人们称西方男人对中国女人的热爱为yellow fever(黄热病),这真是一种有趣而又贴切的说法。
相对于yellow fever,很多中国女人都患有white fever(不知道有没有这种说法)。她们对西方男人充满幻想,即使受了伤,也仍是执迷不悟。
This is not an article intended to be racist, so to those red neck already jumping out of their seats and yelling YEE-HA, I say to you CALM DOWN!
Recently a website on the internet called "Stuff white people like" listed Asian women as #11 from a list of 134 options, as one of the things (and I don't use it in the objective sense) white people like. When I first read the article I couldn't help but laugh, as I couldn't understand where this information was obtained. Did they go around surveying white guys or was this merely an observation?
Personally, I will not deny it, I also have seen a lot of white guys with Asian girls around my University campus and was curious as to why this was so. Traditionally the custom was that each person married somebody from their culture, social status, economic status, etc. Hence, it was very unusual to witness this newly emerging phenomenon of white guys with Asian girls. This simply was just not normal.
After much research I have managed to come up with several reasons as to why white males are attracted to Asian females.
As an intern at a law firm, I see a lot of young Asian students who come to our office pleading with us to help get them citizenship. Obviously, you feel very sorry for them because all they want is just for a better life. Something all of us want. Unfortunately, many resort to practically getting themselves involved in loveless relationships with white men in order to attain citizenship through marriage.These men are usually old (should be considered paedophilia in my opinion), aesthetically challenged and to put it politely; are simply in the relationship for immoral reasons. However, it seems like the obedient Asian partner is willing to make this sacrifice for the benefit of her future and that of her family overseas, who need financial security.
Now, I am not against white men who feel so inadequate that they believe there only chance for a relationship is that of one with Asian girl, but it's simply pathetic to believe that white guys are of the view that Asian girls are "easy" and essentially are nothing more than fall backs. However, I feel much of the blame also goes to Asian girls who are willing to marry whoever, no questions asked, as long as they can get citizenship.
White men like exotic looks, the long hair, fair skin, small waist and feminine qualities. In a world where obesity has become an epidemic amongst both males and females, the Asian female and her genetic qualities seem to have made many of them immune to such trends. Hence, many white guys prefer the skinny asian female, as opposed to the "fluffy" white female.
In a time when western society seems to be turning its back on traditional family roles and morality, the asian races, generally speaking, seem to hold strongly to conservative values. This has got to be a strong motivation for those seeking a good wife and mother of their children.
The discussion around which race is superior to the other is distressing. Each race has it's good and bad representatives. A person's real worth is determined more by what is on the inside, than the outside.
From my observations I also see an increasing emphasis on material wealth. If both parties are closely aligned in their aspirations this may not create a division, and may in fact unify them, however , if one party emphasises this significantly moer than the other, and even subjugates an emphasis on the family to wealth, then division almost certainly will arise with a possible divorce to follow.
Asian woman is submissive (or generally viewed as such). She seeks to maintain the ideal lifestyle, i.e., home, car, husband,(or the all-american image). Regardless of the hardships (of the relationship) she endures to maintain this image. The white woman will file for divorce in a heartbeat.