Leetcode 132. Palindrome Partitioning II


Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome. Return all possible palindrome partitioning of s.

A palindrome string is a string that reads the same backward as forward.


DP. Use dp to calculate the palindrome state: dp1(L, R) = (s[L] == s[R] and dp1[L+1, R-1]); then use dp to find the min segmentation: dp2(L, R) = min{dp2[L, R-1]+1, dp2[L, k-1] + dp[k][R]} if dp1[k][R].


class Solution:
    def minCut(self, s: str) -> int:
        sLen = len(s)
        palindrome = [[0 for i in range(sLen+1)] for j in range(sLen+1)]
        for L in range(1, sLen+1):
            palindrome[L][L] = 1
            palindrome[L][L-1] = 1
        for l in range(2, sLen+1):
            for L in range(1, sLen-l+2):
                R = L+l-1
                if s[L-1] == s[R-1] and palindrome[L+1][R-1]:
                    palindrome[L][R] = 1
        dp = [[0 for i in range(sLen+1)] for j in range(sLen+1)]
        for R in range(1, sLen+1):
            dp[1][R] = dp[1][R-1] + 1
            for k in range(1, R):
                if palindrome[k][R] and dp[1][R] > dp[1][k-1] + 1:
                    dp[1][R] = dp[1][k-1] + 1
        return dp[1][sLen]-1
