
The Economics 2018-12-13

Michael Cohen was sentenced to prison for things he did for his boss   Dec 12th 2018

IT ALL BEGAN with a sign.In 2007 MIchael Cohen was living in a Trump-branded property in New York.The building's board of directors wanted to remove the Trump name from the tower.Mr Cohen organised his fellow residents into a resistance movement.The directors were ousted, the Trump branding stayed, and Mr Cohen, then a lowly lawyer on a salary of $75,000 a year, was made an offer he could not refuse.Would he like to become a senior vice-president at the Trump, with a salary of $500,000 a year?Yes he would.

The decision led Mr Cohen to become personal lawyer to the president of United States and, ultimately, to be sentenced to there years in prison on December 12th, for crimes ranging from tax evasion to lying to Congress. It would have been longer had Mr Cohen not proved helpful to the special counsel, Robert Museller, in his investigation into links between the Trump campaign and the Russia government.

Mr Cohen's tale reads like the American dream as told by a Russian novelist. His father, Maurice, was thrown in a Soviet gulag and, after he was released, emigrated to Canada, where he became a surgeon, His father-in-law also emigrated from Soviet Union to begin a new life in the West, Mr Cohen junior's entanglement with the Russia state was of different nature.

迈克尔▪科恩因为他为他老板所做的事被判刑 2018-12-12


这个决定让科恩成为了美国总统的私人律师,并在今年的12月12日被判三年有期徒刑,罪名涉及偷税和向国会撒谎。如果科恩不能向特别检察官 罗伯特.米歇尔,此次川普集团和俄罗斯政府关系的调查员提供有力证据,则将面临更长的刑期。


sentence n.句子,宣判 vt.宣判,判决

fellow n.同伴,男子,研究员,董事、adj.同伴的,同事的,同类的 vt.使与另一半对等

oust vt.黜; 驱逐; 革职; 剥夺

evasion n.逃避,规避,躲避某人; 遁辞,借口

counsel n. 建议; 协商,讨论; 策略; 法律顾问,辩护人; vt. 劝告,建议; 提供专业咨询;

tale n.传说、故事

gulag n.<俄>集中营

entanglement n.纠缠、瓜葛、缠住、

of a different nature 有本质区别
