

搞java的,尤其是学过多线程的,大家应该都对Doug lea这个名字,如雷贯耳。这才是java多线程技术的开山鼻祖,神一般的人物。所以我就萌生了先把Doug lea的书系统地看一遍,多思考,多实践,跟着设计者的思路去学习。这里插入一段Doug lea的简介:


Douglas S. Lea is a professor of computer science and current head of the computer science department at State University of New York at Oswego, where he specializes in concurrent programming and the design of concurrent data structures. He was on the Executive Committee of the Java Community Process and chaired JSR 166, which added concurrency utilities to the Java programming language (see Java concurrency). On October 22, 2010, Doug Lea notified the Java Community Process Executive Committee he would not stand for reelection.[1] Lea was re-elected as an at-large member for the 2012 OpenJDK governing board.[2]

He wrote Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns, one of the first books about the subject. It is currently in its second edition. He is also the author of dlmalloc,[3] a widely used public-domain implementation of malloc.

In 2013, he became a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery.[4]


Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns, first edition: 1997; second edition: ISBN0-201-31009-0, 1999

Java Concurrency in Practice, ISBN0-321-34960-1, 2006 (co-authored with Joshua Bloch, Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joseph Bowbeer, and David Holmes)

可以看到,java多线程领域俩本圣经般的书籍都少不了Doug lea的参与。所以,我认为我可以从Doug lea第一本书开始看起,从之后的博客开始,我会边看《Concurrent Programming in Java》书籍原版,边翻译,同时实践书中的代码,并提出问题和思考,最后会做一次归纳总结。但是



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