
1、Many friends have said that eating cereals will affect the direction of boys and girls. Is this really correct? Do you want to know if there are ways to speculate on boys and girls? Today Xiaobian uses a seemingly strange phenomenon to unlock the little secrets of boys and girls.


2、 For women who are mainly cereals such as cereals and cornflakes, the proportion of boys is far greater than that of daughters. Among women who pretend to be high-energy breakfasts during pregnancy, 59% live in boys. For women who are not mainly cereals, the proportion of boys born is only 43%. Looking at the whole-day diet, the proportion of pregnant women who are mainly cereals is 56%, while that of non-cereal-based pregnant women is 45%.


3、 Is there really scientific basis for the study of such organs? Scientists at the University of Exeter and Oxford University conducted a follow-up survey of 740 women's diets. These women are pregnant women, but do not know the sex of their fetus. They were asked to provide detailed weekly diets before and after pregnancy, including food quantity and nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and B12 and calcium. This is the first time there is direct evidence that a child's gender is related to the mother's eating habits.


4、 Over the past 40 years, the proportion of pregnant women born to boys in developed countries has been decreasing, and the birth rate of boys has fallen by a thousand per year. The study shows that the rising proportion of girls is the result of changes in women's eating habits in developed countries. Fiona Matthews, who led the study, said: "High-energy cereal breakfasts seem to be a key factor influencing infant sex." Dr. Matthews said: "This is probably the role of evolutionary power.

在过去40年中,发达国家男孩所生的孕妇比例一直在下降,男孩的出生率每年下降一千人。该研究表明,女孩比例上升是女性变化的结果。发达国家的饮食习惯。领导这项研究的菲奥娜·马修斯说:“高能量谷物早餐似乎是影响婴儿性行为的关键因素。” 马修斯博士说:“这可能是进化能力的作用。

5、 Because In early humans, glucose levels were reduced because of insufficient food supply at the time. If a mother has sufficient food sources, it is very beneficial for male production. And males may produce more offspring than females, which is conducive to the development and continuation of the entire race."[31899810 What do we currently know about the secret recipes for boys and girls? The expectant mother picked up a single key. If she pinches the end and picks it up, it means she may be a boy; if she has the other end, it is probably a girl; if she holds the key and picks it up, it may be a twin. You can have a girl by placing a wooden spoon or scissors under the bed or by placing a pink bow under the pillow. Eating a large loaf of bread can give birth to a boy, while a girl eats in the middle.

因为在早期人类中,由于当时食物供应不足,葡萄糖水平降低了。如果母亲有足够的食物来源,对男性非常有益与男性相比,雄性可能产生更多的后代,这有利于整个种族的发展和延续。“[31899810我们目前对男孩和女孩的秘方有何了解?准妈妈拿起一把钥匙。如果她捏住结束并捡起它,这意味着她可能是个男孩; 如果她有另一端,那可能是一个女孩; 如果她握住钥匙并拿起钥匙,它可能是一对双胞胎。您可以通过在床下放置木勺或剪刀或在枕头下面放置粉红色蝴蝶结来生一个女孩。吃一大块面包可以生一个男孩,而一个女孩在中间吃。

6、 Eating salty food, meat, and dairy products may give birth to boys; eating sweets and fruits is said to give birth to girls. Judging from the shape of the stomach, the tip is a boy , round belly female; belly little man, big belly girl; except for other parts of the body other body is not fat is male, and vice versa is female.

吃咸的食物,肉类和乳制品可能会生男孩; 据说吃甜食和水果会生出女孩。从胃的形状来看,尖端是男孩,圆肚女; 肚子里的小男人,肚子大的女孩; 除了身体的其他部位,其他身体不是脂肪是男性,反之亦然是女性。

7、 Does eating cereals have an impact on boys and girls? It is generally believed that male genes play a major role in determining the sex of the fetus. But there is growing evidence that mothers also affect their children's gender, just like the mothers who eat cereals mentioned in the above article. It seems that the small predictions of boys and girls have changed a lot since today.



