[2];

                        let tr = new TransactionBuilder()

                        tr.add_type_operation("limit_order_create", {
                            fee: {
                                amount: 0,
                                asset_id: feeAsset.get("id")
                            seller: orderAccount.get("id"),
                            amount_to_sell: { amount: sellAmount.amount, asset_id: sellAsset.get("id") },
                            min_to_receive: { amount: buyAmount.amount, asset_id: buyAsset.get("id") },
                            expiration: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 20,
                            fill_or_kill: false

                        tr.set_required_fees().then(() => {
                            tr.add_signer(pKey, pKey.toPublicKey().toPublicKeyString());
                            console.log("serialized transaction:", tr.serialize());
                            tr.broadcast(() => {
                                console.log("transaction done");
                            }).catch((err) => {


transferBTS("imba", "qiushaoxi", 0.05, "test nodejs");
create_order("imba", { amount: 0.5 * BTS_PRECISION, asset: "BTS" }, { amount: 5 * CNY_PRECISION, asset: "CNY" });

你可能感兴趣的:(使用 NodeJS 调用 API 接口 进行转账和 Bitshares 内盘交易)