How To Write Shared Libraries(23)

2.2 Export Control

When creating a DSO from a collection of object files the dynamic symbol table will by default contain all the symbols which are globally visible in the object files. In most cases this set is far too large. Only the symbols which are actually part of the ABI should be exported. Failing to restrict the set of exported symbols are numerous drawbacks:

• Users of the DSO could use interfaces which they are not supposed to. This is problematic in revisions of the DSO which are meant to be binary compatible. The correct assumption of the DSO developer is that interfaces, which are not part of the ABI, can be changed arbitrarily. But there are always users who claim to know better or do not care about rules.

• According to the ELF lookup rules all symbols in the dynamic symbol table can be interposed (un- less the visibility of the symbol is restricted). I.e., definitions from other objects can be used. This means that local references cannot be bound at link time. If it is known or intended that the local defi- nition should always be used the symbol in the ref- erence must not be exported or the visibility must be restricted.

• The dynamic symbol table and its string table are available at run-time and therefore must be loaded. This can require a significant amount of memory, even though it is read-only. One might think that the size is not much of an issue but if one examines the length of the mangled names of C++ variables or functions, it becomes obvious that this is not the case. In addition we have the run-time costs of larger symbol tables which we discussed in the previous section.

We will now present a number of possible solutions for the problem of exported interfaces. Some of them solve the same problem in slightly different ways. We will say which method should be preferred. The programmer has to make sure that whatever is used is available on the tar- get system.

In the discussions of the various methods we will use one example:

int last;
int next (void) {
  return ++last;
int index (int scale) {
  return next () << scale;

Compiled on a IA-32 Linux machine a DSO with only this code (plus startup code etc) contains seven reloca- tions, two of which are relative, and four PLT entries (use the relinfo script). We will see how we can improve on this. Four of the normal and both relative relocations as well as three PLT entries are introduced by the additional code used by the linker to create the DSO. The actual ex- ample code creates only one normal relocation for last and one PLT entry for next. To increment and read the variable last in next the compiler generates code like

movl  last@GOT(%ebx), %edx
movl  (%edx), %eax
incl  %eax
movl  %eax, (%edx)

and the call of next is compiled to

 call next@PLT

These code fragments were explained in section 1.5.5.

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