【At Jessica’s Reunion Party 2】Unit1 Part2


As the evening wore on Jessica began to really enjoy herself. 随着时间的推移,杰西卡开始真正地享受生活。

She talked with her old friends and was amazed by how some others had changed. 她和她的老朋友交谈,对其他人的变化感到惊讶。

For example, Tom used to be good-looking and athletic. 例如,汤姆过去长得漂亮,体格健壮。

He was one of the most popular students and a star basketball player. 他是最受欢迎的学生和明星篮球运动员之一。

His one problem was math. 他唯一的问题是数学。

He had had a hard time in math, especially in geometry. 他在数学上有一段困难时期,尤其是在几何上。

This was because he wasn't a logical thinker. 这是因为他不是一个逻辑思考者。

Expect for basketball, he didn't want to do anything unless it was easy. 除了篮球,他什么都不想做,除非很容易。

If something wasn't easy, he didn't want to do it,  except for basketball. 如果有些事情不容易,他不想做,除了篮球。

Tom was no longer good looking. 汤姆不再漂亮了。

His nose, which had always been large, had grown even larger. 他的鼻子一直很大,现在变得更大了。

he had also gained a lot of weight. 他的体重也增加了很多。

His wife had left him, so for the first time ever, he was alone. 他的妻子离开了他,所以他第一次感到孤独。

He looked lonely and depressed, not at all like he used to be. 他看上去既孤独又沮丧,一点也不像以前了。

Steve was a nobody in middle school. 史蒂夫在中学时是个无名小卒。

People hardly noticed him. 人们几乎没有注意到他。

He was small, quiet, and a bit ugly, with crooked teeth. 他很小,很安静,有点丑,牙齿歪歪斜斜的。

What he was good at was English. 他擅长的是英语。

His English was even better than their teacher's. 他的英语甚至比他们老师的还要好。

After graduating, he went to a low-ranked university and eventually dropped out. 毕业后,他去了一所排名靠后的大学,最后辍学了。

For a while he worked as a tour guide. 他做过一段时间的导游。

Then, 10 years ago, he and some friends started a little company which is now a great success. 然后,10年前,他和一些朋友创办了一家小公司,现在是一个巨大的成功。

In fact, he had become a rich, generous man. 事实上,他已经成为一个富有、慷慨的人。

He had a nice, warm smile and his success hadn't gone to his head. 他脸上挂着一个温暖的微笑,他的成功并没有冲昏头脑。

It was a pleasure to be around him. 和他在一起很愉快。

As the evening wore on, Jessica began to really enjoy herself.

Betty used to be the most beautiful girl in school. 贝蒂曾经是学校里最漂亮的女孩。

She wasn't very smart, but she was a great singer. 她不是很聪明,但她是一个伟大的歌手。

She made a video of her singing, and it went viral. 她录制了一段她唱歌的视频,并在网上疯传。

She became famous overnight, but it only lasted for about two years. 她一夜成名,但只持续了两年左右。

After that, her fans lost interest in her. 在那之后,她的粉丝对她失去了兴趣。

She tried to become an actress, but she failed. 她想当演员,但失败了。

She had been too stiff and nervous in front of the camera. 她在镜头前太僵硬、太紧张了。

Betty had a nice husband who seemed to adore her. 贝蒂有一个很好的丈夫,他似乎很喜欢她。

The one tragedy in her life happened about five years ago, when she lost her daughter to a rare form of cancer. 她生命中唯一的悲剧发生在大约五年前,她的女儿死于一种罕见的癌症。

Because of that, her hair had begun to turn grey. 正因为如此,她的头发开始变白了。

Jessica couldn't help but feel sorry for her. 杰西卡忍不住为她感到难过。

Betty had had such high hopes and tremendous energy as a girl, but things didn't work out. 贝蒂作为一个女孩曾有过如此高的期望和巨大的精力,但事情没有成功。

What happened about 5 years ago ? Her daughter died from cancer. 5年前发生了什么?她的女儿死于癌症。

And then there was John. 然后是约翰。

John used to be the school bully. 约翰过去是学校的恶霸。

He had been big, strong and mean. 他曾经高大、强壮、吝啬。

He hadn't been nice to anybody. 他对任何人都不好。

It seemed that he was always angry and ready to hit someone. 他似乎总是很生气,随时准备打别人。

After graduating, he joined the army and went overseas to fight in a war. 毕业后,他参军去海外参加了一场战争。

He saw many people die and he grew to hate fighting of any kind. 他看到许多人死去,他开始憎恨任何形式的战斗。

Then one day he was nearly killed when the helicopter he was in was shot down. 后来有一天,他乘坐的直升飞机被击落,险些丧命。

He survived the crash, but he lost a leg and was hospitalized for nearly a year. 他在车祸中幸存下来,但失去了一条腿,在医院住了将近一年。

What happened to the helicopter he was in? It was shot down. 他乘坐的直升机怎么了?它被击落了。

Now he had completely changed. 现在他完全变了。

He had gentle, kind eyes, and a beautiful smile. 他有一双温柔、善良的眼睛和一个美丽的微笑。

He was working for an organization that provides support for elderly people. 他为一个为老年人提供支持的组织工作。

From jessica's point of view, John had turned out to be a wonderful surprise. 在杰西卡看来,约翰已经变成了一个惊喜。

In the end, Jessica was glad she went to her reunion. 最后,杰西卡很高兴她参加了聚会。

It was interesting to see how people had changed through the years. 看到这些年来人们发生了怎样的变化是很有趣的。

Still, she was happy to get home and appreciate everything that she had. 尽管如此,她很高兴回到家,感激她所拥有的一切。

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