
Georgia Reports 15,644 New Cases, 46 Deaths

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15,644 new cases of coronavirus have been registered in Georgia, 46 people have died, and 24,110 people have recovered.

A total of 1,511,800 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Georgia since February 2020, of which 1,324,172 have recovered and 15,729 have died.

The newly confirmed cases are divided by region as follows:

7,574 cases were confirmed in Tbilisi, Adjara – 1,109, Imereti – 2,342, Kvemo Kartli – 865, Shida Kartli – 946, Guria – 447, Samegrelo – Zemo Svaneti – 914, Kakheti – 866, Mtskheta-Mtianeti – 334, Samtskhe-Javakheti – 174, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti – 73.

2,787,627 people have been fully vaccinated so far.

On February 16, 15,315 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Georgia, 10,894 patients recovered and 55 died.

By Ketevan Skhirtladze

一、据格鲁吉亚政府疫情防控门户网站(stopcov.ge)信息,2月17日,格境内新增新冠肺炎确诊病例15644例,治愈24110例,死亡46例。据介绍,今日确诊病例中,7574例来自第比利斯市,2342例来自伊梅列季州,1109例来自阿扎尔自治共和国,946例来自什达—卡尔特利州,914例来自萨梅格列洛—上斯瓦涅季州,866例来自卡赫季州,865例来自克维莫—卡尔特利州,447例来自古里亚州,334例来自姆茨赫塔—姆季阿涅州,174例来自萨姆茨赫—扎瓦涅季州,73 例来自拉恰—列奇呼米和下斯瓦涅季州。今日共进行52912份核酸和抗原快速检测,阳性率为29.57%。

