2019.3.2 雅思写作解析 | 超级简单,适合分手

1 大陆考题解析



TASK2:Employers should give its staff at least four weeks of holidays a year to make employees do better in their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  2014.5.15






立论:多放点假期,可以让员工们得到身心放松 obtain sheer volume of relaxation,多花点时间陪家人,让家庭关系更加紧密和谐 spend more time with family members to form close bond,尤其是对于身为父母的员工来说,可以趁假期多花点陪陪孩子,促进与孩子们的交流 increase communication with their children; 可以带着家人出去旅游,开拓视野 ,增加生活阅历 broaden their horizon and enrich their life experience

驳论:有的人认为多休假会增加用人成本 increase labor cost,spend more money on human resources,会在一定程度上影响公司的正常运营 affect normal operation(进行反驳)事实上,员工要是能多休点假期,也就等于给了员工更好的福利 decent welfare ,可以提高工作满意度 enhance their job satisfaction,也能提高工作效率 improve work efficiency,反而能更好的服务公司 server the company better

整体来说,大陆卷本次考试还是比较简单,如果大家细心的话说,你会发现一般当天 A + G类都有考试,题目难度会整体偏低,主要就是为了照顾考试 G 类的考生,希望大家在选择考试日期的时候能够择优抢座!

2 亚太区考题解析



TASK2:The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on the same job or same conditions of work for life.  Discuss the possible causes for these changes and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future?


这个题目跟2018.6.7的大陆卷考题有点接近:Many young people in the workforce today change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?


Nowadays it is common that people change their jobs after several years' service to the same company. The reasons are multiple and generally I believe it is a positive trend.

It is easy to understand why so many people choose new jobs at certain phase of their career life. First, in this information era when everything is changing rapidly, people are obliged to adjust to the new situations they are in and hence change is inevitable. For example, due to the advanced development of Internet and popularity of online media many journalists who used to work for traditional news agencies divert their attention to digital media or other trade related to Internet and therefore radically changed their way of working. Second, young people who settle their first job without too much thinking will later gradually find their real interest. Once they discover where their passion lies in, they will focus on the new career without hesitation. Often they will find themselves in a better condition, for instance, gaining a more attractive paycheck and working in a more comfortable and productive environment, if they get a clear perspective of themselves earlier.

Although it is unavoidable for people to quit their previously unchallenging jobs in order to get a more suitable one at certain moments of their life, too many job hopping experiences are not encouraged by employers. To begin with, one who changes his job frequently is often deemed as unreliable in recruiters' eyes. On the contrary, those who stick to their trade for years often accumulate rich work experience and win more opportunities for promotion. Besides, sometimes changing one's job means moving to a new place, which can be costly. Making new friends and networking may also be challenging and time-consuming.

In conclusion, as people are groping their way to position themselves correctly during their lifetime, it is understandable that they change their careers through trial and error. However, one must be very prudent before they make a major life decision like switching to a new career and too frequent changes should be avoided. 

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