

1 MethodInvocationContext

1.1 Contains basic information about a method action

2 ServiceFilterAttribute

2.1 A filter that finds another filter in an .

  1. MethodInvocationContext

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Reflection;

namespace Flatwhite.Core



    1.  Contains basic information about a method action


public abstract class MethodInvocationContext



/// The MethodInfo of the executing method


public MethodInfo MethodInfo { get; internal set; }


/// The invocation context of the executing method


public IDictionary<string, object> InvocationContext { get; internal set; }


/// The result of the method being filtered. Set value to stop the chain


public object Result {get;set;}


/// The Invocation data



public IInvocation Invocation { get; internal set; }



  1. ServiceFilterAttribute 

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

namespace Flatwhite.Core




    1.   A filter that finds another filter in an IServiceProvider"/>.




    /// Similar to the TypeFilterAttribute"/> in that both use constructor injection. Use

    /// TypeFilterAttribute"/> instead if the filter is not itself a service.



    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]

    [DebuggerDisplay("ServiceFilter: Type={ServiceType} Order={Order}")]

    public class ServiceFilterAttribute : Attribute, IFilterFactory



        /// Instantiates a new ServiceFilterAttribute"/> instance.


        /// type">The Type"/> of filter to find.

        public ServiceFilterAttribute(Type type)


ServiceType = type ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));



    /// Gets or sets the order in which the action filters are executed.


        public int Order { get; set; }


        /// Gets the Type"/> of filter to find.


        public Type ServiceType { get; }


        public MethodFilterAttribute CreateInstance(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)


            if (serviceProvider == null)


                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider));


            var filter = (MethodFilterAttribute)serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(ServiceType);

            if (filter is IFilterFactory filterFactory)


                // Unwrap filter factories

                filter = filterFactory.CreateInstance(serviceProvider);


filter.Order = Order;

            return filter;



